
His Human

"...Hmh...it seems like you really like disobeying me kitten, so I'll have to fulfill the promise I made to you the other day"... My eyes widen I didn't need to be told twice because i recalled everything he said 4 week ago outside Tom's cafe... "You think just because the moon goddess paired me with you I'll accept you?...you are nothing more than a weak, stupid, annoying teenager who is nothing more than a waste of space...stay away from me because if we ever meet again, I'll make sure to make your fucking life a living hell." "Excuse me assface, your car hit me and you're acting as if I jumped in front of your stupid ugly car .. I'm ignoring that its a Porsche.. Apologize now before I slap your arrogant face" ---‐‐----------------------------------------------------------- Lira thinks werewolves are just myths and farytiles...what happens when she's mated to one...an alpha known for his ruthlessness and merciless reputation... Killian hates humans.. he sees them as cunning and vicious killers..What happens when he finds out he's mated to one?? Will Killian be able to accept his fate or will his past destroy his future... WARNING...this book consits of mature language, sexual themes and violance

Adele_Hlandziwe · ファンタジー
34 Chs


After my embassing moment, I decided to ignore Killian for the rest of the day...After coming back from his little adventure in the woods, his mood changed from brooding to completly terrifying...His whole body was shaking from fury and I decided not to be in the receiving end of his anger...

He basically trashed his office and moved to his private kitchen and living room..The only thing that was stopping him from destroying his bedroom was that I was currently cocooned in it..He was shouting at the 3 brave men who followed him to his office...I slowly crept near the office door and to eavesdrop on their conversation..

"HOW THE FUCK WAS HE ABLE TO SNEAK IN AND OUT OF MY TERRITORY WITHOUT ME FINDING OUT.."...He roared....I heard a voice I didn't recognize answer his question..

"He must have used wolfsbane to cover his scent..It must have worn off when the Tylor caught his scent when he was patrolling the boarder..I'm glad that Taylor informed us in time..Its a shame that he managed to kill three wolves that tried to stop him from crossing over the border...No one has been able to enter into our territory without us knowing, kill three of our best fighters so easly without leaving a trace..Its been 6 months since we had a rogue problem and none of them led to three of our best fighters torn into pieces..I think its about you finding your mate...We have a lot of enemies out there, each planning to hurt you and the pack, what better way than to take away the person or thing you tresure the most?"...Another animalistic growl ripped in the office...

"Killian you need to calm down...your tantrum won't help in this situation...We need to keep her safe...She needs to begin training...I'll send Sam and she'll do the test..."...I heard Mike's gruff voice..

"She's not ready for  training yet...She hasn't even..."...Killian was cut off by another voice I didn't recognize..

"Alpha, you know what you need to do...She's going to be safer than she is right now...You need to speed up the mating process. Other wolves will fear harming her when they smell your scent on her..It has to be done soon because we know he's closer than we expected.."..

I wondered who they were talking about...He sounds like a cunning person..If he was able to get in and out of his territory without him knowing, then he must have came for some kind of information or something...

"I don't understand whose doing this...He'snot just a normal rogue.

He's smart...Your father made the right decision on handing the pack and business to you, we'll find who killed them ..."...

Who was this man they were talking about..he seems like a really smart and smeaky rouge dude.I was caught up my eavesdropping that I didn't notice the person behing me...

"What are you listening to?"...Shit...I jumped and clutched my heart...I made sure not to scream because that would've alerted the men in the office...I turned and saw a woman probably a year older than me...She had scarlet red hair that reached her shoulders...Her crystal blue eyes stared at me in amusement...Her pink lips formed a friendly smirk..She was beautiful...She rose her eyebrows and I remembered what she had just asked seconds ago...

"I..um..no..I was just..ehh.."...Calm down Lira she's not gonna eat you...wait what if she's one of them and Killian decides to feed me to her?...As if noticing my slight panic and internal debate, the woman raised her hands in surrender and flashed out a cheeky smile...

"Hey I'm harmless...My name is Sam, the beta female and you must be Lira, our luna..."..She flashed out a genuine smile and I felt my body relax...I extended my hand to hers..

"Nice to meet you Sara, if you don't mind me asking, what's a beta female?"...She chuckled

"It seems like my cousin is keeping you in the dark...Has he even told you what we are?"...She tilted her head to the side...I furrowed my eyebrows I don't know who her cousin is..

"Sorry but I dnt know who you're talking about..."....She smiled..

"Ahh ofcourse, that fool never likes admitting were related...wait until I get my hands on him him, I'll..."..She shook her head and continued...I was beginning to like her, I felt like we would become good friends, she had that vibe and I smiled at that thought...

