
His Forbidden Desires

When two straight friends stayed together during a pandemic, they never imagined that they will end up having a thing. It was meant to be a one night thing but they couldn't keep it out, they constantly continued to have an affair until the day that the pandemic was called off. For Henry and Aiden, their lives revolves around a lot of things and being gay, isn't one of them but it seems like fate is about to play its games on them.

Siempie019 · LGBT+
8 Chs



Never have I thought that in my life I was going to have sex with someone of my gender, and for that person to be Aiden.

It felt so unreal because first: I am straight and I have a girlfriend. It has never crossed my mind but here I am, on the bed with my best friend after having spending a hot night together.

Not sure if I will even be able to forgive myself for it. It feels so unreal and I took advantage of Aiden, knowing he was down bad. I should have left him alone, let him walk out through this phrase alone.

But no, I was selfish and was also thinking about my own release that I didn't notice how dangerous this was. I stirred on bed, turning my back to face Aiden who had gone back to sleep.

He must have been really tired, with the way I have worn him out. I left the bed, headed straight to the bathroom and took a cold bath. If this pandemic is just going to end at anytime right now, then things will be really good for me and Aiden.

One thing was I loved it when i fucked him, I mean I am straight, right, but I was happy and also on cloud nine when I had him beneath me, begging me to go faster. "Shit." I uttered, opening the tab and letting the cold water wash down my spine.

At this rate, I need to do something that will stop me from thinking about what had happened yesterday. Beside, it was a one night thing so Aiden can go back to ficking his dildos, while I will try my best to get off by masturbating. That is the only way out for me and a good way to save myself from getting tangled in a mess.

I turned off the tap, wrapping a towel around my waist ad leaving the bathroom. When I reached the bedroom, Aiden was still fast asleep, he wasn't even moving. I chuckled a little, dressing up and leaving for the kitchen.

I made noodles for breakfast, keeping some in the microwave for Aiden, even though I wasn't sure if he would like to have noodles after an intense night. As I was eating, I pocked up my phone to call Star, it has been a while since I had spoken to her.

And even mom, yesterday, mom had dropped me a long ass email, saying that I don't even care to check on her or how she is handling the business down there when it is my job to do and she is only helping me because I am far away.

I had to beg her for a while, before she forgot about everything and then we went back to our normal way. Today, I will send her a message, just to check up on her and so that she won't act like yesterday anymore. "What are you thinking about?" Aiden asked, limping towards the kitchen.

Poor Aiden, I shouldn't have treated him like a slut yesterday. "Nothing, just want to check up on Star and then drop a message for mother." I replied, dialing Star's number.

For the first time, she didn't pick. I called for the second and third but still, she didn't pick which is very unusual. Even if she was sleeping, she would have picked my phone. "Maybe she is in the bathroom." Aiden reasoned, bringing out a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

"Yeah." I whispered. "I left some noodles for you in the microwave, I don't know if you would like it though." I told him, slurping the noodle water out of the bowl.

I kept the bowl on the table, wondering why Star didn't pick my calls. I just hope she is really safe because of how rapid this disease is spreading. The other day, mother said she had to dismiss all the maids because one of them was showing the symptoms.

"Mother said to greet you." Aiden informed. He was trying to sit on the sofa, but i guess the pain in his ass didn't allow him. He kept wincing and hissing while trying.

"Oh, I will also call her later. Come here." I called, picking a pillow from the couch.

I dropped the pillow before slowly helping him to sit on it. "Sorry." I mumbled, before passing him the bowl of the noodles he had kept on the table.

"For?" He asked, trying to act dumb.

I didn't reply, instead, I picked the television remote, surfing through the channels and looking for something suitable for us to watch. Something that has nothing to do with sex or any intimate moments.

I couldn't find one so I settled on us watching Spongepop Square pants, it is a very good choice and also, almost everyone around the world loves it. "They aired this episode the other day." Aiden complained with a mouth full of noodles.

He looked so sexy yet naive. "Oh, Damn." I whispered. This is really having effect on me because I don't get why I am thinking of my best blud that way, it shouldn't be really. "Well, there is something called rewatching. Besides, I haven't watched it so keep shut and watch." I scolded.

His lips turned into a pout, I ignored him so that he could concentrate on his food and finish in no time. When he is done, I will look for another cartoon channel so that we can watch. "What do you think of the Loud House?" He asked, returning from the kitchen.

"What happened to it?"

He scratched the nape of his neck, taking a seat opposite me. "You know that they are currently airing the episodes that has to do with LGBTQ and people are talking about it." He explained.

Still, I don't get why he had asked me about I think of it. I think of it the same way I think of all cartoons, nothing more. "I don't care what people are saying about it. I like it and I watch it, that is all that matters. I think everyone should hold their thoughts and opinions right? So don't let that bother you."