
His Empress

[Mature Content] 'Why does it have to be me?' From wearing a black wedding dress to sabotaging her relationship with a cold-lusted and mysterious King, Abigail tried everything to make a bad impression of herself in front of Emperor Carol, but nothing seemed to work. No matter how hard she tries, she knew she had to accept her fate with the Rebellious King and just deal with him. But with time, she got to realize that the Rebellious king was quite the opposite of her expectations, He really isn't the cold, selfish, and bloodthirsty that everyone said he was. --------------- {PLEASE IGNORE SOME MINOR GRAMMAR MISTAKES! I PROMISE I'LL CORRECT THEM LATER, FOR NOW, FOCUS ON THE STORY} Btw, do not steal my story cover...[It took me forever to find the correct fit for this story]

trixxxmoonlight · ファンタジー
55 Chs

Chapter 12- Liar

"Did you just say, Rebecca?" Carol mentions in a panicked tone.

"Yeah. Is- everything okay?" Xavier asked noticing how pale he looked.

"Get the horses ready" Carol ordered instantly leaving the room as Xavier followed

"What for?" He questioned

"We are heading Northernvale"


"Thank you for inviting me to your palace Rebecca" Abigail stated walking along side her as they explored the Even garden filled with tall oak tress, flowers layered at each side of the path way, and a beautiful cherry blossom which lightened the layers of the Garden.

Abigail felt a lot more peaceful hearing the sound of the birds tweeting, and the view perspective beautifying the environment. For the first time in years, she was able to breathe. she knew what it meant to be free even if it was just for quality time.

"That's no problem your Majesty, I'm just glad I could help" Rebecca mentions, her eyes fixed at Puddin who was fast asleep on Abigail's arm.

"Is this your kitten?" Rebecca asked, puzzled by her companion.

"Yes it is- His name is Puddin" Abigail answers.

"Really now?" Rebecca chuckled.

Looking at Puddin, Rebecca burst into laughter like Abigail had just made a joke. Telling by the queen's unbothered answer, Rebecca already knew that Abigail had no idea she was holding something way more spectacular than an ordinary kitten.

"My Queen-" Rebecca calls gaining Abigail's attention.

"Its a black panther-" She voiced.

Abigail's eyes grew wide from shock and disbelief. All this time, she has been fending for a vicious animal? Not an innocent kitten?

"Excuse me?" Abigail tone became pale, she almost thought she was hearing double.

"It's a black panther- Your highness" Rebecca repeated

"What do you mean? How can you tell?" Abigail says with a puzzled look on her face as she stopped on her tracks and held Puddin up high checking for anything different.

"Cubs are way more pronounced and bigger than kittens your highness. Plus, if you look closer, you'd notice some spots attached to the fur, you wouldn't notice it at first because it is well hidden." Rebecca continues.

"Give it time but you do have to be careful because Panthers are known to be very-" Rebecca paused,

"Vicious? I know." Abigail completed.

"But I plan on keeping it. I've really gotten quite used to it" Abigail grins, softly petting it's black fur.

As they kept on walking, Silence suffocated the atmosphere.

"So- Are you planning on telling me why you decided to leave the Castle?" Rebecca brought up the subject, whispering in a low tone at Abigail due to the presence of the Castle guards that where ordered to follow them a while ago.

"Ah- of course"

"Well-" Abigail pauses for a moment, her hand gripping roughly unto her dress as she tries to think of what to say.

"You should know by now that I'm marrying The King..." She stated

"But, it's not the happy ever after everyone sees it" Abigail narrowed her head to the ground disappointedly as she spoke.

"What do you mean?" Rebecca asked bewildered by Abigail's response.

"My father sold me out to marry him." Abigail announced.

Shocked, Rebecca turned her full attention to Abigail.

"The king really did so? But why Carol of all people? That man is brutal, I talk from experience because I was once-" Realizing she had said too much, Rebecca stayed silent mid sentenced in words, she didn't want her counsel to escalate but it was too late, her details had already left Abigail curious and eager.

"You where once what?" Abigail pointed out but noticing her silence, she perceived the smell of fear and a cramped tone on her face.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me" Abigail changed the subject as she plastered a reassuring smirk on her face.

"I was his concubine" She says unalarmed.


Abigail couldn't believe what she was hearing. She'd never expected or even thought of Rebecca as a person who was once the king's mistress. Not in a million years. But again, Abigail understood why it was so complicated for her to say so, especially knowing the outcome of being a concubine.

"You were really the kings mistress?" Abigail lowered her tone as she spoke in a disbelieved tone.

"Yeah- it's not something I'm proud of saying, but I was his mistress back then." Rebecca revealed.

"At that time, I was deeply in love with Carol and we began to give ourselves a shot. But one thing he left out was that he was betroth to someone else" Rebecca stated but the deeper she explained, the more her tone changes with hate and anger.

"Carol was betroth to my twin sister. Malissa..."

"None of them announced that they where getting married, so he just played me on until I started getting hate from everyone that I was the King's concubine" As she continued to explain, Rebecca's eyes began to tear up but she pretended not to show her weak side, instead, she smiled like everything was okay.

"I'm sorry Rebecca-" Abigail considerately takes her hand.

"I never knew things were this bad." she continues.

"What about your sister?"

Rebecca chuckled silently and stares at the ground.

"She left the marriage and disappeared. No one knows where she ran of to, if she's dead, or alive-"

Abigail blood ran cold hearing those deep words Rebecca had just said. That man was rotten to the core and she knew if she didn't take a step out of this mess, She would be the next victim to be shattered by Carol.

"My Queen-" Rebecca uttered, this time, touching Abigail's hand with her both hands

"Please- Don't tell Carol anything. I'm afraid he might harm you in anyway if he realizes I pointed him out" She holds her hands tighter.

"Don't tell me what?"

A voice uttered making both Abigail and Rebecca go silent.

Judging by the expressionless look on Rebecca's face and the familiar cold unforgettable tone, It didn't take her long to guess who it was.