
Hikari: Rise Of The Weapons Master

"It was never meant to be a simple game. After all, Gods don't play games. They play with the lives of people." Hikari, the VRMMORPG created by the leading tech companies of the world was launched in 2069. The game soon grew big and started controlling major sections of the world. It became something more than just a game. Zack was someone who was stuck with an unfortunate artifact that only allowed him to heal himself. But when he died inside the game, the same artifact lead to him being able to move back in time. Armed with the knowledge and experience, Zack will rise again and get the title of the weapons master. The one who wields the strongest weapons in both the game and real life. ------ Server: https://discord.gg/TXwtUHQfnf my discord id: blackflamer dm for cover removal Disclaimer: The Earth in the novel is different from our earth.

BlackFlamer · ゲーム
236 Chs

Age Doesn’t Determine How Wise One Is

After logging out from the game, Zack quickly went ahead and took a shower. He took out a pair of black jeans, a plain blue t-shirt, and a black jacket over it. After wearing his clothes, he rushed to the kitchen and threw the trash into the trash can.

After making sure that most of the things in the house were clean, Zack came outside and locked the house behind him. After doing that, he booked a cab and went to the hospital.

After the world war three, all the countries and shifted away from petrol using cars to electric cars. Now every car in the world was either run from solar power or electricity.

While looking out of the window of the car, Zack couldn't help but think about Hikari. The reason the dungeon and the quest were open for four days was because of the difficulty of the quest.

The person to clear the dungeon had taken almost three days to reach the end. So even if a few things had changed, Zack knew that the chances of anyone clearing the dungeons in the first two days were non-existent.

'Should I ask WolfHeart to pick the guild token though?' One of the ten prizes of clearing the dungeon was a guild token. All continents had a fixed number of sixty-one guilds.

However, there was a special token made for the event. That token was called the vibranium token and was only one of a kind.

The vibranium guild token had all the benefits of the diamond token however, two people could become leaders of a guild if the vibranium token was used.

More than that, the vibranium token could create a guild that had its three own dungeons while the diamond one only had two. Platinum tokens could only create guilds with a single dungeon.

So having the vibranium token in WolfHeart's hands could be beneficial for both of them. But now, Zack only had to convince her to take the token in place of the other weapons.

"You have reached your destination sir." The cab driver said from the front as the car came to a halt. Zack had already paid the driver and after stepping out of the car, he stared at the hospital in front of his eyes.

Standing at the entrance of the hospital was his beautiful sister who was pouting.

"What took you so long? I was very tempted to call a taxi and go home." Mia crossed her arms over her chest as her brother gave her a sheepish smile.

"I was a little too busy with my work but now that I am here, shall we go back?" Zack offered Mia his right hand as the black-haired girl sighed.

"You are a very irresponsible brother but I will forgive you if you take me to eat some dessert," Mia said with a wink as her brother could only sigh.



"Then we are walking to the shop."

"No problem." Mia's lips curled up into a smile as she and Zack walked out of the hospital.

While moving on the side of the road, Zack decided to not think about Hikari ever since his reincarnation.

"So sis, were you bored in the hospital?" His eyes turned to look at Mia's face while they were walking.

"It was definitely boring. I was only allowed to move from bed yesterday," The black-haired boy suddenly had a feeling that he had summoned Mia's complaining side. "At least they gave me good food but it was annoying to be in a room alone and be expected to be asleep all the time. I don't have corona for god's sake."

Zack couldn't help but chuckle at her last sentence. Corona was a virus that had come out in the year 2019 and it had last till 2029.

The virus was one of the many reasons due to which the world war had been caused but after so many years, the younger generation had started to use it as a joke when people didn't come near them.

Though Zack had to admit that the people who had lived during corona would not like their joke.

"Hey, are you even listening to me?" Mia suddenly poked Zack's forehead with her index finger. The latter smiled at his sister's action while nodding.

"I am listening to you complaining so don't you dare say that I am a bad brother." He replied as his sister suddenly had a smug smile on her face.

"Oh yeah? Then who was the one who used to help you every time you got stuck on a math question in the past?"

"I think you are forgetting that I used to help you in physics and chemistry."

"I am better at cooking."

"I am better at shopping."

"That's not a talent."

"It's considered as a talent when you don't waste countless hours roaming through aisles while wondering what you should buy."

"Fair point."

The two siblings exchanged smiles as their little banter came to end. They were used to talking in such ways with each other.

But Zack felt extremely happy that he was talking with Mia again after countless years. And he was reminded again why he was working hard. It was to make sure that things continued to remain the way they were.

They soon reached the cake shop and Mia took her favorite chocolate cake. But that was not their last destination.

"We need to go shopping today." She suddenly said while they were about to cross a red light.

"But we have enough stuff at home to last at least a week," Zack replied as his sister shook his head.

"Did you already forget? New year was a few days ago. Even though our current times are not good, we should still cherish what we have left. So even if a few days have already passed, let's have a good diner." She replied with a small smile as Zack suddenly flashed back to the past.

In his previous life, he and Mia had a similar conversation and he had told her that they needed to save every ounce of money they could. So this time, he decided to agree to her words.

"Then let's go shopping."

The two siblings turned in the right direction and started moving towards the closest grocery store.

"Mia, do you want to live for a long time?" While walking, Zack suddenly asked Mia a weird question. Yet the latter replied with complete honesty.

"I am not afraid of dying Zack. I told you that when we last met. But if I get to choose how long I want to live for, I would definitely choose the option to live for a long time without any hesitation," She then grinned. "And I can't leave you behind. You will mess up everything if you are left alone."

"I feel like I am your little brother despite being the older one," Zack muttered under his breath yet his sister heard him.

But instead of saying anything, she just poked his right cheek.

"Age doesn't determine how wise one is, the things you experience determine that." She lifted her head to look at the clear blue sky that reflected the color of her eyes. "So you can be wise and stupid at the same time."

"You should become a Saint, sis." Zack sighed yet he too had a smile on his face. "Let's quickly buy the items and go back home."

While the two siblings were preparing for dinner, something major was happening in Hikari.

A storm had shaken the entire Fairy king's forest singlehandedly.