
Hiroshi HATAKE

In this captivating tale, Kakashi Hatake, the legendary copy ninja, and the sixth Hokage, discovers he has a son named Hiroshi. As Kakashi reconnects with Hanara, the woman he once saved, he learns that Hiroshi possesses extraordinary powers, he bears both the Byakugan and the Sharingan. Determined to protect his son, Kakashi keeps this secret hidden, even from his closest allies. Together with Tsunade's help, they delve into the mystery of Hiroshi's eyes, while Kakashi navigates the challenges of training his gifted son. As Hiroshi enters the ninja academy, he forms new friendships, including Sarada and Boruto. However, lurking in the shadows, enemies threaten Hiroshi's safety, triggering a chain of events that test Kakashi and Hiroshi's skills and their father and son bond. With danger mounting, Kakashi must harness his experience and unlock Hiroshi's true potential to safeguard their family and the village they hold dear. Filled with action, emotional depth, and secrets that could shake the shinobi world, this story explores the complexities of parenthood, the power of legacy, and the strength found in unexpected connections.

Ashborn_Windsor · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Hiroshi Hatake

Kakashi Hatake, renowned as the Copy Ninja and a former Hokage, had taken on the responsibility of training the next generation of shinobi. Among his students was Boruto Uzumaki, the son of Naruto Uzumaki, who had grown up with stories of Kakashi's legendary exploits.

During one of their training sessions, a messenger from the Jomae village approached Kakashi, delivering a message. The messenger mentioned that a woman named Hanara was looking for him and it was urgent. The moment Kakashi heard her name, a flood of memories washed over him.

Years ago, Kakashi had been on a mission to the Jomae village. The village head, a tyrant who abused his power, had caused havoc among the villagers. Kakashi, driven by his strong sense of justice, intervened and saved Hanara's life during a perilous encounter. Their connection deepened over time, and they developed strong feelings for each other.

However, duty had called Kakashi back to Konoha, and he had left without being able to say a proper goodbye to Hanara. Their separation had left a void in Kakashi's heart, but he had resigned himself to the belief that they might never meet again.

Upon hearing Hanara's name, Kakashi's heart raced with anticipation. Without wasting a moment, he excused himself from Boruto's training session, informing him that he had an urgent matter to attend to. With a promise to resume their training later, Kakashi hurriedly left to see Hanara.

Arriving at the location where Hanara was said to be waiting, Kakashi's eyes met hers, and all the emotions he had buried resurfaced. Standing next to her was a young boy, who bore an uncanny resemblance to Kakashi as a child. The boy's features were strikingly similar, to the point that anyone who knew Kakashi in his youth would bet their life that this was kid Kakashi.

As they started talking, Kakashi could sense the weight of the conversation that was about to unfold. Hanara confessed that the boy was his son, and she had kept him away from Kakashi's life out of concern for the burdens and responsibilities he carried as a shinobi. She expressed her apologies for denying him the chance to be a father.

Understanding Hanara's intentions and the reasons behind her decision, Kakashi assured her that it was okay and that he harbored no ill feelings toward her. Hanara explained that she had decided to reveal the truth now because the village elders had grown wary of their son's incredible talents and powers. She feared that they might attempt to harm or manipulate him, and her only priority is to protect their child.

Moved by Hanara's concerns, Kakashi made a life-changing decision. He invited Hanara and their son to stay in his home in Konoha, assuring them that he would provide a safe and nurturing environment for their family. Overjoyed, Hanara accepted his invitation, grateful for the support and protection Kakashi was willing to offer.

In the following days, Kakashi spent precious time with Hiroshi, his newfound son. They played, trained, and bonded over their shared love for ninjutsu. As they trained together, Kakashi couldn't help but notice Hiroshi's exceptional talent and intelligence, surpassing even his own abilities. Hiroshi displayed an uncanny ability to replicate and perfect any technique he witnessed, showcasing remarkable tactical prowess. Furthermore, his chakra levels exceeded Kakashi's own, surpassing them by fivefold.

However, their training took an unexpected turn. One day, as Hiroshi exerted himself during an intense training session, his pupils underwent a startling transformation. His left eye manifested the Sharingan, while his right eye revealed the Byakugan. Kakashi was momentarily stunned by the revelation but quickly regained his composure.

Realizing the significance of Hiroshi's dojutsu, Kakashi decided to keep this an utmost secret. If words were to spread out about this, not only would it put Hiroshi's life at risk by causing his location to be revealed, it could potentially cause a civil war. Since the Hyuga clan is very strict when it comes to traditions and rules regarding the Byakugan, as it exclusively comes from their clan. 

He told Hiroshi about it, explaining to him what each eye was, their potential abilities, and how it would be dangerous for him to let others know about it because each of them is exclusive to one clan. Hiroshi nodded and said, "Yes sensei." Which warmed Kakashi's heart. His face didn't say it, but he was taken aback by how much he liked hearing those words from his son.

Later that day, Kakashi decided to further look into it, how can his son develop two different dojutsu, which are both Kekkei genkais from two different clans? So he went to meet Tsunade with Hiroshi. He shared the entire story with her, from the shocking revelation of his newfound son to the existence of the Byakugan and Sharingan within Hiroshi. Tsunade listened intently, her wisdom and understanding shining through.

After absorbing the gravity of the situation, Tsunade took charge. "I will conduct extensive tests and research to understand the origins of Hiroshi's eyes," she assured Kakashi, her voice filled with determination. "There is no doubt that he is your son though."

Kakashi's eyes softened with gratitude. "Thank you, Tsunade. I trust your expertise," he replied, relieved to have her support. "But I must ask that you keep this a secret. The world doesn't need to know just yet."

Tsunade nodded, understanding the weight of the secret they now carried. "Rest assured, Kakashi. I will keep this confidential, as requested," she affirmed, her commitment unwavering, knowing that such news could cause a civil war, as the Hyuga clan would probably get hostile from hearing that their kekei genkai is in the possession of someone that's not from their clan. They would most likely think he stole it. "Now, I have another suggestion." She continued.

Curiosity sparked within Kakashi as he leaned in, eager to hear Tsunade's thoughts. "What is it?" he asked, his voice laced with anticipation.

"I believe it would be beneficial for Hiroshi to attend the ninja academy," Tsunade proposed, her eyes shining with insight. "His immense chakra reserves and potential should be cultivated and honed under proper guidance."

Kakashi nodded, recognizing the wisdom in Tsunade's words. "You're right. The academy will provide him with opportunities to grow and make new friends," he acknowledged, his voice tinged with a mix of pride and hope.

With the matter settled, Kakashi and Tsunade engaged in further conversation, discussing the future and the steps they would take to unravel the mystery surrounding Hiroshi's unique eyes. Their dialogue flowed, each word filled with purpose and determination.

After bidding Tsunade farewell, Kakashi returned home with Hiroshi by his side. Hanara eagerly awaited their arrival, her eyes reflecting a mix of anticipation and love. As Kakashi shared his decision about Hiroshi attending the ninja academy, Hanara's face lit up with joy and support. She embraced the idea wholeheartedly, excited for Hiroshi's future and the friendships he would forge.