
Ch. 20 Catching a Polymath

My time after the trip to Japan was a good one as I carefully examined the current state of all three girls before beginning their training.

Yasaka was the most straightforward one for now. She would be training in a traditional manner for the Kyubi, but with some add-ons due to myself and Amaterasu.

The big change here was that before leaving, Amaterasu decided to bless the girl after learning that Susano'o blessed Mana, feeling like it would help the young fox and as a way to personally give recompense for her suffering, boosting her abilities in fire and light magic, as well as senjutsu. While from me she gained a better talent in space magic and a reported increased retention and learning speed.

As a result she would be freed in Senjutsu, Youjutsu, light and fire magic. Once she's reached a high enough level with the last two, she will begin physical training in both human and fox form and mastering her fox fire.

Tamamo was very different from her sister due to one fundamental thing, being born with curse aligned energy.

This rendered her unable to use senjutsu without falling into madness and heavily influenced her fox fire, as well as affecting her fox appearance. This rendered her ineligible for the position of leader, but she never held that against her sister or parents.

But where they saw a curse, I saw great potential.

When going through the initial tests, I noted that her youjutsu when debuffing others it is particularly powerful, allowing for the effects to be almost three times more effective. Something I would help her develop until she could outdo Vritra himself. Going further by planing of mixing her fox fire and curse energy to basically mock him by having a fox outdo a dragon in fire breathing.

And thanks to Tsukuyomi not wanting to be the only one who didn't bless anyone and Serafall's link to her, Tamamo also gained a significant boost in ice, water, darkness and youjutsu.

Her training would focus on those four things heavily, with intense energy manipulation and usage training so that she might even reach the point where she can create her own magic style out of her curse energy after getting a proper feel for it. She will go through physical and fox fire training after her shadow and ice magic reach a high enough standard as well.

It was kind of interesting to see the two sisters develop in complete opposite direction as they would become the sun and moon foxes.

My dear Mana on the other hand, had to go through some physical and psychological rehabilitation before actually starting her training. It didn't take nearly as long as it should have due to her youkai half, but it did allow us to take things a bit slower with her and let her get used to this completely alien world she basically found herself in.

On a side note, I actually decided to build a traditional Japanese style city as a kind of tourist attraction, cultural education center, to offer a different type of living beside the European model and so that people I could recruit from the country can live more comfortably.

Now back to Mana, much to my surprise she ended up being a complete prodigy with the firearms in the ranged training floor. There's something about her natural reflexes, intuition, physical abilities and mentality that just click together when she fights with them.

So adding firearm training, she would currently be training in senjutsu and youjutsu with Tamamo and Yasaka, while focusing on lightning magic as her fourth. Later joining the two others in mastering their bodies and youkai forms.

Outside training, the three girls have been getting used to my city and land quite well after the culture shock was done.

They found the place to be full of life and excitement, and without their status getting in the way, the two fox girls managed to have a lot of fun exploring everything Azura could offer.

Mana on the hand, much to my dismay, decided to go spend her free time either with me or at the Citadel to learn more about being soldiers, war and combat from the veterans. And even when she didn't do that, she got Heltana to ask for either practical or theoretical lessons.

I wanted to let her do as she desired, but I also wanted the girl to be able to enjoy life more and find interests outside of battle.

Thankfully that's where my lovely fiancé shone.

She was able to get the girls together and have fun doing more normal womanly things, enjoying taking the three teenage girls under her wing like a big sister.

Grayfia even helped them sometimes when Sirzechs came to visit, meaning relax away from all the bullshit since my place is the best, teaching them various bits of magic or social behavior.

Then my future mother-in-law visited and just adored them, frequently coming to have tea or just talk to them.

I'm quite grateful for them since I know I am an exception and people can't train like I did, needing a proper balance in their lives.

I've also been receiving reports of a certain rejuvenated blacksmith running around town like a maniac as he questions many of the smiths in the city regarding their works, which hasn't been seen as rude due to the friendly but competitive nature i implemented into the city. I basically made every group of creator want to form the same kind of friendly rivalry all the cooks have forged. So in the future I would hopefully see the best smith, inventor, alchemist, potion maker, tailor, jeweler, architect, woodworker or any manner of creator be born from my people.

I have high hopes for Muramasa to rise to be the best blacksmith.

