
His HOT Wife

I've married the man whose responsible for my broken heart. I've hurt, cried, and pitied myself enough. And no more. I'll make him regret ever breaking my heart. I'll never forget and forgive him for his betrayal. I hate him..with every fiber of my being. I hate his annoyingly handsome face. His hypnotizing ocean blue of an eyes. I hate his frustratingly well-built body. But what really hits me in the guts HARD is the fact that no matter how much I try to prevent myself from ever feeling something for him again, he just makes it SO.DAMN.HARD. for me to. One moment he annoys me, and overwhelms me the next. Will the protective walls I built around my shattered heart hold for long no matter how much I struggle to keep it strong? Will I ever, if not truly heal, be able to fully love and trust someone, him, again? Or will I just make a run for it before I gave in and make the mistake of handing my already broken heart for the second time?

NZomi18 · 都市
4 Chs

Chapter One : His Betrayal

Two months later...

Nash's POV

I went out of my room down the stairs to our living room, barefoot, wearing a faint pink short satin nightie, and saw my husband on the phone with this rare personal smile plastered on his face. I froze in my tracks and felt a stab of pain in my chest when I heard a familiar name out from my husband's mouth.

"Of course Angelica, I do." He'd said in a very soft and loving voice.

I clenched my fists on my both sides as I struggle to contain myself from strangling my husband and ruining his annoyingly handsome face with my fist. Wait, forget I even said that "handsome" part.. he's not. He's disgustingly ugly.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that maybe eventually you'll believe it...

It's funny how this very moment seems so familiar.. I thought bitterly as I bite the insides of my cheeks to hold the memory from resurfacing. But it seemed impossible. 

I turned my back and headed back to my bedroom while my vision blurred as the memory of that night came in vivid detail.


I was confused and dumbfounded finding myself standing in front of a hotel room in a five-star hotel, on the thirteenth floor, owned by my family. 

I stood there frozen in place. Unable to process and comprehend why I ended up in this very state and why.. 

WHY  the hell did Drey just walk in there just minutes ago?

The door was left ajar, or more like I prevented it from closing completely.

I held the edge of the door with my right hand to keep it from closing in my face. Thank god I was able to make it before it automatically shut on me. 

I saw Drey go in there in so much hurry that he practically yanked the door open after swiping the key card so forcefully it swung wide open and rushed in without even making sure the door was properly closed behind him.

Why is he in such a hurry? What's in there? What's so important that's in there that he has to leave our engagement party just to be in there?

One thing I'm certain... Whatever is in there, I don't feel good about it...

My heart started pounding wild and hard in my chest I can't breathe. I had to calm myself a little in able to breathe...I am scared...

My head started running images of thousand situations I might end up seeing when I have the courage to even step in the room! 

I stood there by the door, for god knows how many minutes.. has it been hours? I don't know, my brain seems to be not functioning properly, it's in a serious state of panic. 

A thousand possibilities flashing in my head are making me crazy. The horror of finding out what's beyond the door that I suspect is anything but good. It was killing me.. and the uneasiness of the idea of just leaving and not finding out what was in the room was taunting me with a promise of haunting me for eternity.

I took a deep shaky breath, and with my hand shaking, I reached for the door handle with my other hand and pulled the door open enough to let my small figure in. I heard noises that made me sink to the floor as the door clicked shut behind me.

My knees gave out from under me.

I stayed there on the floor hugging my knees, curled up, crying silently.. containing my sobs.

My heart is breaking, breaking...it hurts...

I can't convince or will myself to leave. For the life of me.

How long have I stayed there? I have no idea...

Every noise they made had crushed me beyond consciousness. I feel numb.

I think I've tuned them out. For god knows how long.

For all of a sudden, I was growing conscious of the now-growing voices from the direction of the living room.

There were now loud moans, loud and quickened hard breathings, a repeated cry of name and groans that made me sob and curled in on myself even more.

I wanted to die...

if this feeling I feel right now is not dying, I don't know what is...

It hurts... so fucking hurts.

Oh God, what am I doing torturing myself by being here? Why am I punishing myself like this? I don't deserve this.

I deserve much more better.

I deserve some respect. I wiped at my tears..my make up ruined...I swear I looked horrible with my tears stained face and red eyes from crying but I don't care..

I was furious, at myself, at him, at them.

How could they? How dare they?! I shot up and find my way to the living room where they have just--just--I can't even say the damn word!!

 I hate him! Hate him with everything in me!

And there in the living room stood both of them... all naked. The girl with the blonde hair stood looking up at Drey and Drey looking down at her with his hands on her waist hugging.

"Do you love me Drey?" she asked staring into his eyes.

Please tell her no. Tell her you're getting married in a week.. that you're in love with you're fiancee. With me. I willed.

"Of course Angelica, I do," Drey said without hesitation and with a soft and loving voice. And that was it... It was my undoing...

I burst out into a heart wrenching loud sob I couldn't hold anymore and dashed out the door and headed to the elevator. I heard Drey call out for my name but I didn't stop. 

Not now, not in this state...

I don't want him to catch up with me. I want to be far away from him.

This place, this hotel.

Have you ever felt like dying a thousand times all at once? If you haven't then you sure wouldn't be able to fully understand how I feel this very moment.

He just crushed and broke my heart beyond repair. I don't think I could fix me.

I don't think anyone could ever fix me.

The one person I thought would never hurt me...did just it.


And I refused to be fixed.

It won't be fixed...I don't need to forget, I don't even think I need to heal...

I need revenge.

Just you wait Drey... I'll break you. And It's the last thing I do.

 I locked myself inside my bathroom, turned on the shower and cried my heart out, and promised myself this is the last time I'll ever cry.