

"she was chosen because she was his right from the very beginning..." Once on a rare occasion, the night of a blue full moon, a girl is being taken from a household to serve the beasts who call themselves werewolves. The werwolves were the one who ruled the town and controlled everything. They looked human but buried under their human facade was a ruthless monster who seeks to destroy. Everyone tried to protect themselves but deep down they knew they were no match for the werewolves. Arianne was a little girl who was born different from other people in the town. She had long red hair and she was born with different coloured eyes. One green and one brown. No one knew exactly why she was born that way and it wasn't hereditary. Her mother also died during her child birth and because of that her father, Massimo distanced himself from her and chose to remarry instead. He married a woman called Christine who already had a child out of wedlock, Rissa. Together Rissa and Christine decided to make Arianne's life hell to which her father turned a blind eye to and because of that, it affected Arianne and she decided to withdraw herself from her family and the society. The day of the selection came and Rissa was selected to go and serve the werewolves. Scared for her life, Rissa decided to persuade her mother to convince Massimo to offer Arianne up for the selection. Ignoring her screaming pleas and tears, Massimo offered up Arianne to go and serve the werewolves. No one really knows what happens to the girls that are being selected and no one bothered to ask. Not knowing the fate that awaits her, Arianne decided to go and serve the werewolf who they call Ivan Giovanni, a alpha who is known for his ruthlessness. Can Arianne survive living among werewolves? What happens when she finds out more about her identity and the only person who could help her was Ivan? What do you think will happen if she finds out that Ivan was the boy she had saved all those years ago from dying? NOTE: I DO NOT OWN THE COVER IMAGE OF THIS BOOK. IMAGE WAS FOUND ON PINTEREST.

DA_Aloera · 幻想
612 Chs


I woke up the next morning feeling more at ease in this place and more comfortable. The sun was just starting to rise from the window which was perfect, it means I had time for a morning run with Blue. With a smile I got up from bed and got rid of my nightgown.

I pulled out my outfits from the wardrobe. I opted for a white shirt and a dark leggins. I also grabbed a pair of lace up boots. When I was done I stood in front of the mirror and piled my hair up in a messy bun. I went over to where Blue was still snoring softly and rubbed his head.

"Hey buddy, you up for a run today?" I cooed at him but Blue just opened one eye open and went back sleeping, "I know you awake already, now come on lazy bones let's go!" I told him firmly but Blue just completely ignored me and went to bed.

"I'll give you a plate of lamb rack!" I cooed again and Blue's eyes flew open at that immediately.

"Alright I'm up." He yawned and did a little stretched while I laughed at that.

I opened the door to my room and stepped outside the room. Servants and guards were already up and going about their chores. No one made a move to stop me, probably because they knew I wasn't going to run anymore. I smiled at them as I made my way outside the castle.

The snow was already melting away showing the cobblestones. It was almost summer already and it's a good day for a run. I turned to look at Blue who still had that grumpy look on his face. I guess he wasn't happy that I disturbed his sleep.

"You ready Blue?" I asked Blue but he just snorted at me in response. "I'll take that as a yes!" I told him grinning brightly and I swear he rolled his eyes at me which I chose to ignore.

Instead I sprinted towards the gate. I was only going to do a few laps around the castle. I could feel the cold wind in my hair as I ran. Blue was closing in on me but I was faster. I pushed myself to run more and I looked behind me to see if Blue was after me but he wasn't. He was right behind me before but now I couldn't find him. I was still wondering where he was when I was suddenly attacked from the side.

I fell on the ground with a groan while Blue landed on top of me. "Really Blue? The element of surprise? Again?" I asked looking up at Blue who was laughing at me but it sounded more like a wheeze.

I wrinkled my nose at him. "Stop that! Your morning breath stinks!" I told him but Blue just brought out his tongue and licked my face, making it all sticky. I laughed as I tried to turn my face away from his sticky tongue.

We were still playing when I heard a loud voice.


I looked up from Blue only to see Yasmin approaching us with a stern look on her face. Uh-oh! I thought to myself as I pushed Blue aside and stood up, brushing the dirt away from trousers.

"Hello Yasmin." I greeted her with a bright smile on my face.

Yasmin didn't bother to return my greeting. Instead she gave me a pointed glare and her hands were on her hips. "What are you doing?" She repeated her earlier question.

"Playing with Blue." I stated the obvious as I reached down to ruffle Blue's fur.

