
his hook

Caroline finds herself in the mist of girls that trade their dating life for money why she was in the university They insist she end her relationship with Nat by insulting him which she did After school they set her up and duped her of her life saving. Nat on the other hand did not forgive he used her insult as a driving force to become a millionaire so as to throw it all in her face he did hunt her down then throw her insult back at her and walked off only to find out he is in love with her Caro found herself pregnant and was about to abort the baby but her friend convinced her not to she had to tell Nat who was now glad he had her back Lovett confessed her involvement in Carolina been duped to Matt who in turn told Nat Nat then recover her money from Daniel who duped her in the first place

Shade_Kehinde · 都市
13 Chs

Chapter Eight


We walked into House Café Restaurants in Lekki, as I have expected, she was dazzle by the light; it is nothing but a work of art. I was thrilled the first time I had to meet a friend here and like her I also was trying hard not to show how trilled I was, I only wished I wasn't this obviously opened; I laughed inside but only allow a smacked on my face.

"Do you like it here?" I asked and she nodded I understand she was mesmerized; it is only expected. 

"Sir this way" a waitress led us to our seat. I noticed the waitress slight touch, it is way too unprofessional but I let it pass. 

When we were sited, she handed over the menu I noticed she was doing all she can to pretend Caro wasn't seated beside me, l also noticed that Caro is aware but chooses to ignore the waitress's advances.  

I guess it is up to me to fight my battle here, most women will not hesitate to mark their territory, just not Caro she is just too different but I bet I will break her.

"What will you like to have darling" I asked, the waiters face dropped and she picked up a professional pose immediately.      

"What will you have ma" she asked and Caroline looked up finally, we gave our order and the food was served. We made small talk as we eat she asked me some few questions all stylishly about my finance and I answered, giving nothing away so typical of her; with her, it's all about money, something in me closed off; I can't wait to get this night over with. When we were through with eating settle the bill I asked. 

"The night is still young, how about some dancing; are you gamed?" she nodded, she had said very little tonight aside the time she was interrogating me on my wealth, that was a total turn off but I will let it pass because of the greater goal her pussy.

We headed out of the restaurant and I drove us to NiteShift Coliseum, I got us in with no hassle at all and led her straight to the bar, the earlier I get some liquor down my throat the earlier I can get this night started.

I asked for two bottles of Dom Perignon, at first she was reluctant to take alcoholic drink.

"I really do not want to do alcohol tonight." she said and I laughed  

"Do not reject what you have not tasted" I stood and walk to the VIP launched and she followed as well as the service girl carrying our drink.

 Once we were seated I poured her a glass of Dom Perignon, as soon as she tasted it; the night moved as planned. We danced, drink, danced and get her thoroughly wasted. 

Something tells me she will be difficult and may tried to drag this dates as long as she can before she let me in her pant and I have no will to court her; so this is the best way to move in for the kill. 

I move closer to her and dropped my head to kiss her, what I did not expect is the fire that shot through me as passion drove through my body and settled in my junior. I released her and dance with her loosely.        

As the music changed to slows, I grinded into her once again and make her feel what she is doing to me, then slipped my hand into her throng thank God I bought her thong not pant, then into her wet fold. God she is so wet, for how long as she been this wet. I couldn't help the fact that I want to kiss her again so lean in and kiss once again experiencing the electrifying feeling she deepened the kiss and I became lost as our tongue fight and I won taking this to a different level. 

Somewhere deep inside of me a groan escape meeting a matching mourn from her as I feel her rub herself on my now very stiff shift. I know I can't take this anymore so I whisper 

"Let's take this out of here." She nodded and I guided towards the exists.

At the car park she griped me once again and kissed me roughly, I will say I was not expecting the kiss and my control slipped, I held her strongly pushed her to one of the cars her back to me. I parted the slit of her dress raising it up gentle then  slip my hands into her laps moving up, I tore off her lace thongs, her body shook in surprise. She tried to look at me but I gently pushed her back to the car and placed the torn material on the car,  lifting up her gown carefully over her butt. I want her to remind me by this gown, when I am long gone. When she was all set as I wanted her, naked butt fresh in the open. I quickly let down my panties searching my pocket for the condom, I thought I had one on me but I guess I was wrong. Remembering I kept it in the car, I contemplated on retrieving it but my will failed me. 

"Are you on pills?" I asked her    

"No I am not" she answered "I have no boy friend for a while, so I didn't think I needed one"

"Ok then I will just have to rely on withdrawer then" 

"Ok please be care….."I drove into her before she finished her talk. My God she is so tight, too tight. so much tighter than I have ever imagined.

I purse as I felt my balls tighten ready to deliver my seed. Not yet, just not yet; I tried to think of anything but the way her pussy feels, when I am a bit clam I started to drill her in. 

Her scream will alert everyone so I covered her mouth with my hand and let her have it all, my anger, frustration, passion, trill and strength.

I pick up a speed and did not relent even when she silently screamed through her first and second rapid release. 

I hammered on like the bull, lifting one of her leg up placing it on the car giving me chance to work  her clitoris with one hand and pinch her nipples with the second. She screamed her third release and I let myself come shooting into her my seed, I felt myself pour over and over again as I ride on cloud nine

Only when I am back on earth did I remember withdrawer, and quickly moved away from her. She put down her leg slowly, picked up her thong and used it to clean up herself; then adjusted her gown. 

"That was something else, thanks." I looked at her and I knew the night was far from been over, she picked up her clutch and brought out her phone and started working on it 

"What are you doing?" I asked looking over her shoulders to her phone

"I am calling an Uber" what the hell I thought to myself did I fail to satisfy her? thought I did.

"Why?" I ask  

"I will need to get home you know" of course I know, I said inwardly. No one had ever messed with my emotion the way this lady does, just when I think I should call this whole thing a done deal, she had to just take sex and dish me; no way. I am the one in charge, this is over when and only when I say it is.    

"Can I ask you a question?" 


"Do you regret this?" 

"No, far from it." Thank God, I let out the breath I did not know I was holding, you will regret this but not now, I said to myself.   

"Then will you want a repeat" 

"Sure thing only I am exhausted" no you are not I thought, when I am through with you, you will be in all ramification.  

"Then get in the car I am taking you home." I said instead

"Really to your place?" like seriously no way so you can trace me when this is over  

"No to yours." I said instead of voicing my thought 

"Oh no not mine it's not conducive." Like I did not know, I thought, that's part of the plan my dear so your place. I finished inside me

"Do you want to be mine." I said looking into her eyes I saw the fire light up and I thought to myself good sign

"I will very well want to" good girl now let's go wrap this up I thought

"Then give me your address" she reluctantly gave her address.


please comment it did help me write better knowing I know what you truly wants

I hope you are enjoying this as much as I enjoy writing it