
His Eyes

All around the kingdom Vastei joyous voices rang. "A prince has been born! All hail the King!" Someone had shouted. Children laughed, adults made merry in the sunny afternoon light. Yet there was one that had disappointment written on him. A fourteen year old boy with platinum blonde hair and eyes covered by a black cloth. Dressed in a loose-fit buttoned shirt and brown cloth trousers the boy ran through the crowds, a large cat right behind him as he was heading towards the castle at the edge of the valley of which the village was built on.

Oragami_Cyclone · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter 3

Raivis walked for miles that night, the most that he'd ever walked. By dawn he and Sigrid had almost reached their first destination, Vogel. Vogel is a mixed town where all races are welcome, a quite peaceful town. Raivis and Sigrid had seen on the map that this town was close to the old tribe of Lockenstienvell, so he would try to go there in the beginning of his journey. What he had hoped was maybe an older tribe member decided to stay behind and would know who he was. But of course, it wouldn't be that easy.

As Raivis walked through the town, all eyes were on him and Sigurd. Of course they were, a blonde haired Faun was unheard of especially one wearing elven clothing.

People stared and mocked. Children whispered clutching to their parents.

"Devil child!" He heard an older lady mock.

Three men walked over to him stopping right in front of him. One of them punched him straight in the jaw causing him to stumble back in alarm, Sigurd hadn't let him see it.

Another one kicked his leg causing him to fall on his knees. The same one began to kick his stomach while people around him cheered for him 'so bravely fighting the demon'.He felt the men take off his bag and start going through it, taking whatever they wanted, whether it be his food, water, coin, clothes most everything but what they considered 'useless waste'.

People continued on with their day, leaving him lying there in the cobble street, Sigurd by his side, he eventually blacked out.


When the boy awoke he was able to feel Sigurd so he could see. Looking up to see two people looking at him. One with black hair that was tied into two buns and dressed in a dull red dress. The other was a shorter childish looking boy with curly red hair and dressed in a pale green shirt and brown pants.

"Hello," the girl said,"How are you?"

"Fine I guess, who are you?" Raivis was confused as to why they weren't terrified of him.

"My name is Rina, Rina Albana. And this is Basch Galante, everyone calls him Baga though."

"Um, no to be rude but where am I?"Raivis asked hesitantly.

"You're at my inn." Rina stated quite proudly.

"Well thank you for your hospitality, but I must leave." He said looking around the room for his belongings.

"Your welcome!" she said with a smile," But, I think it's time for you to pay up." She extended her hand towards Raivis.

"What do you mean payment! I never even asked for your help!" The boy shouted," What did you even do to help me!"

"I took you off those streets for one. You're so heavy it made my poor arms ever so sore, I mean, I had to refuse so many clients too since you're hogging a room."

"But Rina, all the other rooms are-" Baga couldn't finish his sentence before he was elbowed in the gut by the girl next to him.

"Shut it Baga!" she hissed causing the boy to startle.

"I'm sorry" he whispered.

Raivis got up and began to look through the remaining belongings at the edge of the bed, desperately looking for his money pouch.

"Where is it!" he spoke mostly to himself," They must have taken it. I'm sorry," he turned to the others," I don't have any money on me, it must have been taken."

"Well you'll just have to pay me back some other way." Rina thought for a second," I don't know, maybe you can pay me back by taking me to Jaegex."

"What do you mean take you there! Why would anyone choose to go there!" Raivis questioned the girl.

" I have my reasons so don't get cocky with me, if you know anything you should already know how this part of Vogel works! Can't pay up you give up!" Rina shouted at the blonde boy.

"What do you mean by that?" He questioned.

"If you can't pay up you give up yourself. So that makes you my property kid. And don't even try to bail, I have people in every corner of Vogel."

Rina looked at the boy sitting on top the bed smugly.

"I'll let you go once you get me safely to Jaegex, do you understand kid?" She questioned him.

"And what if I was to refuse?"

She simply pointed at Sigurd and smiled sinister one.

"I guess I could get him." She smirked, figuring out Raivis' little secret, she knew he wouldn't refuse.

Raivis looked at the ground, clenching and grinding his teeth.

"Well then, I guess I better start packing. You too Baga." With that they left the room.