"Any way, Killian is my cousin, his father is my uncle...And to add on your first question, a beta female is the beta's mate..."...I scrunched my eyebrows...I didn't know who the beta was and what was his role and this place...As if sensing my dilema Sam suggested that we head to the 4th floor which the beta, gamma, delta and the strongest worriers resided...The floor had over 10 doors, each leading to bedrooms...

We entered in one of the rooms...I assumed this was her room because of how relaxed she seemed...She gestured me towards the brown couch and she sat on the king bed with white covers...I glanced around the room, it also seemed big but not as Killian's...The furniture was a mixture of white and brown...

"Well, what had Killian told you so far..?"...I sat so that I was facing her and cleared my throat..

"He told me how warewolves were created, what Nolcans are, me being his mate, him being the alpha..." I paused, thinking if I missed anything out....."Yeah, thats all he shared...oh and that if he wanted me dead, he'd feed me to his wolf-people"...Sam bursted in laughter...She clutched her stomach and almost fell from her bed...

"Fe..feed you?...to us..?...he's really an idiot.."...she shook her heard and I waited for her to recover from her laughter..

"First of all, we don't eat humans, we eat normal food and secondly that buffoon only shared less info with you..So buckle up sweetheart its gonna  be a long story..."...She told me almost everything about warewolves and said the other was confidential and I'll only find out after I've been properly marked and introduced to the pack...

Apparently the beta, who I found out was Mike, who's also Killian's best friend, is ranked second in the pack.....Killian being the highest ranked ofcourse.....He's basically Killian's right hand man..He handles the pack's paper work, fights along side his alpha..loyal too, advice the alpha and would become alpha if both the alpha and luna die without leaving an heir to lead the pack...The gamma, Zack, is ranked third because he's  besically my bodyguard...I didn't like the idea of someone following me around all the time when Killian isn't near me...Next is the delta, the pack's highest worrier, apart from the ones above him, he's basically like the general of soldiers...He trains them and prepare them for war...To me he seemed like a scary guy but Sara assured me that he was quite the opposite...She said he was the most friendliest but also harshest when it came to protecting his alpha and his pack...Wow, I guess loyalty runs in the rank then...The rest of the pack were either worriors, doctors,who were ranked in the middle or omegas which were considered the lowest ranks...She said in some packs they are abused and sometimes killed but assured me that Killian didn't tolerate that kind of behavior here....Sam said Killian made a rule that if a pack member violates, abuses or kills another innocent pack member, he basically sentences them to the most brutal death possible...

She then explained more about mates and the mating process...Apparently once you find your mate, its impossible to go a day without thinking about them...You have the need to be around them often...You desire to touch or be touched by them...Once you've marked each other, you can read each other's thoughts and feel when one of you is in trouble...No one can touch you like they can or make you feel like they can..Your body rejects any other person, wolf, vampire or any other mythical creature, it only reacts to your mate ...Explains why I've been feeling like this these past few days, the tingles and sparks everytime he touches me....The constant need to be near Killian has been driving me crazy, yes I've been avoiding him but it proved to be difficult since all I could think about was him...He invaded my dreams and senses too..His scent was driving me crazy, I had to hold on to something everytime he was near me...The attraction was too much for my poor human state to handle.

"Killian has to mark you really soon because he's running out of time.."

"Ohh.. is it about the wolves that were found dead near the border?.."...She raised her eyebrows in surprise...

"How do you know about that?".she raised her eyebrow....I smiled sheepishly and fumbled with the hem of my hoodie..

"I kinda overheard Killian and the other's talking"...She smilled, shook her head and muttered something along the lines sneaky little human...

"You need to bear Killian's mark to avoid other wolves, especially unmated males from touching you...Alphas are naturally possessive and bloodthirsty, so if someone were to harm something or someone they treasure the most, especially their mate...lets just say that someone is killed in the most gruesome way you could ever imagine..."...I nodded understanding...

"So is he like going to get me tattood or get my skin burned with his symbol?.."...she let out a littler laugh and grinned..

"Nah  he's going to bite you..."...I felt the colour drain from my face...My mouth suddenly became dry....I gaped at her expecting some kind of laughter but she just stared straight into my face.Her blank face indicating that she was dead serious...

Well thats just great...He's going to bite me with his sharp wolf teeth...I'll probably die from the process...I can't even run because he'll find me before I even cross his border...Without Killian's protection from all the other species, including my kind....I'm basically a dead woman walking...