

This book had been deleted unfortunately

lacyevans · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Meeting the viscous twins

Lillia had barely been able to keep herself in check, the suppose new Friend kept on infuriating her. It was as if his goal in life was to torment her .

  "Look Aiden, you better leave now, you are the king and..",

"Would you look at that?, Wanting to dismiss the king, how rudely",Aiden interrupted her, lifting a perfect brow at her.

Lillia swallowed her words and could only apologize a little. All she wanted to do that moment was punch his perfectly good face into pulp.

"Doesn't the king has duties?",she tactfully asked, right now she felt like her anger was stepping on a thin rope under a huge black hole.

"He does but doesn't the queen have her own duties?",he asked back.

Lillia bit her tongue down hard, she should have knowned that this king was only going to turn her words against hers.

Already tired of him, she quickly stood up, and held his wrist, pulling him along with her out of her room.

'let go do our duties then",she said.


Aiden smirked, as he watched her pulling him, he could literally see smokes coming out of her ear.

    How vicious?,

He could see that the little fear she harboured against him was gone and she was free around him, he felt happy on seeing this. But he couldn't help but want to tease her and see her face turn red in anger, apparently little miss had anger issues.

   She soon pulled him into the court room, not minding the the stares she received from the maids.

They both entered the court room, and surprisingly, peter was standing near the throne, talking to two girls.

  When they entered, he faced them, a strange glint flashed at his eyes on seeing them but it was too quick for anyone to notice.

The two girls turned and lillia could finally see their face.

   They where twins.

One of the most rarest kinds in dradevows.

The two beautiful girls lit up on seeing Aiden, they stood up and ran forward to them.

"Brother aiden",they said happily ignoring lillia completely.

Lillia looked at them, fascinated by the resemblance, but they had quite different appearance.

    One had light brown hair that fell below her waist, covering up her ears, she had a very sharp green coloured eyes. Lillia didn't know why her eyes reminded her of snakes, they where dark and scary a little as if they could cut through you, but her irises where a little bit lighter green, that was the only light thing in her eyes. Her thin brows where brown and sharpened, she looked very beautiful, but gave out a dangerous air.


   As for the other, her hair wasn't brown but blonde, a very light blonde that shimmered in the light, it was braided big and tied behind her, but few strands of her hair escaped the braid, but it only made her look more exquisite and beautiful. Her eyes unlike her sister where light, she and Aiden had the same color of eyes.

Such family.


Aiden was all smiles as he greeted them before he finally introduced lillia.

"Meet my....",he hesitated clearly remembering their deal inside her room. Lillia didn't even try given him and answer or hint, she only looked at him staring unblinkingly.

"Your....wife?",the brown haired spoke, with excitement, she giggled happily.

  "No need to be shy brother, we heard about the ball wedding",the brown haired spoke, her hands crossed and folded.

Aiden didn't react to her hard tone but faced lillia and introduced them to her.

"This is Josie and Josey, the fairy blonde here is Josie while the.....hot fire here is Josey",.

Lillia bowed a little as she smiled and greeted them clearly confused about what to do, the blonde hair was a little bit childish but the brown haired scared her, intimidating her a little, it felt like she was her older sister.

"Me and...".


"Yes, me and lillia is going to be best friend",Josie smiled happily, she left Aiden side and went to lillia, she held her hands.

Lillia gave her a smile, feeling quite free around her presence but something kept telling her that this girl had a beast locked inside her it was just that she was hiding it perfectly.

"Why don't both of us go for a stroll lillia?",she suggested already dragging lillia out.

Lillia shot a look at Aiden her eyes alarmed but Aiden only winked at her as they left.


"That just like Josie always the kind one, I wonder how that girl came to be my twin?",Josey muttered.

"How's aunt?",Aiden asked, heading to the throne.

"She not getting up brother aiden, she keeps getting worse, somehow someone keeps giving her more poison",josey replied, her eyes flattened.

Aiden didn't say anything more, as his gaze trailed ahead.

"I think it time",he muttered.

"Time for what?",Josey asked confused.

" We take over slough, maximus is planning something deep and I think if we give him enough time he would complete whatever he is up to. And it looks like we have a mole among us",he said.

Peter glanced at him, so did Josey, they both have a silent deadly look around their face.


Meanwhile, Josie had lead lillia out of the castle into the gardens talking happily.

"I always love the gardens"she said swirling round petals, her skin shone brightly.

Lillia gave a small smile, clearly they had quite a few things in common.

     Suddenly Josie turned and Look at her, her eyes weren't like the happy and shining one she had earlier, instead they where dark and scary infact more scary than Josey.

Lillia took a step back by the drastic change.

"Do you love my brother?",she suddenly asked, almost as if lillia was been judged.

Lillia took quite a while to reply but Josie gave her time to reply, thankfully.

"I.... don't know",she replied her hands where holding each other, shaking and trembling,this fairy like girl of before looked like a Lucifer ready to torment souls.

"It good that you said the truth",she suddenly said, her eyes lost the deadly stare and her face lit up looking happy like before.

Lillia sighed and coughed, what just happened?, Was this girl trying to kill her?.

"Many girls would have lied that they loved him, but from what I have heard, you both haven't seen each other before and love can't just be there, I don't believe in such love",she said, looking at Lillia calmly.

"I didn't bring you here to fear you but just to speak with you. I love my big brother and I don't want him to suffer, he had suffered a lot before he got here and I had vowed that he won't feel hurt again, I vow to kill everyone that hurt him even if it was a slight mistake",her voice bold and unwavering.

Lillia swallowed when she mentioned kill, her throat tighten, she felt like she was been threatened, but what did she mean by Aiden had suffered a lot before, what did he suffer about?.

"What...do you mean?", Lillia asked taking up courage.

Rosie didn't reply her again but only chuckle like a maniac. She turned and picked up a white rose.

"This castle is full of mysteries, and if one isn't strong enough", a slight breeze blewed gently at the flower in her hand and few petal fell softly.

Lillia felt her heart drop as the white petel touched the ground.

Her curiosity for the castle grew and so did her fear, was dradevows castle dangerous?.

She looked back and stared at the big building, so did Josie.

"Don't trust anyone here lillia"Josie said, "they are serpents here, some are ready to take the throne and hurt anyone that get in their way, so lillia don't trust anyone apart from Aiden and peter",.

Just then a carriage rode into the castle ground, the door opened and a happy Gaia came down with a crook smile on her face, she looked round and entered the castle of dradevows.

Her hand holding the small bottle of poison.

     She didn't held towards the court room but towards the kitchen.

And because she was a friend to the throne,no one stopped her, instead they bowed at her as she walked with pride.

    She entered the kitchen, two maids who had a look of fear in their face stood inside alone, waiting for her, one of them was the maid who accused lillia for killing.

Gaia handed them the poison.

"Add a little drop on her food, and make sure she eats it, I would be at the castle today",she ordered.

The maids nodded amicably.

"I promise to reward you well when I have finally taken the throne as the queen of dradevows".


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