
Reversed isekai

the moon turned red as blood and before me stood live Park Hiro is a failed writer and ordinary office worker. one day as he walking on the street,a truck hits him well a look alike him. but before he can say anything the moon turns red and out comes live,a character from his novel Hiro and the seven sins,does this mean his novel has isekaied into our world?,and if it has how? and why?,and who was the man hit by the truck? what has happened ?and what will happen ?so follow Hiro and his adventures.

Kirs_Ave_ · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter 3:countdown (9)

Aleumdaun Jangmi Aka the Black knight.

She joins Hiro's team by quest 80 only to meet her demise in quest 100.she was known infamously throughout the world of Phsh.

The black knight of the round table was and is one of the most controvesal knights,unlike other knights which were painted as hero's despite .a black knight could be the hero or the villian of the story being told, so it was no surprise that the holder of the title would also be like this.

Jangmi originally joined Hiro team not because of choice but simply because she didn't want to die,because even tho she she was a knight .she did not understand what you call a sense of duty,also known as chivalry.

She would often switch sides if one was going to lose or she did not get what she wanted,this made her become the target of many.

Seeing how her ways had eventually caught up to her she fled to Hiro for protection, where she would meet end.

And so ended the tale of the elusive black knight.

(Plot weaver lv 1) has activated

"Plot weaver?" I looked at the notification confused,this was not one of Hiro's skill.i never even wrote about a skill Like this to begin with,so what is Plot weaver even?.

But now that I think about I need to seriously take a look at the skills I have.

"Hiro"jay shouted in a hush tone.

I looked up to see a annoyed Jay staring at me,"I have been calling your,why were you not! .."

I put my hand on his mouth "do you see it?" I asked ,"see what?"

"The threads" Jay looked at me thinking I had gone mad.

"Hiro do need to rest because your are purple" he asked worried, "can you not see them jay" I said reaching to touch them.

How could Jay not see the threads,they thin yet it could not be cut,they were as long as a river, but I couldn't see where they stopped,some interwoven with each other while others weren't.

I reached my hand to touch one of the threads.

(Plot weaver lv 1 has deactivated)

"Hiro!" Jay shouted

"Huh! Where am i"

"Um are you okay?" Jay asked concerned

"I'm fine Jay,don't worry" I smiled At him

" good .."

"Jayeong Patrick Kim I didn't know you cared about your big brother so much " I said mocking him

"Haha,me care about you as if be real here Hiro" he said trying to act tough

"Either jangmi and her crew left a few minutes ago,so cam we leave here My legs are cramping "

"Sure"i said standing up

3 hours later

I sat awake staring at the fire,it was already night(I think).it has been Since this event began ,at first we considered sleeping indoors but that more dangerous due to gangs of seekers going from house to house to find people. Plus it safer outside you can see from afar, it easier to run or hid

Main Quest

Survive the challenge (childhood games:Hide and seek)

Time limit:2 weeks( 3 days left)

Reward:Awaking lv2

Penalty :death.

Huh only 3 days remaining ,that means all this happened in one week and four days. I honestly still find it hard to believe ,not to long ago I worked in an office and now I am in a random place in busan acting as look out so that we don't die....woah

I shook off my thoughts immediately and opened my character profile

Park Hiro


Attributes:Creator (mythical )


Personal skill:(writers block)(Characters profile) (create)(cancel)(story weaver)(black fire lv 2),(bomb lv 4) (lava lv 2)(cherry blossom lv 5)

(Over heat lv 3),(lighting lv 2)

Writers block ,create,story or plot weaver, cancel !what type of skills are this I. Never mentioned them in the novel.

" Plot weaver "wasn't this the skill that activated before... ,I wonder how you activate it.

Normally you think activating a skill would be easy bit not really, it actually takes time to activate a skill and even it takes longer to learn to use it properly.

But skills can also actually be activated via instincts, it may activats when a person is in serious danger or need .

So why did Plot weaver activate on its own?,I wasn't in danger or anything so why?

How do i even activate this

[Plot weaver lv1 has been activated]

I saw threads this time they were purple ,each one longer than the others.

I reached out my hand to touch one of the threads but then I saw it,one of the most infamous organisations in Phsh

The red Empire

The most notorious gang ever ,the created their own underground city and were involved in stealing of mana stones,creation of destructive weapons,

Trafficking of people and beasts .

They were such a menace that they started making deals with the some Ju-in's and started rigging the side quests

Even at a point in time they started to annoy the sins getting on their nerves to the extent of making quests just hunt them down.

So what are they doing in Busan at this point in time?,they first start to emerge from Seoul and then make their way to Busan in chapter 30.

That means if they here that would explain Jangmi presence in Busan also

I reached out to touch another thread and

Ahhhhh!,I could the hear scream of thousands,Fire was everywhere , buildings had started falling and the earth was shaking violently.

People were either running or chasing, It reminded me of a predator chasing its prey. Blood filled the streets , I could hear screams of the prey.

I looked up only to a timer,a Ju-in shouted"the timers almost done" 9,8,7, .

he smiled sinister as he watched the chaos unfold,Live simply couldn't say anything and turned her head.

What is this ? what is going on what happened here?,did the red Empire do this

(Plot weaver lv 1) has been deactivated

"What!" I shouted

"Huh!"Roxanne said waking up

"Oh it nothing Roxy go back to sleeping "

"Stop shouting Hiro"she said going back to sleep.

"Sorry"i said whispering

"Note to self Roxanne is a light sleeper"

"Sigh" What did I just see,first the red Empire and now seth ,out of all the Ju-in him.and why was there a timer in the sky,that wasn't in the book.

As I sat there deep In thought

"Hiro I can hear you" Roxanne said


She stood up from her sleeping bag and sat down on the log I was sitting on "when you get nervous, you start stamping your feet"

"I do?"

"Yeah,it not that loud but still annoying especially if done at night when everywhere is quiet"

"Sorry... again for that"

"Hiro I'm not mad at you,plus you didn't wake me up.i normally wake up at this time ,I tend to prefer doing the night shift . my body is still trying to get used you know all of this"she smiled at me

"If your tired, I can take it from here Hiro"

"Are sure roxy?"

"Yeah,go on sleep plus I can't even sleep with your feet stamping up and down"she joked


I smiled back at her and stood up



"Are you okay,I remember you didn't look so good after the mizon incident "

"Haha! "She smiled at me

"I'm fine Hiro,don't worry about me"

I went inside the sleeping bed to sleep


"Yes Hiro"

"You remind me of mom"

"Huh?!"She turned her head in shock

"You remind me of her because even when she was in pain,she would smile like you and tell me she was fine.when really she wasn't "

I though I knew my adopted mother when I was younger ,as I grew older turns out I didn't know anything about her. She would often lie about how she felt or hide things from me,it was only after she died that I truly knew who she was

"Good night Roxy "


Huh why didn't she respond


"Good night Hiro"she said in a low voice

Today truly was something indeed, maybe tomorrow will be better and I'm pretty sure things would have calmed down by then

As I said it sleep came and my eyes began to close

A notification popped up

Job class evaluation has began



We were in a warehouse ,they taken Jay and jangmi was in front of us

"Who sent you here?" She asked coldly.

How did we get here,honestly I don't know.but I do know I have a big mouth

sorry for taking long with this new chapter.

Kirs_Ave_creators' thoughts