
Him and Time are just right

Suzy White has always had a crush on Lexis, the popular boy in school but she knows it will always be just a silly crush. But fate has a way setting things, when her Father suddenly dies and she is left all alone then a really close friend of her dad comes and takes her in, she is shocked to find out he is no other than Lexis' father. As she spends time with Lexis, she realizes that there is more to him than the eyes meet. Will Suzy accept him even after finding out the secret he has been hiding from her relating to her father's death?

Shy_gal_Cizzy · 若者
3 Chs

Chapter 1


Suzy sat at a table in the cafeteria having lunch with her two girlfriends. 

"I met him again in my dream last night" Suzy giggled dreamily and both her friends rolled their eyes.

"That's like the 10th time this week" Nina chimed in.

"And this is just Tuesday" Renee whined. 

"I still wonder how he so smart and still is the bad boy of the school?" Nina voiced.

"I know right?, he is just too awesome!!!! " Suzy giggled once again. 

"I have to say, Suzy, if you put as much time as you put into finding out everything about this guy, I know you would be our top student" Renee advices. 

Nina chuckled, "as if that would ever happen" she said wiping her lips with Suzy's napkins which she snatched from her.

Suzy glared at her while putting the napkin on her lap, "you are so gross, you know that?, anyway you guys are always doubting my capability and I will surprise you one day"

Nina frowned as she tried to recall all the 'surprises' Suzy had done for them and she felt a chill run down her body. 

"please don't, I don't want any more surprises from you."

Suzy rolled her eyes, she has a huge crush on the popular bad boy of their school, who is also the smartest kid in school ,I know right?, mind blown away. She spoken to him a couple of times... well she has, in her dreams. In actual real life she has never and I mean never spoken to him before. 

"Anyway he is amazing!!--"

"Who's amazing?" Kent asked taking a sit beside her. 

"No one, I thought you said you won't be joining us for lunch?" Suzy pouted. 

Kent grinned "I said that?" Kent is one of her closest friends. He has been friends with her since they were kids, now that's a long time, people mostly say that they are dating or they are childhood sweethearts but Suzy doesn't see him that way. He is a handsome guy with blonde hair and has a hot body, he also has the brightest smile ever which is why girls are after him. 

Kent stared at Suzy."Hey Suzy, what are you doing after school?"

Just as she was about to respond, Amber, Jessica and Chloe passed by their table. 

Amber looked at her newly painted nails "I heard Lexis scored a total of 500 points in our last exam"

Chloe gushed "yeah, he is really amazing" 

Amber stopped walking and turned to Chloe glaring at her "get your head right, he is mine" Chloe nodded and they walked ahead. 

Renee took a glance at Suzy, just as she thought, Suzy's eyes were glowing. "Did you hear that?"

"He made a total of 500 points, is he even human?" Nina went on. 

Suzy shock her head "no, he is a genius"

"Anyway, I came to tell you girls that lexis would be in our english class this year " Kent announced. 

Suzy slammed her hands on the table as she stood up and yelled "REALLY???!!!" 

Everyone turned to stare at her like she has lost her mind but she cared less, after all this isn't the first time everyone is staring at her like she is so kind of monster. 

Nina grabbed her by her hand and pulled her down "remind me why am I your friend again?"

Kent looked shocked and confused "I did know you were interested in him this much?"

Suzy blushed at his question, of course she is interested, I mean this is the first time she was having the same class schedule as Lexis. 'Is this fate?. Lord, are you trying to tell me something'.

This year is gonna be better than the past years in high school, she could feel it, she could feel destiny calling her. 'Yes I am coming destiny, don't leave without me' maybe she and lexis might sit together and then they might become partners for a project and he would invite her to his house, where they would talk and laugh, the next day at school he would ask her to join her for lunch— 

Suzy woke up from her daydreams when Kent touched her."Are you okay?

Suzy blinked twice trying to clear her mind of Lexis. "Yep, I have never felt better".

Kent putted his hands into his pockets and smiled. "So what are you doing after school today?".

Suzy thought about it, she had promised her Dad she would head straight home after school to help him at the store where he works at. "I heading home to help my dad".

" can I come?"

"It's okay, Kent, you don't have to come and help me everyday. I feel like I am taking up all your time"

Kent pouted "I don't mind"

Suzy joked "well I do, Can't you see how those girls are staring at me, I don't want to die today, okay?"


"Be a good boy, I have to go to class" Suzy raced out of the cafeteria. She basically danced her way to the class, she's so happy, finally she gets to be in the same class as her crush, Lexis Wilton. 



My name is Suzy white, a 17 year old shy and clumsy high school girl. I actually the smallest in my class which is why her classmates tease and bully me, they call me a middle schooler, well because I look the part. 

I looked at the teacher in front of the class and pitied him, here he was trying to impact knowledge into the heads of the kids in my class but no one is giving him any attention, it must be hard for him. 

I mean I would never waste my precious time trying to teach students who don't even deserve it, I can never and I mean never be a teacher. After watching teachers my whole life, I have come to conclusion, which is that teaching is a freaking hard career, take my math teacher as an example. 

I signed shaking my head as the ball rang, school was finally over. I waited for everyone to leave the class while pretending to writing something, after everyone must have left, I packed books into my bag and stood up.

As I walked to the door, I noticed that it was closed. Not again!, they always do this. I pulled on the doorknob and it didn't open, I knocked on the door several times and all I heard were laughters.

"Heyy middle schooler, you aren't supposed to be in here" I heard someone, then I heard more laughters.

"I couldn't force in class because of your ugly face, gross" 

"How do you look at yourself in the mirror?" 

"I bet she doesn't even have a mirror, poor thing"

I banged harder on the door, "let me out please….please"

"Ha! Let you out?"

"In your dreams"

"I hope you have a pleasant night"

Their laughters slowly became distant until I could not hear them again. I am stuck in school, this isn't the first time this has happened, each time it happens I would always call Kent but now my phone is dead, I walked to the window and stared outside, should I jump?. Okay, that might be a crazy idea but it's the best I could do, I mean it's getting dark and Dad would begin to worry. 

As I was considering my suicide mission I heard a noise coming from the hallway and I froze, everyone has left school, who would still be in school by this time, okay apart from me. Oh no!, I think the school haunted, I held my breath as what sounded like footsteps sounded louder and louder with every pressing moment, just as it sounded like it was the monster was right outside the classroom door, my hands that were on the window became sweaty and I slipped, crushing into the tables and making the loudest noise I have ever heard. 

I whined in pain and the doorknob slowly turned, that is it, I am done for so my mouth started moving on it's own. 

"Oh dear spirit of our great school, please do not harm me, I am but an Innocent soul who has never harmed anyone, not even a little fly or bug which I am really terrified of, I mean those things are ugly and gross and that's coming from me who everyone litterly calls gross and ugly, what I mean is if you let me go, I would never tell anyone about you, I mean I didn't see anything, I am not even seeing right now, l—"

"HA! HA! HA!, damn this is killing me!" 

I instantly opened my eyes and bow and be hold, in front of me stood the guy who has been invading my dreams for the past one year, LEXIS!! 

"Hello, are you still with me?" He waved his hands in front of my face and I snapped out of my daydream. 

Lexis leaned on the wall which staring at me will a smirk on his gorgeous face. "What is a little girl like you still doing here by this time?"

"I….i…" breath girl breath "I am not a little girl"

"Really?, how old are you then?" 

"I….i need to go" with raced out of the class without love back. He must think I'm a weirdo, Gosh Suzy, you are so….. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!