
Page 1 - The beginning

Hi my name is Matt Smith, a 2nd year High School boy. I'm just a normal person who lives in a apartment next to my school. a

All was pretty normal until she moved in. Who is she? She is...​ Would you like to introduce yourself? The teacher asked, "I am Scarlett Latteneur and i just moved here". She answered, after that she looked at me and smiled. She walked close to me and asked me if this chair was taken,​ I answered no, then she sat down."Open your books on page 63", teacher said. Then she looked at me like she's planning to do something bad, did i do anything bad to her? Well we just met right? Why she kept staring at me? Suddenly she said, ummmm... "Matt right?" Yes I answered, "could you please ummmm..."- I noticed that she doesn't have a book, I felt relief after that. I thought I did something, then I gave her my book. "Is this okay?", She asked. Yea sure I answered. Then class dismissed, it's breaktime I'm about to go have a lunch but she stopped me and said "Can i go with you?" uhhhh... Ok i don't mind. I answered, now my classmate think I'm trying to score with this new girl. Ahhhhhhh!! I feel embarrassed why did I said that instead of saying- "matt are you ok?", she asked. I am fine so...​ Why you want to go with me? I asked, "Cause you're the only one I know here" she answered with a smile. Is that so? Then she followed me at my favorite spot, and then she suddenly asked "do you still know me?"