
Highthorn: The Gatekeepers

After achieving their fifth clan advancement, Highthorn the rank one clan In the very popular VR MMORPG Swordmasters, are met with exciting news about a new game expansion regarding the "Eastern continent", and a portal opening to the new continent soon. Shockingly massive portals open In the real world, connecting both the eastern continent and earth, with former game players awakening as "Players", gaining special powers and skills. Highthorn diving into the new world, discover how chaotic and unsafe it is, they pledge to keep it safe for their fellow earthlings, rising in power and involving themselves in the eastern continent's politics in order to create a safe haven for everyone.

HorusCrown · ファンタジー
32 Chs

The Capital

"It hasn't been half a day since we set off and I can already see the capital, I can't say I'm surprised but I feel like I'm getting too much in return for nothing" Cedric thought gazing outside the fancy carriage's window to his side, "I don't want them to see how I'm being treated in the academy, after all I was but a mere steward's son, the lowest of the nobles, some even considered me a commoner, Only Taliyah and Lucas treated me nicely, they're my only friends, they were usually made fun of for hanging out with me considering they are the children of Duchess Leila one of the highest ranking nobles in the empire" Cedric's thoughts were interrupted by Rage clearing his throat.

"So Cedric, what can you tell me about the capital?" Rage asked Cedric who was still deep in his thoughts, with a startled look he turned his head to face him before smiling.

"I only stayed in the academy whenever we were in the capital, I never even visited my family's estate once so I can't really tell you much" Cedric answered hesitantly with a sense of embarrassment.

"Looks like we'll have to go exploring together then" Rage replied looking out the window to see them approaching the capital's gates.

As they approached the grand gates of the capital, greeted by the towering stone wall that had the symbols of all the noble family's engraved on them, the front two Highthorn Guards raised the clan's flags as Sylvora and Varon moved up to take the lead, the formation changed into two lines to the front and back of the carriage as a trumpet was sounded from the capital to alert both the citizens and the guards of the arrival of one of the awaited guests.

The news had already spread that a lot of the otherworld nobles and warriors will gather in the capital for a meeting with the emperor and the empire's nobles, a lot of names were being carried through the gossips but only a few really stood out, Highthorn included, the clan's crest was widely known due to the amount of locals and adventurers that were commuting to Oakbrook now.

"Looks like they have put quite the welcoming party" Rage said looking to Cedric who was staring out into the gates, to his surprise, one of the Highthorn Guards raised the Oakbrook banner beside Highthorn's as they entered the gates, his eyes lit as he looked back to Rage who refused to meet his eyes, "It's just a thank you for letting us run free in your home" Rage chuckled as the carriage slowed down before it entered through the gates.

Madeen riding one of his wyverns flew past the carriage and circled the city's sky before he landed in front of it as the wyvern disappeared into the shadows turning into a shadowmare, "That damn attention seeker" Rage mumbled before both Sensei and Jimmy opened the carriage's doors hoping out and onto their shadowmares, "FOR FUCK'S SAKE" Rage mumbled looking at Cedric and Eve both staring into the crowd, nobody could see into the carriage so no one really knew if someone was still inside but multiple people caught the glimpse of some people inside the carriage as Jimmy and Sensei hopped out.

"Hey Cedric, the carriage will take you in a small parade around the capital before arriving at the palace, I'll take a small tour in the time being" Rage said before concealing himself using his aura and leaping out of the carriage in the cover of the guards before blending into the crowd.

As he walked through the crowd he heard the gossips that have been going around about Highthorn and Oakbrook.

"I heard that he was the second prince of their western empire before its collapse, the people who got out of the carriage must be his elite guards or personal escorts then"

"I heard that Madeen can wipe out an entire squad of the royal guards within one swoop"

"Well I heard that Madeen is a blood thirsty maniac so it makes sense"

"Do you think the emperor would marry princess Sierra to Emperor Valerian to officiate an alliance?"

Rage flinched at that thought before leaping on one of the balconies and onto the roof observing the parade from above, he made sure to completely hide his presence however he felt someone standing to his back, he quickly turned taking out one of his daggers and holding it to Elara's throat who was just standing behind him.

"Chill, I just had the same idea" She raised her hands before he put his dagger back, "Long time no see"

"Never expected to see you here, where is Adrian?" Rage replied looking back into the crowd.

"We arrived two days ago, same welcoming party, the people seem to be really fascinated about the idea of otherworlders, but the nobles are a bunch of rats so boss has just been avoiding them" Elara scoffed before noticing a shady cloaked figure standing in one of the side avenues.

"Wanna tail him and see where his intelligence agency HQ is?" Rage chuckled looking at the same person.

"Nah, too much work" She chuckled turning to face him.

"They say that the emperor is offering me his daughter for marriage" Rage smirked before Elara annoyingly tilted her head and started dashing from roof to roof, "Jealous?" Rage said as he tailed close behind her.

"Why would I be?" Elara answered nonchalantly betrayed by her annoyed tone.

"I don't know, maybe the quadrillion pictures you have of me can ring a bell?" Rage chuckled before he quickly did a flip landing in front of her and holding her by the waist, "Dinner at seven, meet outside the palace gates" He did a salute before jumping back into the crowd and onto the carriage that was almost at the palace's gates.

"How did you enjoy the attention you fuckers" Rage scoffed at Jimmy, Madeen and Sensei who were all proudly chatting about the gossips that have been going around about them.

"Great honestly, it's like we're celebrities here" Jimmy replied waving out into the crowd knowing damn well that no one could see inside the carriage.

"Good job putting a target on your backs, you know the nobles are gonna probably try to send someone after us" Rage replied.

"I already counted how many spies there were, not bad to be honest, expected worse" Jimmy replied with a chuckle.

"Stop being too careless, jeez.. anyways, looks like we're here" Rage looked out into the palace gates as a squad of royal guards stood on each side raising their swords to their chests.

The Highthorn guards collectively got down from their horses simultaneously as if it was rehearsed, all standing by the carriage's door to greet Rage as he stepped out of the carriage.

Rage looked back to the crowd that was barely being blocked by the royal guards smiling and waving before turning to face the palace followed by the rest including Cedric, Eve and Sir Waine.

"I'll just make my way to the academy then; I don't want to run late to orientation" Cedric tried to take out his luggage from the carriage before Rage stopped him.

"Take the carriage, we won't be needing it anyways" Rage replied before Cedric nodded in appreciaction hopping back in, two of the Highthorn guards that accompanied the carriage got back on their horses and followed as it left towards the Oakbrook family's estate.

Rage and the rest were escorted inside followed by their guards as they reached the palace's gardens that led to the main entrance; There, was a young man who didn't look over the age of 14 who was accompanied by no less than ten royal guards surrounding the area where he stood.

As Rage approached the boy bowed his head, "I am Caspian Ironhelm, the second prince of the Eastern Empire, I greet His Majesty Valerian Highthorn the Emperor of the Western Empire" the boy politely said before raising his head again.

"Lovely meeting you Caspian, you're such a fine lad, but where is your father?" Rage asked with a smile.

"He's currently busy meeting one of your clans, we were not notified about your time of arrival so I came out to greet Your Majesty and lead you to the main hall until my father is done with his affairs" Caspian replied.

"May I ask which clan?" Rage asked with a curious tone before Caspian nodded.

"I believe they were called The Bold Wind, Your Majesty" Caspian replied.

"Oh these magicians who use fancy words all the time, yeah never heard of them" Rage chuckled before seeing Caspian struggling to hold his laughter, he was a kid after all.

"Okay Caspian, lead the way" Rage smiled as Caspian led them into the main hall.