
Highschool Of The Dead: Shiro's Cheat

Hello guys... Please, Check out my book "Reincarnation Of An All-Rounder". I promise it'll be worth your time. Thank you guys. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shiro, a normal high school student is met with drastic changes in life when he suddenly received a message, showing him the count down to the end of the world Following the countdown, came a weird message that would soon alter his life. Would the alteration be for good or bad? Not long after he receives the message, the world is over taken with a deadly "disease" that turns people who get bitten into undead. Creatures that die and after resurrection, feed on the flesh of other humans. In a different school, a group of students and the school nurse stick together and try to survive the widespread chaos. Turns out, the undead is just a part of the apocalypse and Shiro must survive long enough to see ¶|¶|¶. [Yeah, the word is censored lol. It'll be revealed when the time is right.] ************* Credit to the original owner of the cover art. Upload Time: 12:00am - 1:00am (GMT +8) This is purely and totally a fanfic book. Bear in mind that things may not flow in the same path as the original work and also, I do not in anyway, claim ownership of originally existing characters. Your reviews would be much appreciated too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

UrekSenpa1 · アニメ·コミックス
41 Chs


"So… someone cares to explain what all that was about?" Saya asked, breaking the silence in the room.

"Explain what exactly?" Hina replied with a grunt.

Saya stared at her for a moment. "You all know what I'm talking about. I mean who cares to explain the blood on all of you? Who cares to talk about the race you all pulled to get to the gate?!" Saya's voice started lowly but by the end of her speech, she was already talking loudly.

Kohta placed his hand on his left eye to clean off some dried-up blood on the eye. "Well, we had to run away before we attracted another wave of Them."

"We'll at least do it one more time right?" Shiro asked, feigning ignorance of the current mood in the room.

Kohta immediately declined Shiro's offer. "No! We're not pulling that off again. I bet you just wanted to see me yell and run again." The four of them that had gone out laughed wildly.

Seeing this, Saya heated up in anger because the others weren't taking this seriously.

"Come on, we all know that's not true. It was fun, wasn't it? You also said something about liking the thrill of being…" Before Shiro could talk further, Kohta's hand was on his mouth making Shiro go quiet.

"That was a one-time mistake," Kohta replied with a heated face. He couldn't let more people know about what he had said.

Smoke puffed up from Saya's head. She couldn't hold it anymore and the others noticed this.

Takashi remained quiet since the beginning of the group talk.

"Back on track, why were you guys covered in so much blood?" Shizuka asked this time.

"We had to kill a hell of a lot of those bastards. Those undead." Kohta replied.

Hina supported Kohta's answer. "Yeah, they appeared out of nowhere and just attacked us."

Takashi's head tilted to the side a bit. "Undead?" He asked no one in particular but Kohta answered.

Kohta placed it upon himself to do the explanation. "Yes, that's Shiro's term for those things. You know how they don't die even after being severed and stuff unless they get beheaded, Shiro got the name from their ability to remain alive even after experiencing what should kill a human."

Nodding his head, Takashi agreed. "I see. It's certainly a better name than 'Them'."

Rei lightly pushed Takashi. "Hey, that's a name given to them by Hisashi. Are we just going to throw it away now?"

"We're not throwing away anything. I'm just saying 'Undead' is a better term than 'Them' and we all agree to that."

"Hmmph." Rei snorted and stared at Shiro.

"Hey, who's Hisashi?" Shiro whispered to Kohta who was beside him.

Kohta replied with a low voice."Ah, he's a friend of Takashi and…" He lowered his voice even more. "... he's Rei's ex-boyfriend. He's dead now though. May his soul rest in peace."

Shiro apologized. "I'm so sorry to hear that…"

"Hey! No whispers about Hisashi." Rei yelled at Kohta.

"Sorry sorry."

Kohta remembered the dogs that had almost chased him to hell. "Speaking of better terms, we ran into another enemy and Shiro named them the 'Undead Hounds'. Pretty classy right?"

"Undead Hounds? What are those?" Shizuka, Takashi, and Saya asked in unison.

After being silent all through the talks, Saeko decided to speak. "They're dogs that have been bitten by the undead and have mutated into becoming like these undead. They're faster than normal dogs and it seems like they hunt only at night. All I can say is… They're deadly foes."

"Well, you seem to be good at names. Just don't go around naming everything." Saya replied, staring at Shiro.

"If dogs can become mutated, then I bet all other creatures can mutate too. We'll have to be really really careful from now on." Takashi nodded in thought.

Saya looked at the whole team and then she spoke. "First thing tomorrow, I'm telling my dad about this."

Takashi voiced out. "Weren't you the one saying we needed to leave as soon as possible? Because you didn't want us to get absorbed by them?"

Saya turned, facing the window in the room that showed the night sky. "That's true but for now, we're still here. I'll need to inform him so they're careful the next time they're heading out. He might be really strict, so strict it becomes wicked, but he's still my father."

"Understood." Takashi and Saeko replied.


"I see."

Shiro whispered. "Oh, that's new information."

Takashi tapped his head with his palm."Ah, Shiro, you've been outside the longest. Is there anything else we should watch out for?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary that I've seen so far. If there's something I can say is dangerous, it's the nighttime. That's the only time I've seen those dogs active and I'm sure more things walk around during that time."

"I've just been lucky enough to only meet the hounds if that can be called lucky. The first time I saw them, they ate someone in a matter of minutes." Shiro went on explaining.

Takashi pulled out his hands from his pockets."Well then, thank you for sharing."

Shiro shrugged. "It's no problem. I'm going out later again. I need to scout the whole area so I'll know the safe routes in case of an emergency."

"Are you saying we'll be attacked?" Saya's brows were raised.

"I never said so but we can't rule out that possibility. If that happens, I'm leaving with Hina, Saeko, and anyone else who wishes to follow me." Shiro replied with another shrug.

"Count me in." Kohta raised his hand.

"He does have a point." Takashi nodded.

"I'm sorry if it sounded too rude or if I sounded proud but that's just how prepared I am. Right now, I need to wash all this away and I'm sure the others need to do the same. I'll be leaving first." Shiro gave a light bow to everyone in the room before walking to the door and exiting.

"I don't think there's anything else to say so I'll be leaving." Saeko also took her leave.

"Same here."

"And here." Hina and Kohta followed immediately.

" You should loosen up a bit around Shiro. He's not a bad person, is he?" Shizuka advised Saya.

"I just can't, at least not yet. What's to say he won't run away with half of the team members?" Saya refused to accept Shizuka's words.

"Well, I'm off too." Shizuka walked away and Alice went out with her, leaving only Rei, Takashi, and Saya in the room.


News about the poll.

Well, the Collector class ended up winning the poll and there's nothing I can say about that. All I'll tell you guys is that it's the best option y'all chose.

You'll find out in time that it's not all about sharing Stamina and stuff.

Thank you all for participating. I do hope more polls come in the future. I'll leave the poll chapter for another two hours or so for you guys to do the maths yourself to see if I cheated or not.

Please check out: Reincarnation Of An All-Rounder. That's all I ask for. Thank you.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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