And as my affairs were settling down, it was time for me to meet and talk to a man I truly wished would join my peerage. He was supposed to die in a year or two after all and his genius would prove invaluable should he be able to apply it to the supernatural.

Thus, without warning anyone beside Fia, I secretly made my way to the human world as I did my best to completely cloak my energy and presence as a Devil.

My destination was France. More specifically Le Château du Clos Lucé, located in the Amboise region of central France.

The last home of Leonardo Da Vinci.

It was honestly too easy to reach the place as I simply didn't truly exist in the surface dimension where everything really was, but I could still hear and see it perfectly, just not interact with anything.

Le Château du Clos Lucé was much more a manor house, standing at three stories and made out of stone, but named grandly due to it haven been a summer house for some members of the royal family, until Francis I gave it to Leonardo as a home after entering his services in 1516.

What was interesting about the house however was the level of protective magic and holiness imbued here. But I'm guessing the rulers of this very catholic land must know about the supernatural to avoid its threats.

The damage a single Devil could cause should he feel inclined after getting a king under his control is enormous after all.

Entering the house was simple for me though.

There weren't many people in the manor itself. A few servants probably assigned by the king and the ones who followed him before arriving.

But my target was in his room as he worked on some sketches late at night.

An old man with long grey hair and beard, clear blue eyes still shinning with intelligence, passion and drive, but his body was clearly deteriorating as his right arm seemed to pose him problems when drawing.

"Hello Leonardo." I calmly greeted, causing the elderly man to pause before putting his pen down.

"Have you come to kill an old man to slight the king?" He responded evenly as he did not turn around.

"Far from it. I am here to do almost the complete opposite actually." I softly answered politely.

"Oh? Do assuage the curiosity of an old man: how are you to do the opposite of killing someone already nearing his death?" He asked as he finally turned around to look at me.

He looked rather surprised over my appearance.

"In case you're wondering, I am not an oriental." I told the man with a small smirk.

"Disappointing, I had hoped that my works my have reached the ears of even those in the orient." He casually replied.

"I can say you've at least reached my ears, but I am from a much more difficult to reach place than the orient." I responded with some amusement.

"Is that so? Do tell." The old man curiously asked with an almost childlike twinkle in his eyes.

"Depends on yourself, what are your thoughts on the faith?" I ask instead of answering.

"Is this a prerequisite for this talk to continue?" He asked in response.

"I will answer your questions regardless of whether you answer mine or not." I simply answered.

"Ah, a test of character then." He said in realization, "Very well.

The faith, to me, is a source of inspiration and of many questions. It can at times be the one leading the charge in pursuit of many things, but the unforgiving oppressor in others. The demonstration of all that is good in a person but also all his evils."

"The opinion of an artist and knowledge seeker after all." I happily replied with a hand clap. "Ask away."

"You said that you were not from the orient, but your skin tone and exotic hair color tell me otherwise. Where might you be from then?" He curiously asked.

"The Underworld." I simply answered with a grin.

That answer made Da Vinci pause as he seemed torn between disbelief and belief due to how straightforwardly i answered.

"If you're being serious sir, I would like for some proof." Da Vinci then decided to reply.

In response in unfurled my wings for him.

"You see Leonardo, this world has far more to see than most humans know." I told the not scared, but excited and fascinated man.

"Incredible! Are you a Devil from the scriptures here for my soul?" The old man excitedly questioned.

"No. Personally I find it a distasteful practice kept from the old Satans and a pathetic way of gaining hollow strength." I answered with a bit of a frown thinking about all those records of devils boasting about the souls they've taken in the books I had 'acquired'.

"Fascinating! Devils truly gain power from consuming human souls? And what do you mean by the old Satans? Can there be new Satans?" The now energetic old man asked in rapid succession.

"They can, but it is very rare nowadays. As for the old Satans, they fell during the Great War alongside the big man. We've only recently had a civil war to stop their children from trying to restart the conflict as well and drove their families out." I honestly since even if he didn't join I could simply erase the conversation from his mind.

"Satans? As in more than one?" He questioned since it goes against the Bible's words and I'm sure he's heard and read plenty from that book.

"Yes. At first there were no devils at all, but the fall of Eve after eating the apple and Lucifer's betrayal of Heaven led them to be cast down into the Underworld, becoming Lilith the mother of devils and Lucifer the first Satan.

