
So much for not dating

After Jason's parents left, I excused myself and went back to my room. I sat on my bed and kept pondering on what Jason had said earlier.

***A short while ago***

I was lying down on the bed when Jason knocked and came in he looked expressionless as usual, and it made me think something was wrong.

"Can I sit"?

He asked and I nodded immediately.

"I need your help, Nadia".

It felt like this was the first time I heard him call my name this way. It made me feel somewhat different.

"I'll be happy to help Sir".

"I want you to be my girlfriend".

He said and my eyes opened wide


I asked as I was too surprised to process it myself.

"I'm not asking you to date me for real. Just seven months, date me for seven months and the contract between your father and I will be null and void".

"By null and void, you mean I can leave after seven months"?

He nodded and replied.


As soon as I heard what he said, my heart felt some kind of relief but for some reason, I also felt sad. I shoved the sad feeling away immediately and agreed to his condition.

'This is good news, it just means I'll be able to get my freedom sooner than I expected'.

I thought to myself. I nodded and agreed without hesitation and then, we went downstairs to meet his parents.

***Back to the present***

I heard a knock on the door which jolted me back to reality as soon as I heard a knock on the door.


I asked and the door opened. It was Kanada.

"So much for not dating him huh".

I smiled because of the way she said it.

"It'd be too awkward to explain".

"Would you like to eat in your room".

She asked still standing like a maid.

"I thought we were friends now"?


She said as though she was saying obviously.

"But you are still acting like a maid".


I heard her laugh out loud.

"Nadia, just because I'm your friend doesn't mean I get to neglect my duties. I'm still your maid you know".

I didn't like the sound of that but of course, I couldn't do anything about it so I decided to keep quiet instead of giving her false hopes.

"I'm not hungry".

I said and fell on my back. I was looking at the ceiling and wondering if what I had done was right when I suddenly heard another voice in the room.

"Leave us Kanada".

Kanada bowed and left the room. I immediately sat up when I realized it was Jason. When Kanada left, he came close and asked while pointing to the bed.

"May I"?

I nodded without thinking. He sat and after he was comfortable, he began to speak.

"I'll have my lawyer draft the document and bring it by the evening".

He said.

"Huh? What document"?

I asked back.

"We'll have to draft out a contract for what we spoke about earlier".


I exclaimed as I finally understood what he meant but then, I shook my head in disagreement.

"We don't need to make a contract".

He looked at me confused.

"What do you mean"?

He asked.

"In most movies, people end up finding out that they are faking it because of those written contracts".

"So what do you think we should do"?

He asked

"Let's just keep it to ourselves and I'll trust that I have your word for my freedom".

I said but got no response from him. I felt he didn't like the idea but after a few minutes, he nodded in agreement.

At first, Jason wasn't happy about the fact that she wouldn't be with him after seven months but now, he felt it was more than enough. He was more than happy that she would be his girlfriend for seven months even if it was just for show.

The day went by pretty fast as it was already evening. I was asked to meet Jason in his study and when I got there, it appeared that Jason's brother, Derrick was still around and was with Jason in the study room.

"Hello sister-in-law".

He said while waving his hand at me. I bowed and went to sit down.

"Oh come on, are you still going to be formal with me even when we are talking about becoming a family"?

He asked which made me look at him. I know he knows that all of this is fake and I also know that he knows I'm not his sister-in-law but what I don't know, is why he is acting as if it is true even when we are alone.

"Don't listen to him".

Jason said as he was also seated and Derrick laughed.

"Well, from now till after the next seven months, you are my sister-in-law".

He said

"I called you here for a reason".

Jason said, diverting my attention. I was waiting for him to continue, and he did.

"You won't be working for me anymore".


I asked as I wasn't expecting that. I am not ready to stop working. I mean, I just started and I already loved it so why would he want me to stop all of a sudden?

"Why do I have to stop sir"?

I asked and it seems my question surprised both of them. Jason said nothing but raised a brow while Derrick made a 'huh' sound and began to laugh.

"Jas, where exactly did you get this one from? Yo Nadia"?

He said, drawing my attention to him.

"You are known to be his girlfriend now. Do you really think there would be any need for you to work? All you need to do is sit at home and enjoy the luxury of being Mr Jason O'Brien's girlfriend".

He said but I didn't like that. I didn't want to just stay at home doing nothing. Working helped me get my mind off of things and I also enjoyed doing it. Other than that, I'd be extremely bored.

"I would like to continue working Sir. Besides, people think I was working for you and was your girlfriend. I don't think that has to change just because it is now in the eyes of the public. As a matter of fact, don't you think that would make me look like a bad girlfriend"?