
Hiroshi HATAKE

In this captivating tale, Kakashi Hatake, the legendary copy ninja, and the sixth Hokage, discovers he has a son named Hiroshi. As Kakashi reconnects with Hanara, the woman he once saved, he learns that Hiroshi possesses extraordinary powers, he bears both the Byakugan and the Sharingan. Determined to protect his son, Kakashi keeps this secret hidden, even from his closest allies. Together with Tsunade's help, they delve into the mystery of Hiroshi's eyes, while Kakashi navigates the challenges of training his gifted son. As Hiroshi enters the ninja academy, he forms new friendships, including Sarada and Boruto. However, lurking in the shadows, enemies threaten Hiroshi's safety, triggering a chain of events that test Kakashi and Hiroshi's skills and their father and son bond. With danger mounting, Kakashi must harness his experience and unlock Hiroshi's true potential to safeguard their family and the village they hold dear. Filled with action, emotional depth, and secrets that could shake the shinobi world, this story explores the complexities of parenthood, the power of legacy, and the strength found in unexpected connections.

Ashborn_Windsor · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Shadows of the night

Hiroshi and Hanara found themselves perched on the balcony, their anticipation mounting as they waited for Kakashi. As time trickled by, the tranquil ambiance of the night worked its soothing magic on Hanara, her eyelids growing heavy with weariness. Observing her drowsiness, Hiroshi gently suggested they go inside. Once settled in their beds, a peaceful slumber swiftly stole Hanara away, while Hiroshi, alert to his surroundings, sensed an unsettling presence lingering outside their sanctuary. A chilling sensation coursed through his spine, hinting at an unwelcome spectator. Yet, he chose to maintain silence, his concern for his mother's peace outweighing any urge to concern her.

Within the Hokage's bureau, Naruto, Kakashi, Sasuke, and Shikamaru gathered, tension thick in the air. A heavy weight hung over them as Sasuke broke the silence, revealing a truth that sent chills down their spines. As he unfolded the scroll, their eyes widened with disbelief. The names of five other Otsutsukis, Kinshiki, Urashiki, Momoshiki, Ishiki, and Yoshiki, were inscribed upon it, each one representing a potential threat to the shinobi world. The authenticity of the scroll was unquestionable, since it was authored by Hamura Otsutsuki. Naruto's voice trembled with concern as he voiced the question that hung in all their thoughts, "Kaguya was just the beginning?"

Sasuke's voice carried a weight of certainty as he responded, his gaze fixed on the ancient scroll. "Yes, and it's likely that some of them are already here… No, given the time this scroll was written, it's a certainty that at least one of them is already among us."

Shikamaru's curiosity was piqued, his mind instantly springing into action, craving concrete explanations. "What is their motive? Why are they here?"

But before anyone could think of a plausible answer, the office door flew open, crashing against the wall. A disheveled man burst into the room, beads of sweat dripping down his furrowed brow. Gasping for breath, he urgently delivered a message, his words tumbling out in a torrent. The Head Director of the police department had summoned either Naruto or Shikamaru, requiring their immediate presence. The urgency hung heavy in the air, fueling their determination as they wasted no time in trailing after the man. Each step reverberated through the stillness of the night as they approached a chilling crime scene.

A lifeless woman, her dark tresses splayed across the ground, lay in stark contrast beside a young boy with shockingly white hair. The sight sent shivers down their spines, for it betrayed a sight never before witnessed. The grotesque bodies before them held an otherworldly aura, their bluish skin clinging tightly to bones devoid of muscles, with nothing but flattened skin stretched tautly over the skeletal framework, one could count their bones just by looking. Their eyes nearly popped out of their sockets, and their teeth were removed.

As they looked in shock, Shikamaru hurriedly asked, "But how did they end up in this state?"

"The room was filled with syringes, empty serum bags, and needles. Which leads us to believe they were sucked dry of their blood." Said a man dressed in a neatly pressed white lab coat carrying a small notebook and a pen. "My name is Marvel." He said shaking Shikamaru's hand.

Naruto got in on the conversation, his voice heavy with sorrow. "Who could commit such a horrifying act?" But before the forensic scientist could answer, the head director of the police department came from behind them, "That's exactly why I wanted to see you." He looked at the reduced bodies of the victims in pity, and continued "They didn't stop at their blood, all we have left are their skin, some organs, and their bones. Every single muscle in their bodies were reduced to nothing, their brains are missing, their teeth are missing, and…" his brow furrowed an expression of disgust forming on his face. as he held back the last thing, not even him could utter the courage to pronounce such atrocities. But Marvel continued "And, they were both sexually assaulted, in every way."

Naruto's face contorted with anger as the words reached his ears. His fist tightened, knuckles white, and he abruptly spun around, directing his fury towards the nearest wall. Just as the punch was about to connect, Naruto halted, his instincts reminding him of the consequences his rage could bring. Deep down, he understood the danger of allowing this anger to overpower him.

The person behind this atrocity, whoever they are, had crossed all the lines, and they have to face the consequences, no matter what. Sensing Naruto's rage, Kakashi stepped in, placing a reassuring hand on Naruto's shoulder, to ease the fire burning within him.

The Head director's exasperated face met his palm, "That's why I wanted to see you," he said, again, his voice laced with a mix of distress and urgency, "This couldn't have been accomplished through any conventional means, There's no scientific technique or procedure that allows for the removal of organs without the necessary step of cutting through the skin. Yet here, it was done multiple times. Which led us to believe that only a shinobi could have done it. So do you guys know anyone who would be capable of doing this?"