The two then created the three other Satan houses of Asmodeus, Beelzebub and Leviathan, followed with the 72 demon pillar families and the rest of my kind.

But unfortunately the Satans wanted to dominate the planet, which started a Great War between Heaven and the Underworld.

At this time some angels began to fall into various temptations and becoming fallen angels, later leading to the Orgy of the Fifth Heaven and the subsequent creation of Grigori. Turning the two-way war into a three-way one.

The war cost the lives of billions on all sides, with over half the pillars in the Underworld going extinct.

It was only with the death of the Four Satans and the big guy, alongside the disappearance of Lilith, did the war enter an uneasy truce.

Later, the children of the Satans wished to restart the war, but many realized that this would be genocide for not only devils, but for angels and fallen angels, so we rose up and fought. Ending with the overthrowing of the four Satans and the position becoming a symbol inherited by four of the strongest Devils in the Underworld." I told the man as I have a rather brief history of the Underworld.

"I have so many questions: God is dead? Eve the first woman was also the mother of devils? How could we not know of all this? Why are the Satans not the strongest devils? And why are you telling?" Leonardo asked as he looked at me seriously.

"Well a few of those are linked together. But yes, the Big Man fell due to having exhausted himself before fighting the Satans. And humans are not generally aware of everything due to in large part to the church doing it's best to bring in faith for Heaven, while not knowing their Father is dead. Actually, very few people actually know about this." I responded with a shrug, "While I am telling all this because I wish to bring you into the fold so to speak."

"I will require an explanation." He seriously replied because even if his faith was not the greatest due to his mind, he was still raised in an extremely Christian environment.

"Very well. My name is Lith Azaroth, Lord and Founder of House Azaroth. I am a hybrid between devil and man, which pushed me to make a place of refuge for the rejected in the supernatural since that is precisely what I would be if not for my strength.

After the civil, the new Satan Asmodeus created a way for devils from noble houses to reincarnate other willing races into devils to help restore our numbers and bring in more talents.

This way is through things called Evil Pieces.

They serve as a medium to transform the body and soul into devils using the owners on demonic power, while binding the receiver to the owner of the Piece. In essence it is a servitude contract due to this being the only way we could safely make such things occur for both sides, but the receiver will generally get the short end of the stick." I answered honestly since he would find out later on anyway if he accepted.

Plus, every member of my peerage will be there because they want to be. No matter how much I desire someone, I will not be using Alphecca Tyrant on any potential peerage member except for freeing talents.

"And I must assume there are benefits to this 'servitude' or else most would refuse." Leonardo deducted.

"Yes. The first few come with being a Devil. The first is a massive increase in lifespan for most beings, with devils being capable of living 10'000 years on average. The second is access to demonic power, something unique to us, which allows to cast magic based on imagination and willpower, while also allowing the ability to learn other Magics. The third is that depending on the type of Evil Piece I used, the receiver can gain different boosts." I answered as took out the Bishop Piece.

"A chess piece?" He questioned as he closely observed the black chess Piece pulsing with purple veins.

"The number, type and abilities of the Piece are based on the game. This particular one as you can see, is the Bishop. It allows for an increase in the receivers demonic power and increases casting abilities. I believe that, as the man you are, this would be the best choice for you in the short and Long term." I clarified as he looked into my eyes, then back a the Piece, "If you accept of course."

"And why do you want this old man to join you? I have no strength and don't know anything of magic. All I could offer are my mundane talents." Leonardo asked as he focused on me now.

"Because I desire your genius and my desire increases exponentially when thinking about what you could achieve with magic at your side, with ancient and yet to be discovered knowledge for humanity learnt, with a few centuries of time, and my complete support.

I want to see the heights that the great Leonardo Da Vinci could reach if he was freed from the limits of humanity and the mundane." I grandly answered with an excited smile.

"And what would I be required to do for such…patronage?" He carefully asked.

"For you to support myself and my people to the best of your abilities, while maybe getting involved in some fights from time to time after getting some proper training." I answered honestly.

Da Vinci fell into contemplation after that. Going through the massive shift in his reality and my offer.

I silently waited as the old man kept silent for over 20 min.

