
His Destiny

Or protagonist is a hopeless serial killer, but what if he doesn't enjoy it? What can he do?

1 Chs


Running away from death itself was not a feat possible for humans but that didn't stop Phoe from getting away as far as possible to save his little brother.

Getting the potion needed for his brother was getting harder and harder with each day. Be that because of the guards patrolling or having less and less energy without proper heating and insuficient food for both of them in the worst winter they ever lived.

Rigef, Phoe's brother was ill from as long as he could remember, always needing to eat more or get treated when his breathing was starting to get harder.

Rigef ways new even though his age was only that of only 6 how hard it was for his brother to always be there for him and get the money to live, for someone like them who lived in the slums, doing their best to survive the cruel world.

The slums they lived in were located in the east part of the city Lucria, on of the largest of the GreatLand Kingdom. The 2 brothers never bothered with studying nor did they have a way to attend an academy. Only nobles or just truly talented comoners who proved themselves of being worthy of attending it could afford such a thing.

Their only need was that of surviving each day, every day. Nothing more, nothing less.

But unfortunately it seemed like a lost battle for both of them. Phoe knew that he couldn't get away with stealing because everyone knew not only his face but also his ways of stealing.

With no way to buy health potions anymore his hopes for his little brother started to crumble like pieces of dry wood casted into fire. After arriving to their home, Phoe gave the little bit of porridge and the last potion to his brother.

Hardly accepting his big brother excuses of not being hungry and his stomach grumblings Rigef ate to his heart content and slept immediately after drinking the blood like liquid.

Phoe cursed at his bad luck and the way the world treated the poor, slamming them to the ground even after suffering all their entire life like a slave, mercilessly. Being 16, the big brother always hoped he could master magic, the only power that ruled.

The use of magic was not something hard to do but that only if being born with a mana flow. Those born without it were called magicless and could either be getting bad paying normal jobs or starve and be sold as slaves.

Phoe dreamed of being a Great Sage or a Wizard, those ranks were either of those who performed the best in all years of the academy or earned royal merits from complet mastery over one or more elements such as fire, water, earth, air, lighting, ice, light and darkness.

Each element had strong and week points but only Great Sage or Wizards could exploit them so that their magic would seem impenetrable and omnipotent in front of normal mages.

He had dreamed of mastering light magic, letting him cure his brother from the illness that was eating away at his life.

Just as the big brother was starting to fall asleep with his hopes and dreams a big explosion occurred next to their shed making the ground rumble as if a giant monster took hard steps, each heavier then the last.

The two brother darted to the door to see ehat was happening when another flame explosions erupted right next to them engulfing them into flames and rubble.

With broken ribs and first degree burns Phoe tried to remember what happened when he started looking for his brother.

"Regif, where are you? Please answer me, Regif!"

When Phoe heard a low voice with soft moans his heart started racing hoping his brother to be in a better shape then him but what he find horrified Phoe. Half of Regif's body was under their roof severing his spinal nerves and breaking his ribs puncturing his lungs in the end.

He was no doctor, but after living in the slums and helping his little brother started to learn how a functioning body worked. What he saw made him rethink every single memory of him getting angry at Regif, even pleading God, if he existed to help is little brother taking his life instead.

Sobbing while holding Regif's body go limp

made him snap, turning every single bit of his feelings into rage, a rage that blinded him until the one responsible paid.