
His Eyes

All around the kingdom Vastei joyous voices rang. "A prince has been born! All hail the King!" Someone had shouted. Children laughed, adults made merry in the sunny afternoon light. Yet there was one that had disappointment written on him. A fourteen year old boy with platinum blonde hair and eyes covered by a black cloth. Dressed in a loose-fit buttoned shirt and brown cloth trousers the boy ran through the crowds, a large cat right behind him as he was heading towards the castle at the edge of the valley of which the village was built on.

Oragami_Cyclone · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter 4

While the other two were packing Raivis changed out of his tattered clothes into a pair that were left by Baga, the shirt was a little small but he would manage. It was quite obvious that Baga was a goblin, the small stature and timid nature made it even more likely. Then of course there was that girl, Rina, a human. She was devious, cunning, and strong-willed. She was just like the humans who got him into this mess, the humans who caused the Great War, she is just like them.

The door to his room opened revealing his captor and the other boy.

"Alright, we are leaving. Gather your stuff." She stated blankly.

Raivis simply nodded and with Sigurd's help, got to work gathering the few belongings left and shoving them into his shoulder bag. Luckily his map was left by the thieves.

"Shouldn't we come up with a plan on where to travel?" Baga questioned Rina nervously.

"I already have it planned, we head East then North to Jaegex. We camp at night and hunt for food." she seemed like she had thought about this millions of times and was confident in her abilities.

"That won't work." Raivis stated seriously," The best route would be to go from here to Yqelenk then from there travel to Devkok. After that travel to Merenkol then to Lockenstienvell, cross river Fequel to Jaegex. Also we should travel at night, we don't want to be ambushed in our sleep by anything."

"So are you saying that we should travel at night?" she shouted," Also, your route will take far longer than my way!"

"Yes but it will be safer than your idea." Raivis stated calmly.

The bickered back and forth for what felt like hours to the timid Basch till he finally stepped in.

"Um, maybe you should roll for it. The highest one gets to choose the route." Goblins were superstitious like that so this wasn't an uncommon sight.

Reluctantly Rina agreed since it wasn't uncommon for him to make her roll dice to solve one of her many arguments. Baga handed her a twenty sided die.

She rolled a 9 and fumbled the dice over to Raivis, Sigurd wasn't being a good familiar. He rolled a 14.

"There, now stop bickering!" Baga commanded with a laugh over Rina's pouting. "So um, I completely forgot to ask this but, whats your name?" Baga asked nervously.

"My name is Raivis, I come from Vastei."

"Well then, nice to meet you acquaintance Raivis." Baga said with a smile.

"Let's go. You two can talk while we walk." Rina sneered.

"There's no need to be rude Rina, I know you want to hurry but that's no reason to treat people like that." Baga scolded the girl.

"Whatever, can we just go already?"

"If you want, just warning you that we'd be walking the rest of today then all of tonight, we can rest in the morning." Raivis warned.

"Geez, that's a lot. Why don't we just get a horse and wagon?" The girl groaned.

"Do you have the coin to?" Raivis questioned.

"Er, no." She looked down embarrassed.

"Then quit your whining. You are the one who is making me do this, let's go." Raivis said while beginning to walk out of town with Sigurd and Baga following not far behind him.

"Wait up!" She screamed while running to catch up with the three boys.

With that their journey began.