"If I had some requests before I accepted, how can I be sure you will fulfill them?" He then asked as if he had made his decision.

"Standard way would be a magically binding contract. Both sides write their conditions and then negotiate until everything is approved.

But since this is your first time while not knowing how these work and not having the experience to unknowingly selling yourself into servitude, it will just be you writing your conditions for joining me and I will accept if they are reasonable or doable." I explained to the elderly man.

"Then let us go with that." He responded as I made a mostly blank contract and pen appear in front of him.

He carefully wrote his requests and then passed the contract over to me.

Reading it was rather interesting, since it boiled down to:

•Wants to settle his affairs.

•Promise that he will truly receive patronage in exchange for his services. Including a workshop and full access to learning ressources.

•The right to refuses orders deemed inappropriate, suicidal, or foolish.

•Guaranteed livelihood.

•The ability to create his own body.

All of them were things I was already planing on, but that last one was a surprise.

"You wish to create your own body?" I questioned with a slightly difficult face.

"Is this not possible?" He asked with genuine curiosity.

"It is certainly possible for beings of remarkable power, beings I will be teaching you about in great detail should you join, but I do not know of any established way to create a true body for your soul to inhabit without certain materials.

I believe we should be able to work out a proper process to achieve your desired results using a combination of scientific and magical knowledge I possess, mixed with your ingenuity and future inspiration." I answered after thinking of the cloning technology I remembered from my past life, with the fact that Ophis and Great Red had created a new body for Issei in canon, and some possibilities regarding the Evil Pieces.

"The results will be all the sweeter by struggling to achieve it." The old man said with determination.

"Then I can take it that my agreeing to these conditions means you agree to my proposition?" I asked him.

"I do. I shall come under your patronage Lord Azaroth." He solemnly declared as he took the evil piece in his hand. "So how does this work?"

"You need to be willing to accept the Piece as I push it into you, but do not be worried since this is an almost painless procedure. Only the physical transformation might cause discomfort.

But I suggest waiting until all you affairs are in order before accepting since you will be returned to being a young man after accepting since you are only in your 60's and it takes a Devil thousands of years to reach your appearance." I informed him as he nodded in acceptance.

With this the contract was set, and I had successfully recruited one of, if not the, most innovative minds in history.

This success would spark a revolution in magic and technology unseen before and probably after as well.



Just so no one flips out, Da Vinci-Chan will be a thing once Leonardo gets everything properly working. It might take years chronologically, but only a few actual chapters. Had to think about if it was actually possible too since no Homunculus magic was talked about and the closest was Issei being remade and all those devils Hades created using the book of Lucifer and Lilith.

My plan is to make Da Vinci full magic/gadget based and support focused.

Not all peerage members need to be exclusively fighters in my mind, but at least reach Lith's combat standards in their own ways.

As of now, Da Vinci is kinda Asexual in general, but that could change. I'm not actually sure how much is true about the stories of him being gay in real life, but it could become something now that he/she will be going for a female body and that will affect Da Vinci more than he would have initially believed.

I am also planning on awakening a dormant Sacred Gear in her/him, which is called Unknown Dictator (canon sacred gear which became a Longinus)

-form: Different Types of Mechanical Equipment

* Iron Manipulation

* Electronic Device Manipulation

* Mechanical Equipment Creation

Now as you've seen, Yasaka and Tamamo will have different powers from their canon forms, becoming the sun and moon foxes. They will be keeping their personalities as best I can. Still going with Tamamo joining Serafall and Yasaka becoming Youkai leader, but this time of all of Japan.

I've received an interesting suggestion to make Yasaka have twins, with Kunou's Devil side being sealed and second would look like Izuna Hatsuse from no game no life, keeping her Devil traits.

Another suggestion I think I'm going to do with is that the creation of Yamato will be as a training tool for Lith's future children instead of his main weapon.

Hope you all enjoy.

Tadaa, we now have Leonardo Da Vinci.

I know there was a lot of history and exposition in this chapter, but this is how I imagined two intelligent beings, who understand the concepts of benefits and costs, would discuss something like joining a peerage.

I believe that if devils understood the impact Da Vinci could make as a Devil and if the Devil Pieces had been created before his death in canon, there would be battles fought to get him.

Wasn’t action packed, but hope it was enjoyable.

Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts