

This book had been deleted unfortunately

lacyevans · ファンタジー
22 Chs

First day together 3

Lillia moved round the large castle freely, her mind occupied by the kiss from the king. She never knew the king was this interested in her. All she thought the king only thought of her was just a lady picked for him by both their parents. And that was what she too thought of him even though she was affected by his beauty and elegance she didn't really have a deep feeling for him. She had really walked deep into the castle and began to fear. She turned round and walked ahead when she heard a soft lady voice. She turned back round quite in shock. Wondering where it came from, she traced the voice to a room by the side of the dark corridor she was in. Through the lit up candles in the room she could make out everything, she hid herself as she peeked into the room and saw a lady with the king. Aiden was so close to her that they where both sharing the same breath. The lady was facing the king so she couldn't see her face but her back. she had a good shape, looking like a porcelain doll, fair skinned and also good looking legs.

This lady was the perfect lady every man could die for lillia thought to herself. The lady was wearing a blue shining gown that flowed down her long legs to the floor, laying on a little heap in the shining tiles. The blue dress was decorated with shining small pieces of diamonds glistening all over her dress coupled with her blonde hair. The gown was open at the back, like a V showing off her exquisite small back. Lillia wondered what was going on with them, she didn't know any lady that was this close to the king. She knew the king was a great womanizer but this part of scene was strange. She saw quite raw emotions at his eyes as he stared at the lady, quite rare.

"I can't okay", she heard the lady say to the king, with a little choked voice.

"I can't watch you be with her",she continued," The thought of you being alone with her is tearing me apart".

"Am sorry, but my parents had already decided on this since my birth before their demise, am sorry",the king apologized. From the she and the king statement, lillia knew it was about her they where talking about, she leaned in more to hear everything that they where saying.

"I know but it just....",the lady head looked down and few drops where heard falling to the tiles. The king pulled her into his large warm arms and hugged her tight, burying her into himself.

Lillia felt a little down not because of the fact that the king her husband was hugging another maiden but the sad voice of the king and the lady. They sounded so in love with each other. They looked like a couple being tormented by the world, a suffering couple that the world was trying to end.

The king pulled away and stared at the lady for a long time before he pulled her in for a kiss. Lillia couldn't watch anymore, she may had overlooked the fact that the king had someone but that kiss pained her because the king just kissed her now here he was kissing another. She tiptoed away slowly from them, rushing away from the corridor when she bumped into peter who still had his mask on.

"Milady",peter said as he bowed a little before looking behind her probably wondering what was chasing the lady.

"Hi there, peter. A good morning to you. Please is there anywhere outside I can sit comfortably?",she asked.

Peter was a little surprised by her question but he replied nonetheless.

"The garden at the back",.

"Please can you take me there",she smiled sweetly at him. Peter watched her face trying to disclose any purpose of her asking but he couldn't read anything.

He sighed and slowly led her out of the castle. They went to the back of the castle.

Lillia was shocked at the place called garden. It could be discribe as a green house with lot of sweet smelling flowers. Lillia face went colorful on seeing the plant flowing in the wind, she walked into the mix of the flowers bending a little to touch them. She looked beautiful, mixing among the flowers. Her pale skin shone looking soft. Her brown hair flowed behind her and some of her full hair rested on her back.

Peter seeing that the lady was lost in her own world took his leave to settle some court issues. He just hoped that the lady didn't do anything stupid as she was alone. He walked with grace, full of confidence taking long stride as he walked with long strong long leg. His brown hair was combed behind and his light shining brown eyes saw through his mask. The maids who saw him quickly bowed as he passed. They feared the king greatly but this man they didn't know what to feel because he was so full of mysteries. No one had ever seen his face, he only spoke to the king and few minister in the king's court. He was a man of few words but what they knew was to avoid him and not get in his way.

Peter walked toward the dark corridor that he saw the queen come out from. He walked deep until he came across, the king and the lady walking towards him. He immediately stood and waited for them to walk ahead. The king saw his most trusted man but his mind didn't register much to it, as his mind and soul was still focused on the lady in his side.

"My king, princess rose",he greeted taking a small bow at the king but not at the lady. Rose felt annoyed on seeing this man that never wanted to take off his stupid mask. He didn't even respected her knowing that she was the king lover. Her black eyes glared dangerously at him.

"See rose out peter", Aiden said getting her attention. She frown at this, she didn't want peter to follow her, never. She wanted the king to follow her.

Earlier when she got to know about the king marriage she felt so angry and pissed off. How can a no name stranger come from No where and take her throne away from her. She had been with the king for so long, stayed beside him, only for someone to take them all away from her now. She won't allow it.

"Aiden ...I don't want to go with him but you",she looked at him with large puppy hair as she pleaded."I want to spend every little time with you",.

"Rose, I can't. Unfortunately am married now and if she sees you with me she meant report us",Aiden spoke to her softly.

Peter could only stare at the king and the spoiled lady unblinkingly. Seemed like the king didn't see the queen earlier. He knew that lillia had seen them when he caught her here but he wasn't ready to rat her, he only said what was really necessary to the king not something that wasn't important.

Rose understood him and she could only curse under her breath.

"Curses",she muttered under her breath.

She looked at peter he stood by the side like a statue. She gritted her teeth angrily and stomped away, pushing her shoes sharply against the tiles.

Peter didn't follow her immediately,he waited for her to be in a long distance before he turned to speak with the king.

"The king of slough is planning an attack. He has gotten the favour of quite a few other kingdom like the Warrentons",.

The king clicked his tongue as a small smirk fell on his face.

"That so like maximus. Leave it to him to gather all my enemies",he licked his lips slowly.

"But at least I get to destroy them all together ",he faced peter. "What of the spy?",

"His still being tortured, haven't spoken anything", peter replied.

Aiden green eyes turned dark and a devilish small smile crawled into his face.

"When I mean by torture,"he turned to stare peter deep"I mean, you should do it but since you are too busy, let go visit the fool, who decided to pay my wife a visit",