Kakashi's mind raced, thoughts darting to potential culprits. "Kabuto is a possible culprit but, Itachi's Izanami altered his path forever. Which leaves…"

"Which leaves Orochimaru." Sasuke said in a disdainful tone.

They all looked at each other, agreeing without saying a word they rushed to Orochimaru's place. As they arrived, they found him training a young child with a huge snake warped around his shoulders. A mix of suspicion and hope colored their expressions.

With no time to waste, Kakashi approached Orochimaru, his voice steady and firm. "We need to talk."

Shikamaru continued, "We found a crime scene, and..."

Orochimaru, immediately understanding that they suspected him, responded calmly, "I want to assure you that, whatever it is, it wasn't me." He glanced at their faces, but his words didn't succeed in dispelling their doubts.

"Look, if you don't believe me, Sasuke can even use his eyes to delve into my memories and check if I've done whatever it is you're suspecting me of."

As if he had been waiting for this moment, Sasuke immediately activated his Rinnegan, exploring Orochimaru's thoughts. His eyes widened as he realized the truth, Orochimaru was innocent. "He hasn't done anything wrong. He has been training this child for weeks," Sasuke confirmed, disproving their doubts

Orochimaru openly acknowledged the reasonable suspicion directed towards him, considering his controversial history. However, he reassured them that he understood their concerns and harbored no ill-will towards them. Afterwards, they began recounting what just happened in intricate detail. Orochimaru, showcasing a faint hint of surprise, absorbed the information. Without hesitation, he expressed his willingness to lend a hand in delving deeper into the matter. With gratitude and apologies, they left Orochimaru, their path now uncertain.

As they made their way back to the Hokage's bureau, the dimly lit streets of Konoha were empty and eerily silent. The moon hung high in the sky, casting a pale glow on their weary faces. Time seemed to slip away unnoticed until Kakashi glanced at his wrist, his eyes widening in surprise. It was past 3 a.m!

A sense of urgency washed over him, the weight of responsibility settling heavily on his shoulders. With a determined stride, he quickened his pace, leaving the others behind. His mind raced with thoughts of his family, left alone in the middle of the night with no protection. He yearned to be by their side, to ensure their safety and comfort in the quiet hours of the night.

As Kakashi approached the familiar wooden door of his house, he took a deep breath, summoning his strength for what lay beyond. The gentle creaking of the door filled the silent house as he stepped inside, his eyes scanning the room in search of Hanara. A flicker of relief washed over him as he saw her nestled in her bed, her breathing gentle and serene.

But in the dimly lit room, his eyes met with an unexpected sight. Sitting by the window, bathed in moonlight, was Hiroshi, his son. The exhaustion etched deep lines on Hiroshi's face, his eyes heavy with worry. Kakashi's concern blossomed like a fragile flower within him, distracting him from his own fatigue.

"Why aren't you asleep?" Kakashi's voice came out softer than intended, laced with worry.

Hiroshi's eyes glistened, shining with both innocence and an unexpected hint of maturity. Drawing closer to his father, he whispered, his words tinged with a hint of fear. "I couldn't sleep," he confessed. "There was this, lingering presence... I sensed something... unusual."

Kakashi tried to dismiss his son's words, to reassure himself that Hiroshi's imagination was simply running wild in the quiet of the night. But his insistent gaze, so full of sincerity, made Kakashi pause. He couldn't ignore the possibility that Hiroshi possessed much heightened senses and awareness than himself.

"You, felt it?" Kakashi asked, his heart swelled with a mix of emotions. His protective instincts flared, desperate to banish any threat that dared to lurk near his family.

Hiroshi nodded, his features creased with anxiety. "Yes, but... it disappeared just moments before you came in. Like it sensed you coming."

The weight of the situation settled over Kakashi, his fatherly instincts kicking into overdrive. He sought to ease Hiroshi's fears, to shield him from the darkness that threatened their lives. Gently, Kakashi brushed a hand through his son's hair, his voice steady and reassuring.

"Everything will be okay, Hiroshi. I promise. But for now, you need to rest. The exams starts today, you will need your strength."

Hiroshi's eyes shifted in gratitude, finding solace in his father's words. Slowly, he nodded and allowed himself to be guided back towards his own bed. With a final embrace, Kakashi tucked him in, his heart filled with a fierce determination to protect and preserve the innocence that radiated from his son.

Kakashi made his way back to the table. The tantalizing aroma of a hot, home-cooked meal filled the air, a fragrance that had become foreign to him over the years. A soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he beheld the delight before him. It was a sight he hadn't witnessed in what felt like an eternity.

As he reached for his utensils, He looked at Hanara, regretful that he had come home this late, and unable to eat with them. Despite the warm happiness that embraced him, a tinge of longing tinged his heart, longing for the family that was missing in this moment. He made a promise to himself, to never be late again to his home-cooked meal.

Meanwhile, in a different corner of the world, Hiroshi in a peaceful slumber, had a mischievous grin gradually spread across his face, illuminated by the soft glow of the moonlight that streamed through the window. In his dreams, the anticipation for the day ahead consumed him, igniting a dormant fire within.

His youthful mind wandered through treacherous battles as he envisioned his first training session with Kenta. The prospect of facing his rival in combat filled him with electric energy, coursing through his veins like a current racing towards its destination. Every fiber of his being yearned for the exhilaration that awaited him on this momentous day, an eagerness that fueled his determination. Hiroshi reveled in the vivid image of his impending victory, tasting the triumph even before the first clash of their fists.