
Reversed isekai

the moon turned red as blood and before me stood live Park Hiro is a failed writer and ordinary office worker. one day as he walking on the street,a truck hits him well a look alike him. but before he can say anything the moon turns red and out comes live,a character from his novel Hiro and the seven sins,does this mean his novel has isekaied into our world?,and if it has how? and why?,and who was the man hit by the truck? what has happened ?and what will happen ?so follow Hiro and his adventures.

Kirs_Ave_ · Urban
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9 Chs

chapter 3:the Countdown(10)

What was that.

I looked at men that I had knocked out,they weren't dead right...yeah they aren't dead

I quickly checked to see if they were still breathing,oh thank God "they are alive!"

I said letting out a sigh of relieve, I know sooner or later I will have to kill people but not right now.

Let me Atleast keep my innocence a little bit.

I looked around for anything to tie the men up with,and found a bunch of wires.

"Look I am sorry for this but it either you or me "I said tying them up.

" Oh!" I accidentally broke one of the men's arm "hehe I guess I don't know my own strength "


I heard voices scream my name


"Are you OK did they break anything " Jay asked worried

"Are you sure"

"Aw! yes Jay you big brother can handle himself ok"

I said hugging him.

"Why are you hugging me ,I just lost a 10,000₩ (approximately 7 dollars)because of you

"Did you bet I would lose"

"Yes I bet 5000₩ that you would lose and another 5000₩ you would a bone"

"Do both of you have that little faith in me"

" Well it wasn't really a Bet as I just said you would win and Jay said you would lose horribly" Roxanne chimed in

"Seriously! " I said as I scoffed at the both of them

Roxanne started apologising to me

"Good job on not dying big bro" Jay said .As if he did not just place a bet that i would break my bones.

"Woof!woof!" the pig or is it a dog barked

She was standing near the door barking at us, ferociously trying to tell us something.

My hair stood up,The goosebumps on my skin became more noticeable and heart began beating fast.something was coming.

Something higher than my current level, damn you system and your penalties. I am already maxed out no this have to be fair.

.I grabbed Jayeong and Roxanne's hand and we rushed towards the janitors closet with the pig hybrid right on our tail.

As we entered at the nick of time ,the pigdog hybrid ran to Jayeong,I slammed the door before signalling to keep quiet.

Scratching noises filled the room as whatever this was began to sing" I lost my sister ,help me find her

I lost my mother,help me find her

I lost my father,help Mr find him

Help me! Help me! Help me!!!!"it began screaming in a bloodchilling way.

I felt my heart began to beat as if it was about to bust,Roxanne eyes began to bleed,Jayeong ear bleed.

Please leave! leave!leave! Was the only thing I could think of, I felt like it toying with us as it knew we were there but wanted to us to suffer.the thoughts that ran through my head were only one and one thing alone

"Don't open the door"

As if it had heard my thoughts it came towards the door,I could see it's shadow lurking,waiting to strike.

Bam!,noise came from outside and that thing ran towards it.

3 hours later

We waited there for an hour before leaving the closet,what was that? was what we thought.

But when we're inside the closer for that hour and we heard a lot of noises.we heard scharting ,ripping and chewing.

But the worst sound was the laughter ,somehow it sounded like that of a child at first but kept twisting into a bear,then a lion ,a hyena laughing and a possum growling.

After we got out,the men I had tied up their bodies were nowhere to be found all that was left was blood and some tattered clothes.chills ran down my spine looking at this.

"Hiro I think I know what that was"

Jay Said

"I will tell when we to camp"

On our way back to camp we stopped at a convention store,to get some food."hurry! we don't want anymore encounters like we had today"i said rushing everyone up.

We packed as much food as we could find,but that store was already looted .we could hardly find anything in there" come on hurry ".

We rushed out of there and back to camp,"it getting late I think,the sun is still blocked out" Roxanne said "but still we better get back fast".

After what felt like forever ,we finally go there.

"Ah finally, I can relax" Roxanne said sitting down on the grass.

"Roxy are you okay" I asked worried about her,the Roxanne in the book may be fearless, but what about the real Roxanne?.

"I'm fine... " She said with a small smile on her face."don't worry too much about me OK plus I think I am going to take a nap,call me when food is ready " She tried smiling again but this time it felt forced, she went inside one of the tents to sleep.


"Hiro we need to talk !"Jay said standing up

"Can we go for a walk"

"Sure" answering him.

We walked in silence for a while before Jayeong stopped and finally spoke

"... I think that was a Mizon! "


Mizon(A grade)

A rare ,A grade monster.who is known to have the appearance of a child , luring all those who don't know of it true identity.

It is a brutal monster infamous for it deafening voice,used to bust it targets hearts,eyes or ears.

Before devouring it's victim whole and leaving nothing of it,usually its victim are weaker than it.

"What makes you say that"

"The scratching, the voice,even up to the bleeding "

Jayeong was right Mizon's were renowned for their long sharp nails ,capable of slicing a man in two.

Not to mention the voice and bleeding.

It's undeniable it was a Mizon.but saying that would mean,there's a mistake... a huge one.

"Hiro, I have read your novel countless times and I know for a fact Mizon's are supposed to appear not until chapter 180"

He is also right,I mean why wouldn't he apart from me and Hiro the protagonist.He is the only other person to have read the novel and know what actually happening .

"Mizon's don't appear until prides takes over, so they shouldn't be here this early on in the story"

"Hiro is something happening to the story"


"You know like in all those novels about people entering inside of a book,is the storyline changing"

"No it can't be...right"

I pulled out the book from my hand

"Huh?!" Jay looked confused at me

"It a New skill of mine"

I opened the book and the black ink had become white.


Jay brought a pen from his pocket,"Ok here we go"

I began to write in it, but as I wrote .the ink disappeared, I tried again but it happened again and again.

What is going on here ?!.

I pondered it for a while.

"Wait a minute "

I turned to the pig dog hybrid and hugged it"thank you... I mean it"

Jayeong looked confused at my strange reaction "Jay,Mizon's hunt things weaker than it and currently now Jay you the only one who has not awaken, which is why you are a seeker"


"When we were entering the closet it ran to you,knowing that you were the perfect meal for the Mizon and protected you from it"

Thinking about it now when it towards the door,it knew we were there.but it didn't enter ,there was already two ss rank inside and its only potential meal was protected by primal.so it ran.

"Thank you for saving my brother"

"Yeah thank you for saving me pigdog hybrid "

"You know calling it that,would seem rude giving it saved your life"

It eyes sparkled with joy

"Mmmmh what about the name ,fluffy"

The joy in it'd eyes vanished as a scrowl appear on its face and she turned away from me.

"Hiro I don't think she likes that name"

"Mmmh what seondeok"

She turned her face to me ,as a notification appeared

The primal of gluttony has accepted the name Seondeok.

"Did you name her Seondeok after the great monarch of silla" Jayeong asked

" Huh!"

"Yeah!,I remember her from history class .a great,wise,caring and majestic queen Seondeok of Silla"

"Of course I named her after her"

Now,that a big lie .honestly I just liked the name.


I heard a blood chilling scream,me and Jayeong immediately hid ourselves.

"Shsh"i said telling Jay to keep quiet .

"Help me!" Said a woman in tears,desperate for someone to save her.

"Lady no one's is going to save you"

She continued to shouting and screaming for help .

"Would you shut up!" said a familiar voice.

As the familiar voice came out of the car.

" Aleumdaun Jangmi!"

"Is that really her?" Jayeong asked trying to get a proper glimpse of her

"Pale skin,short purple hair and black dead eyes"

" it is her,Aleumdaun jangmi the black knight"