
Reversed isekai

the moon turned red as blood and before me stood live Park Hiro is a failed writer and ordinary office worker. one day as he walking on the street,a truck hits him well a look alike him. but before he can say anything the moon turns red and out comes live,a character from his novel Hiro and the seven sins,does this mean his novel has isekaied into our world?,and if it has how? and why?,and who was the man hit by the truck? what has happened ?and what will happen ?so follow Hiro and his adventures.

Kirs_Ave_ · Urban
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9 Chs


I couldn't believe my eyes

 "Welcome to the tournament of the seven sins"

 The moon had turned red and live was standing right there infront of me well floating. 

 What was even crazier was red square boxes had appeared 

 Roxanne turned pale as she moved back , jayeong held my hand scared to death 

 As live shouted "let the game begin" 

A quest tab appeared right before my eyes 


 Main quest

Survive the challenge (childhood games)

Time limit: 2 weeks

Reward: Awaking 

Penalty: death 

 I gulped and sighed as

 I knew what would happen next,

 Hot, burning lava


 Lava came at full speed I grabbed both Jayeong and Roxanne and ran towards a appearing red box,  entering it.

 I held my breath as Lava flowed down the street and i tried to block out the screams of the unlucky  people who couldn't get to the red boxes in time

 as guilt built up in me , I closed Jayeong eyes with my hand so he would not see the horror taking place and held Roxanne's hand to calm her 

 All of this is crazy yes and I know that, but do you what to know what even more crazier is that all this is a novel come to life and what even more crazier is the fact that I wrote this novel

So truly how the hell has it come to pass.


 Writers note

Hi 👋 my name is Akpovwovwo kirsten and I am the Writer of this series 

 I just want to inform readers that this is my first story ( not really) I mean this is my first series I am writing online .Normally I just in books or my laptop this is my first ever published books

 So I ask please be patient with me and if you have any suggestions or questions please comment 

 Ps ep 1 and 2 is coming soon (this week) I just have to do some editing 

 Thank you