

I woke up to a ringing in my ears. I pried my eyes open and glanced around my room. I scanned my room, looking at the disheveled bed and messy vanity, then over to the floor length mirror hanging on the wall. I then glanced at my bedside table and realized the ringing was my alarm. It was 5 am. I reached over and turned off my alarm and forced myself to get out of bed.

As soon as the covers left my body goosebumps raked my arms and I shivered reaching for the hoodie I threw next to my bed as I fell asleep last night. I walked through my bedroom to my kitchen and slid a coffee pod into my Keurig, turned it on, and set a mug under it. I leaned my back against the counter and flipped on the lights for under the cabinets to give me a good view of my surroundings.

Ever since I found my ex cheating on me with my bestfriend, I lived here. The apartment was pretty, but now felt dull and boring after living here for two years. The grey toned hardwood floors and white walls without artwork felt to bright and active for me, but the large windows covered with curtains left out the sunlight.

"Its time for a change" I thought to myself as I finished my coffee and set it into the sink.

I walked back to my room and changed into running clothes. I looked in the mirror at the black leggings with a pocket and dark green sports bra. I slid a hairtie from my wrist and pulled my hair into a ponytail while walking to my closet to grab a light running jacket. I brushed my teeth and then grabbed my phone from the bedside table. I looked at the time and then saw my phone percentage. I realized I had forgotten to plug it in last night so the sad 30% would last enough for my run, but not enough to listen to music. I sighed and slid the phone into my pocket.

I slipped on my running shoes and was leaving my apartment building at 5:30. The morning sun started to peek through the clouds and I smiled as a cooling breese swiped my body. Turning towards my usual route I let myself get lost in thought during my run. Before I knew it I had weaved through the city to the park.

The park was my favorite part of my run. It was established many years ago by a governor to give the people of the city a place to feel like they were in nature, even though the nearest real forest was an hour and a half away. I looked up at the tall evergreens and turned into the park.

I never went on a strict path on this part of my run, I always let myself go wherever. I knew my way back home from any point so I saw no reason to follow a trail. I wove though the trees and then realized it was eerily quiet this morning. I looked down at my watch and saw it was already 6. I kept running and then started to hear a commotion up ahead. Something told me to go towards it, so I slowed my pace and went in the direction of the noise.

Soon I came to a clearing and found a lake. I had wound up here a few times and loved it each time. I scanned the lake realizing this was where I heard the commotion and then saw three men fighting in the clearing between the lake and I. It was two against one, but the man fighting alone clearly had the upper hand. I knew I should've ran but I was frozen, unable to pry my eyes away from the man fighting alone. He was much bigger then the other two, his black short sleeve shirt and dark jeans fit him perfectly despite his size. His arms covered in muscles were easily the same size of my thigh. I found myself instead of running watching the men fighting intensely, rooting for the man fighting by himself. His dark black hair pulled into a bun at the back of his head was unruffled and he seemed to be moving at an inhumane speed.

Suddenly he had one man's head in his hand and snapped his neck with ease and continued to fight with the other man for a minute more before shoving his hand through his chest and ripping out his heart. I should be scared, I should run, but instead I found myself calm now that he had clearly defeated the other two men.

As quickly as he killed the men, he turned and threw the bodies into the lake and washed his hands in the water. He then stood up and turned around and made eye contact with me. His brilliant purple eyes fixed on me and he scanned my body. I blinked and he was in front of me. How did he get here so fast? I looked up into his eyes, they were a bright purple and as he stood in front of me I realized just how tall he is. I somehow wasn't afraid of him even though his entire body was screaming how angry he was.

"You shouldn't have seen that."