
CHAPTER 40: She’s Gone


I ran as fast as I could not bothering to get a cab or something for I have nothing but an empty pocket. I just continue running towards the path of her house, hoping that somehow like a miracle, I could see her angelic face again.

I was running like a mad man, until I finally reached their home. The gates and doors are locked, windows are sealed and you can’t see any bright lights inside.

“Claire!” I shouted, waiting for the impossible to happen. “Please open up! I’m here! Please forgive me... I’m sorry...” I trailed off, clutching the bars of their gates.

I felt my heart ached as soon as I remember her face the day that she bid her final goodbyes to me. Her heart was badly wounded, and it was all because of me. Sometimes I thought that I should’ve just listen to her at the first place and didn’t cause her any of this pain.