
Hiro and the seven sins of humanity.

the moon turned red as blood and before me stood live Park Hiro is a failed writer ,who had to give up on his dreams due to circumstances. One day his treasured novel called (Park hiro and the sins of humanity) came to life . but that not even the worst part the protagonist park hiro(not him) is dead and he never finished the novel stopping in the last episode and even worse the the novel has no protagonist and is going off the storyline. with the world now at the mercy at the of mankind's greatest vices ,the world is plunged into chaos and despair. Join our mc on his quest to rewrite his novel and to free mankind from the sins of humanity and mostly to not die.

Kirs_Ave_ · 都市
8 Chs


Good day readers

I know that I did not post anything on Saturday, like I normally do and I apologise for that

School and other things got in my way and I needed time to improve the story and characters and also my writing ✍

I also made some small changes to the story as you notice the synopsis has changed a little but now everything is okay

But don't worry blood moon is back and I will keep bringing out more chapters

But my current goal is to bring out twice every week instead of once (Saturdays) a week.

I plan on bringing out new chapters on Fridays and Saturdays, but sadly that is just a goal as currently I will just only update once a week.

This week I decided to bring out a character questionnaire of the Hiro, Roxanne and Jayeong to further expand their characters and show you their personality

Please after reading this chapter please write in comments who you think , you matches your personality and also please rate and review as this helps the novel quite a lot as it will be recommended more to other readers

Thank you.

Now onwards

Live: welcome everyone to the first ever character questionnaire! now let get started

1.live:do you have any nicknames?

H:no I do not

Live:But in chapter 1 it was revealed that your mother calls you olchaeng-i (tadpole )

H: um (his face turns red out of embarrassment)

R: really Hiro that adorable

H:next question

R:uh no

J:Jay or J

R: now that I think about it why don't you address Hiro as hyeong (a term used by younger brothers to address there older brothers)

And why doesn't Hiro address you as namdongsaeng (a term used to address a younger brother)

H:well it is because we are so used to each other that I let him call me whatever he wants.

J: and Hiro has this thing where he like to use nicknames instead of using terms or their actual names to address a person

R:oh .....but wait you call me Roxanne Hiro,where is my nickname

H:oh I didn't know you wanted a nickname ,what about Roxy

R:yay!!!! my own special Hiro nickname .

2.Live: Do you have any hobbies :

H: well I like gardening, drawing, eating,cooking, cleaning, reading and surprisingly I am not bad at swimming all tho I am not too of a swimmer but still

Wow that a lot of hobbies you have there Hiro

H:well it either that or I be alone in witj my thoughts ...

R:I like mountain climbing, cycling, driving and fixing up old or vintage cars ,travelling, learning new languages and learning about new culture

J: gaming,making fun of Hiro,snacking, photography, editing, coding and don't tell Hiro hacking

H:eh! what was that


3.Live:are an introvert or extrovert or both ?



J: introvert

4Live: what bad habits do you have?

H: um Well that would be

J: lack of self confidence, he bites his nails and


H;what he means to say is that I don't have any

R:well I tend overthink things alot


6.Live: if you could change one thing about yourself what would the be


R:nothing I love myself

J:i would make myself more handsome and musclar

H:but Jay you already adorable why would you want to handsome

J:I know you were trying to compliment me, but that was a backhanded compliment

R:what he was trying to say was that you are perfect just the way you are and also you Hiro you are perfect just the way you are

H: .....


7.Live:what is your obsession and what is your pet peeves?

H:obsession, giving people nicknames and *Tteo-bokki (a popular korean food made from small sized garea-tteok called tteokbokki)

and lately * bureom(a traditional Korean snack which is a collection of peanuts,walnuts, chestnut,and ginkgo) I know you are normally supposed to eat it during *Daeboreum( a korean holiday that celebrates the first full moon of the new year of the lunar Korean calander)but after the Daeboreum I have just been eating nonstop.

And pet peeves are people who find obnoxious and annoying.

R:obsession Huh well um I know this nerdy but I kinda like to collect vintage comic book.

J:*Noona(a term used by younger males to address older females)really

R;(blushing)hehe yeah

H:I really didn't expect that Roxy

R:well my dad wanted to be a comic book artist but he gave up on that dream but he still loves reading comic books and naturally he passed it unto me and my brothers

H:wow that really is sweet

R: yeah I know ,oh right my pet peeves are dishonest people

J:obsession mmh.... games in general, mostly online games .I especially find myself being drawn to rpg games,as it sometimes I don't want to be reminded that about real life in general and I just want to get lost in the game.

