
Highschool DxD: Template System

Hello everyone I am a newbie author and it is my first time writing a story. So, If there are any improvements that can be made feel free to write down in the comments.

Arijeet_Saha · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs


(12 May 20XX in Tokyo)

In the tranquil embrace of early morning, Tokyo's gentle light filtered through the curtains of Tachibana Ryuta's modest apartment, coaxing him gently from slumber. His room, typical of a young bachelor's in the heart of the bustling city, held remnants of late-night study sessions and the quiet solitude he cherished on weekends.

Ring Ring Ring

The insistent call of his alarm clock jarred the tranquility, prodding Ryuta awake from dreams that lingered like mist in his mind. With a groggy hand, he silenced the alarm and stretched beneath the comforting warmth of his blanket, fingers trailing over his well-worn textbooks stacked neatly on the nightstand.

"Mnn. Another morning," he murmured to himself, his thoughts still fuzzy with sleep. "Do I have classes today? No, it's Sunday... lost track amidst the project rush."

Untangling himself from the bedding, Ryuta slipped into his morning routine with practiced ease. The apartment was a cocoon of familiarity: the soft carpet beneath his feet, the familiar creak of the floorboards, and the scent of brewing coffee from the kitchen that signaled the start of a new day.

He moved through the motions of stretching, drawing open the curtains to reveal a city slowly awakening beyond his window. The skyline of Tokyo, dotted with skyscrapers and punctuated by the occasional roar of a passing train, was a testament to the vibrant energy of urban life.

Freshening up with a splash of cool water, Ryuta felt the weight of the week's responsibilities momentarily lift. Thoughts of his ongoing project loomed in the back of his mind, but for now, the morning belonged to simple pleasures and the promise of a leisurely day ahead.

"What to make today?" Ryuta pondered aloud as he stood in the kitchen, considering his options. Yesterday's meal had been hearty and traditional—steamed rice, miso soup, grilled fish, and pickled vegetables. Today, however, called for something different, something that matched the quiet simplicity of a Sunday morning.

"Perhaps a quick onigiri with umeboshi and a steaming cup of green tea," he decided, the thought of the tangy pickled plums paired with the soothing warmth of tea bringing a smile to his lips.

Deciding on the simple yet comforting combination, Ryuta set about preparing his breakfast with a deliberate calmness. The ritual was almost meditative—a delicate dance of shaping rice with seasoned hands, placing a dollop of umeboshi in the center, and wrapping it carefully in a sheet of crisp nori. Each movement carried a sense of reverence, a silent acknowledgment of the nourishment provided by the earth and the sea.

With a moment of quiet gratitude, Ryuta offered a silent prayer to the Shinto gods before beginning his meal. "Itadakimasu," he murmured gratefully, savouring the familiar flavours and textures of his homemade onigiri. The simplicity of the dish, coupled with the peaceful solitude of his morning routine, filled him with a deep sense of contentment.

Mid-bite, his phone rang, breaking the tranquil cocoon of his breakfast. Glancing at the screen, he saw Hyato's name and answered with a hint of curiosity.

"Hey Ryuta! What are you up to?" Hyato's voice burst through the line, full of the infectious energy that often accompanied his spontaneous plans.

"If you called this early just to ask that, Hyato, I might have to skip classes tomorrow," Ryuta teased lightly, a smile playing on his lips.

"Sorry, my bad. Actually, I called because our club decided to do some volunteering at the orphanage near the metro station today."

"Why wasn't I informed earlier?" Ryuta's curiosity peaked, eyebrows furrowing slightly as he considered the implications.

"We decided during your project crunch time," Hyato admitted with a hint of apology in his voice. "But listen, Fumino's coming too."

"Fumino?" Ryuta's interest piqued immediately at the mention of her name. The thought of Takahashi Fumino, the captivating beauty who held a quiet charm that drew people like moths to a flame, sent a ripple of excitement through him.

"She confirmed yesterday," Hyato confirmed, the enthusiasm in his voice unmistakable.

"Alright, count me in," Ryuta agreed without hesitation, his tone shifting with newfound enthusiasm. "Send me the meeting details."

"Great! Meet us at Crossing Cafe in Nissan Crossing. See you soon."

Ending the call, Ryuta's anticipation surged as he imagined the day ahead. Fumino Takahashi was not only the most beautiful girl in their club but also renowned across campus for her intelligence and grace. Rumours of her admirers were endless, yet none had succeeded in capturing her elusive heart.

Quickly finishing his breakfast and a final sip of green tea, Ryuta scrutinized his reflection in the mirror. Satisfied with his choice of a crisp white T-shirt under a stylish black cardigan, paired with well-fitted brown chinos, he left his apartment with a brisk stride.

Just as he stepped onto the bustling streets of Tokyo, a message buzzed urgently on his phone.

'Come quickly to Crossing Cafe, Nissan Crossing.'

Aware of the urgency and the need to catch the bus to reach the meeting spot on time, Ryuta hurried toward the nearby bus station. The familiar sights and sounds of the city surrounded him—the rhythmic hum of morning commuters, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting from nearby cafes, and the symphony of footsteps echoing against the pavement.

Navigating through the morning bustle, Ryuta approached a bustling intersection. The traffic lights shifted with orderly precision, signalling his turn to cross. Instinctively, he stepped onto the street, his mind still buzzing with anticipation for the day ahead.

Yet, in that split second, a deafening roar shattered the morning calm. A massive truck materialized before him, its menacing bulk hurtling toward him with terrifying speed. Fear seized Ryuta's heart as time seemed to slow to a crawl. The truck's blaring horn drowned out the city's symphony, sending a jolt of panic through his veins.

With no time to react, Ryuta braced himself for the inevitable impact. The collision was swift and brutal, a chaotic cacophony of screeching metal and shattering glass. Pain exploded through his body, a searing agony that overshadowed everything else.

Amidst the chaos and the blur of agonizing pain, Ryuta's life flashed before his eyes. Memories cascaded—childhood innocence spent chasing fireflies in summer, family bonds woven tight through laughter and tears, and the quiet longing he harbored for Fumino, unspoken and unfulfilled.

Regret weighed heavy on his heart as darkness closed in around him. In that fleeting moment, as the world spun on, Ryuta drew his last, ragged breath. His future lay uncertain and dreams unfulfilled, leaving behind the echo of a life cut short—a poignant reminder of the fragile beauty that is life itself.

Hey, this is my first time writing so if you have any advise feel free to write in the comment section

Arijeet_Sahacreators' thoughts