
Highschool DxD: Lord of Dragons

House of Buné, one of the 72 Pillars of hell and devil household with a rank of Duke. Their clan trait gives them the power to tame dragons, and if trained properly, even allows them to turn into one. A certain devil was born in this household that sets up a whole chain reaction that changes the original fate of the world. **** This is Harem(because DxD), so if you don't like that then kindly leave.

ImperialCupCake · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Chapter 1

Lord of Spirits.

Witch of Dun Scáith.

Queen of the Land of Shadows.

God Slayer.

Those were just some of the titles she was given with. She was a prodigy of spearmanship and Rune magecraft. Possessing a power immense enough to obtain control over and close the gate of the "Land of Shadows", which is overflowing with countless ghosts, to ward off the dead.

Her past remains mostly unknown as her legend only tells how she remains undefeated in every battle. Perhaps, she wanted to find a worthy opponent or maybe seeks defeat, she traveled the earth in search for warriors brave enough to fight her.

Her journey eventually leads her in the infamous Land of Shadows which was then guarded by a major god. The god coveted her beauty and he ordered her to surrender to him.

She did not answer, merely challenging the god to a duel which angered the god. He attacked, but she managed to fight back and match the god.

The fight lasted for three days and three nights, where she pierced the heart of god with a spear made from a sea monster she killed along with two people she regarded as the most important in her life.

But killing a god has its consequences. The overflowing ghosts in the Land of Shadows was only keep in check because of the god she killed, and when he died, the ghosts started getting restless and became a threat to the outside world.

Instead of running away, she chose to stay and successfully "calm" the ghosts who are about to break out.

Relieved, she planned to leave, only to be stopped by a goddess called The Morrigan who was angered and impressed by her skills. The goddess cursed her to forever remain in charge of the Land of Shadows.

Not being able to die of natural causes and not being able to die by suicide or being killed by those who were weaker than her.

A very torturous life of loneliness.

Years passed.

She does not know how long has it been since she was forced to guard this land till the world stop spinning, but she knew it has been a long time.

Some time ago she grew bored and accepted some students to train. One of them has an immense talent in spear, so much so that even she was surprised.

If her spear, Gae Bolg, wasn't so important to her due to it being a gift from a very important person, she would've given it to that student as a graduation present.

Then, after that student died, she grew bored of teaching and closed off the Land of Shadows. She wasn't really fond of teaching, she just chose to do it because it reminds her of that time when she was teaching that important person when he stumbled upon her home when they were just a child.

In fact, the rumors of her searching for brave warriors to defeat her was false. Those people just coveted her beauty and she challenged them to a duel.

The truth is, she was searching for this important person in her heart who disappeared the night after they turned the age of 20. She does not know the reason why that person left, but she will surely give them a good smack and couple of stabs for leaving without even saying goodbye.


In the dark throne room of a castle located in Land of Shadows, an incredibly beautiful woman with long purple hair wearing a skin-tight spandex suit sat on the throne.

This woman is the lord of this land, Scáthach.

She was holding a crimson red barbed spear, it's color made it look like it was dyed with blood.

Her eyes with matching color as the spear look at the side. She seems to be able to see through a distance, which she did, as she saw beautiful woman identical to her running straight towards her castle.

"Aífe?" She was surprised, though only a little bit. The woman running to her castle is her sister, a human woman whose skills are comparable to hers...well, before she became the guardian of Land of Shadows.

She was a little bit surprise, after all, though she doesn't know how long has it been since she was forced to guard this place, she knew it was at least a couple centuries ago.

It's a bit surprising that her sister was still alive.

Though, when she thought about it, there are spells capable of extending life. Her sister, Aífe, is as talented as she is and should be able to find a way to extend her life.

She doesn't know why her sister choose now to visit her though.

Closing her eyes, she decided to wait for her sister to come to the throne room. She wasn't worried about her though, after all, she is her sister. Someone whose skills and talents she deemed to be equal to hers.

And just as she expected, Aífe successfully arrived in the throne room without any visible signs of injuries nor exhaustion.

Opening her eyes, Scáthach stared at her sister whose appearance is almost identical to hers just with few differences.

While Scáthach has purple hair, Aífe has red. While Scáthach's eyes are red, Aífe's are blue. While Scáthach let her hair loose freely, Aífe ties her hair into a ponytail.

Their clothing were similar as well, though Aífe's were black with some blue instead of purple. She also wore a blue cape with golden pauldron and golden faulds.

She also carries a blue spear which seems to carry the same intensity and bloodlust as Scáthach's Gae Bolg.

"We haven't met since we left our home, yet you did not even welcome me when I decided to visit you." Said Aífe as she twirled her blue spear as it disappears into blue particles.

Scáthach remained silent, her dull red eyes stared at her impassively.

"The silent treatment, really? We're already old hags at this point yet you still act like a child." She smirks as she began looking around the castle, "And I see your taste in architecture remained the same. Can't you add some little decorations? Why always dark and gloomy."

"If you've got nothing important to say, then I would like you to please leave me alone." Said Scáthach. "I am not in a mood for your antics, Aífe."

"Sheesh, cold much? I mean, centuries of pent up sexual frustration could do that. Want me to be your partner to relieve stress? Trust me, though I haven't had one since we go our separate ways, I'm sure my techniques could still satisfy you." Aífe grinned, as Scáthach narrowed her eyes at her.

Aífe could feel that if she said anything more then Scáthach would surely skewer her with Gáe Bolg. She turn around and started walking away, but not before saying, "I actually wanted to tell you that I've got some news about 'him', but it seems like you're not intereste—"

With a grin, Aífe summoned her blue spear, Gae Assail, and blocked the thrust of Gae Bolg aimed at her by deflecting it downwards, stabbing the floor and causing a wibe web-like cracks.

"Oho?" Aífe smiled at Scáthach's eyes that seems to be burning in fury, "Did I say something wrong? I assume you would be delighted hearing some news about him."

"Don't use 'him' in your joke Aife, even if you're my sister, I wouldn't hesitate to gouge out your heart with my spear." Said Scáthach, releasing a nauseating bloodlust that would cause lesser men to go insane and end their lives.

"Scary~," Aífe chuckled a little before staring straight at Scáthach's eyes with a serious expression, "But dear sister, you know I won't joke when it comes to him."

Scáthach stared at her. Observing her expression to see even a tiniest bit of sign that she was lying or joking. She found none.

Her anger dissipates a little as she took back her spear and glared at Aífe.

Chuckling, Aífe said to her sister, "Do you have some mead? Let's talk about the recent news regarding the Biblical Faction while drinking."