H:too bad you're addicted to them

J:pft I am not addicted to them okay

H: you are literally playing a game right now during this interview Jay

J: I can stop when I want Hiro

H:okay stop

J:pft fine...just right after I beat this boss


J:did you know one of pet peeves is nagging and surprisingly dirt .funny enough I think I might be a clean freak

8. Live:Now this is a love question, how is your love life?


H:just know my love life can be compared to dumpster fire

R:a couple of guys here and there but currently I am single

J:well there is this named misaki uno from this anime and

R:J she means real girls

J:Noona they are real to me!

R:no J she means flesh and blood

J:they are flesh and blood to me!


9.Live:do you play any sport?

H:well I know how to swim but apart from that no not even one

Live: you know why am I even not surprised!


J:uh what are sports

Live:... how do you not know what sports are

J:mmh I do hear boys in my class talk about sports but never took any interest in them so ..yeah

J:I actually do not know what sports are

R: sports Huh well I like rock-climbing, track,fencing and so much more

10.Live: what I your favorite animal?

H:a wolf

Live: why a wolf

Live:why wouldn't it be a wolf they have strong family ties,loyal as heck,they are wise,communication is on point.should I continue

Live: no it okay

R:ooo an Eagle

Live:Huh why an eagle

R:well they are honest,majestic and they also symbolise courage,wisdom,and freedom too.

J:a *dokkaebi(a korean mythological goblin known for playing tricks on humans) I always wanted to be friends with one

Live:they have to be animals Jayeong!

J:fine a * bulgae(a korean mythological fire dog)

R: they have to be real animals J

H:Roxy we now live in a world where (points to Live) thing this exist ,so I wouldn't be surprised if a Bulgae exists

J:it does exist in my calculations it is located in the sin of wrath domain


11.Live:do you have any allergies?

H:nope I am as healthy as an ox

R:none at all

J:I have an allergy of nuts and it isn't helped by the fact that Hiro eats them alot

Live:apart from bureom

J: apart from it he has liking for nuts and an any nut related food/snack,but he knows I am allergic to nuts so he label's any thing that does have nuts in them with a note tht says "do not eat"

12.Live: What do you do on a Friday night

H:stay home, curl up in a blanket, while eating popcorn and watch and a movie

Live:wow! That boring


H:yes Roxy

R:I didn't you and me did the same thing on Friday nights

H:we do

R:yeah! staying home and watching a movie ,I especially like watching cringe Horror movies

H:because they are so bad that it actually funny

R:exactly! Especially the low budget costumes

H:and the terrible acting

Live:moving on what about you Jayeong ?

J:also just staying at home and watching horror movies

Live:you mean cringe Horror movies

J:nope just plain old Horror movie

H:yeah we watch them like 50% of the time when Jay get to pick .

13.Live:if you could go back in te where would you go:

H:13 years back ,I would to see my mother again even if just for one minute .I would like see hear and hear her voice again

R:to the medieval era, I would love to to tell them a lot of their beliefs are actually killing them especially the whole lead and mecury poisoning thing

J:the early 2000


J:because I can just use my knowledge of today there ,you know invest in the right companies or even just straight up something from the future and present as your own invension and boom you're a billionaire

H:oo that a good one Jay good job!

14.Live:what is your greatest regret?

H:well that would be I didn't finish my novel,that I didn't follow my dream,that I didn't put myself out there and enjoy life...I have alot of regret honestly speaking.


J:my only regret was that I did not tell my parents,that I loved them

15.Live: what is your perception of redemption?

R:everyone is redeemable to me ,no matter what you did in the past


H:hmm if you are worth it then you are remedable.

Live:Huh what does that mean?

H:it is simple let say you now have a garden but wait there is weed that just sprouted out of nowhere,

If you keep the weed it will cause harm to at least one of your crops but the weed is actually valuable as it provides you with more that the one crop would have have provided you

So do you keep the weed or kill

H:in my case you keep the weed and this is what redemption means to me,if you are will be helpful and not a road block to me then you worthy of redemption


H:it also depends on if I take a liking towards you or not but the valuable thing is always more of a concern to me than the liking part.

And that is the last question in today's questionnaire, please write in comments if you want more of this

And tell me the characters you want to be in the next one

Thank you

also please note this novel is subject to copyright ©️ claim if anyone that isn't trys to steal it or use it without permission

Kirs_Ave_creators' thoughts