
Chapter three Anderson

In a tall building Harry stood staring down at the streets where people were hustling as they went through their daily lives. When someone came in and stood at the door not saying a word. ''Amusing. Isn't it?'' he said not looking from the window.

''What is Harry? '' the man said still not leaving his position.

''The way they struggle and strain to gevt a drop of power and a morsle of food.'' he replied but this time the other man stayed silent.

Aftrer a period of silence he turned to the man and asked as he walked across the room ''What do you want Steven?'' The man scoffed as he walked in and made himself comfortable on the couch and reached for the whiskey on the table. ''Oh nothing much. Just wanted to see what you were up to.'' he said with an indifferent expression.

'' Nothing am just looking for a distraction. ''

''What from?'' he asked now really interested .

''You!'' he replied with a scorn making Steve smirk.

''Why? Am I giving you a boner?'' he joked earning himself a glare from Harry.

'' I understand Harry. But your not my type . Am sorry though. '' he added to really piss him off but Harry simply rolled his eyes at him.

''What have you found about her? '' Harry's voice suddenly turned serious.

''Nothing much. Just that her name is Aria Hartt she lives with some old man and his sons. Her uncle her parents died four years ago. She works at a local dry cleaning on Saturdays other days she has different work. Very basic information by the way nothing much to her.''

Harry leaned back in his seat as he creased his forehead thinking of something. ''Hmmm. Ok..'' he replied still in thought. ''Find out more. Like what she was doing here on 12/xx/xxxx. '' he asked causing Steve to frown.

''Why. Why are you so interested in her?''he asked knowing his friend. Harry put his elbows on his desk and lazily placed his face on his palms.

''I have a score to settle with her.'' he replied glaring at empty space. And Steven nodded.

''Have you heard the news about Anderson?'' Steve asked suddenly so serious but Harry simply nodded.

'' Let Anderson know I got the message. Don't worry about him. He'll get his. ''Harry replied with a dark expression. And Steve smirked as he got up to leave but stopped at the door and turned to Harry and said. ''Don't they all.''Aria walked out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel that barely covered her knees wrapped around herself and a smaller one in her hand to dry her hair.

She sat in front her dressing mirror as she slowly dried her hair. But as she did all that, the door slowly opened and her uncle's son Kyle came in.

He was about two years older than her and was on college but as he was doing that she was working at a dry cleaning store trying to save up enough to finally leave her uncle's place but that wasn't really working because he took every penny she worked for under the claim that it was expensive taking care of after his brother's death and even so since he didn't leave them a penny and all he had was the old ranch which was to be given to her when she was twenty five but she didn't know that. She thought it was sold in debt as she was told and simply did whatever her uncle said.

Kyle slowly shut the door and got closer to where Aria was sitting. He bent down and slowly ran his fingers through her hair giving her a fright.

''Your hair smells so nice Ari.'' he complemented as he sniffed it. Aria turned and put on a fake smile as she slowly backed away.

''Uhm, Kyle what are you doing here? '' ''Am dressing. '' she said as hang on to her towel. An evil smirk crept up Kyle's face as he got closer.

''Oh, come on cuz. Don't be like that.'' he licked his lip as he watch the water drop fall from her hair down her neck and down her cleavage.

Kyle kept on coming and she kept backing away until she finally hit the wall.

'' You know cuz, you really are attractive. '' he was now standing in front of her.

''Kyle please don't do this.'' she begged knowing she couldn't do anything to him.

He instead smirked and bent down and placed small kisses on her neck and shoulder licking off the water droplets from her skin then pulled away and said all innocent ''Do what?''

Aria looked at him helplessly.

''Oh you mean this.'' he suddenly crushed his lips on hers and kissed them for a second before he quickly pulled away.

'' That I can't do cuz.''

Kyle pinned her hands against the wall with his left hand and forcefully kissed her lips as he held her in place with his other hand.

His lips roughly moved against hers as she tried to resist it. He bit her lip suddenly causing her to gasp and he slipped his tongue inside as he roamed her looking for her tongue.