Yasmin let out an exasperated sigh, "Yeah I can see that, I'm not blind Arianne." She retorted with an eye roll and I wondered just what was making her angry, "You were supposed to be ready for your fitting ten minutes ago."

Fitting? What fitting? I asked myself as I blinked up at Yasmin. "I'm sorry did I miss something?"

"The tailor has arrived with dresses for your wedding and other dresses you will need as Queen!" Yasmin announced and my eyes widened at that.


"No time to explain. Madame Cordelia has arrived already and she does not like to be kept waiting!" Yasmin rushed out as she started dragging me towards the castle while I've got a million questions going on in my mind.

"Wait, can you slow down a minute?" I asked as Yasmin practically flew up the stairs still dragging me along.

Yasmin answered without looking at me. "No can't do!"

I blew a strand of my red hair then fell across my face. Yasmin continued dragging along the stairs and hall till we finally reached the hallway to my bedroom. Once we stopped at the door to my room, Yasmin pushed it open. I entered only to find out we had guests inside already.

"Oh, thank goodness you are finally here!" Aurora breathed as she stared at me with a cup of tea in her hands.

"Huh uh." I drawled out not bothering to look at Aurora because my gaze was fixed on the woman who was inspecting with a look of contempt on her face. I'm guessing she must be Madame Cordelia.

Madame Cordelia was a woman who looked to be in her mid fifties. She was dressed in a red gown that hugged her figure perfectly. In her silk gloved hands was a purse and a fan. Her hair was piled up her head and in such a way I didn't think was possible. She had makeup on her face. It wasn't that heavy and it shows Madame Cordelia was quite beautiful during her youthful days. Flanked beside her was a guy and a girl, I think they are assistant.

"So," Madame Cordelia snapped her fan open gaining my full attention, "Is this the soon to be queen?" She asked assessing me with her dark eyes and I think I detect a little bit of accent in her voice.

"That she is!" Aurora answered smiling at brightly at me which I returned it back with a nervous smile of mine.

Madame Cordelia walked towards me assessing me with that look of scorn on her face, no doubt taking in my disheveled appearance. My hair was messy and tangled, my white shirt was now covered in dirt thanks to Blue and I could see her gaze go to my leggings and boots before her gaze rose back up to my face which was covered in sweat and Blue's spit.

"Ivan can surely do better than this, that's for sure." Madame Cordelia said haughtily and I'll have to admit her words did sting a little.

Aurora sighed from where she was sitting. "Can you at least make her presentable for the wedding and teach her everything she needs to know?"

Madame let out a scoff of disbelief. "With the wedding two days away I'd say that's nearly impossible!" She said still looking at me while my eyes widened in horror at the information I just heard.

"I'm sorry what?" I blurted out.

Aurora blinked up at me. "What is it Arianne?"

I cleared my throat before I spoke. "I heard something about a wedding being two days away and I'm just wondering whose wedding it is?" I asked with a nervous laughter.

"Gods above! She doesn't even know the date of her own wedding and she's supposed to be our queen? We are doomed!" I heard Madame Cordelia mutter under her breath but I ignored her.

Aurora gave Madame Cordelia a look before she turned to look at me with a small smile in place, "Arianne you are getting married to my brother in two days time and it's on that same day you'll be crowned Queen!"

"Oh my..." I gasped as sat down on a nearby chair, "I'm not...I...gods, I'm not ready!"

Madame Cordelia scoffed at me. "Clearly!"

"Arianne calm down, okay?" Aurora said reaching for my hand, "We are all aware that this is quite a shock to you but you have nothing to fear. Madame Cordelia will make sure your dress is ready, she's the best in the whole country!"

"That I am!" Madame Cordelia chirped in her voice filled with pride as she fanned herself.

Aurora smiled at her before she continued, "Apart from making your dress, Madame Cordelia will also work you through the steps. So you have absolutely nothing to fear, okay?" Aurora asked looking at me in my eyes and I found myself nodding my head.

"Okay." I breathed out and Aurora smiled at me.

"Alright Madame Cordelia, she's all yours!" Aurora announced before she went back to her chair.

Madame Cordelia dropped her fan and clapped her hands. "Alright then, let's make magic but first, she needs a thorough bubble bath. She smells like wet dog." Madame Cordelia said looking at I and Blue in disdain while I smiled sheepishly at her.


Please guys comment on this! I really need your help on this book😢