
High school teens

Kira, a nervous yet hopeful newcomer to Willowbrook High School, embarks on a journey filled with surprises, friendship, and the promise of first love. As she navigates her first day at the school, she collides with Jake, an enigmatic senior who becomes her unexpected guide. Alongside her new lab partner, Melanie, Kira discovers that Willowbrook High holds not only academic challenges but also the chance to forge meaningful connections. Kira's friendship with Melanie blossoms as they share laughs, secrets, and lunch breaks in the bustling school cafeteria. However, their lives take an exciting turn when Jake and his friend, Chris, join their table. Together, they form an unlikely but close-knit group, supporting each other through the ups and downs of high school life. As the school year progresses, Kira learns that the path to self-discovery and lasting friendships is anything but predictable. With her newfound companions by her side, she faces the challenges of teenagehood, tackles academic hurdles, and experiences the thrill of first crushes. While continuing her friendship with Melanie and Chris, Kira finds herself drawn closer to Jake. Their connection deepens, leading to a discreet but powerful romance that adds a new layer of excitement to her high school journey. Yet, as she navigates the complexities of school and life, Kira also faces challenges from girls who vie for Jake's affection. "high school teens" is a heartwarming tale of growth, resilience, and the joys of embarking on a fresh chapter in life. Throughout the story, Kira and her friends discover that high school is not just a place for learning—it's a place for forging bonds that can last a lifetime, all while navigating the complexities of young love and the challenges that come their way.

Lydia_Emmanuel · 若者
6 Chs

Family dinner

Jake's POV:

"No, we're not," I replied to my brother, Lucian. I really wasn't in the mood to stand and chat with him, especially not when Kira was waiting for me. I attempted to pass him, but he blocked my path.

"Who is this cutie?" Lucian said, his eyes fixed on Kira.

"Someone you should not come in contact with," I replied sternly, my protective instincts kicking in. "If you want to keep those fingers of yours."

I turned to Kira and told her, "Please continue to class. I'll explain later." She nodded, her curiosity evident, and continued on her way.

Lucian continued to eye her, and it annoyed me. I drew his attention by clearing my throat. "Why did you approach me?"

"Can't I approach my little brother again without having a reason?" he asked with a smirk.

Seemingly not ready for this conversation, growing impatient. I attempted to leave again, but he blocked my path once more. That's when I finally noticed the slut-like ex-girlfriend of mine clinging onto him. I internally rolled my eyes.

'How desperate' I thought 'like really,How was I blind enough to date someone like that?"

I looked back at Lucian, waiting for whatever he had stopped me for.

Noticing where my attention was directed, she greeted me with a casual "Hi, Jake," but I couldn't hide my disdain for her voice, and I simply chose to ignore her.

"Do you have anything to say to me or not?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

"Take a chill pill, bro," Lucian said casually. "Mom just said to tell you to cancel any plans you have and be home for dinner tonight because she and Dad will be home."

"Why couldn't she just send me a text?" I muttered, frustrated.

."She was trying to reach you, dum-dum, but you seemed to put your phone on 'do not disturb,'" Lucian explained with a teasing grin.

Seeing the smirk on his face made me cringe, and I decided to finally leave. I attempted to find Kira in the hallway, but unfortunately, the bell rang. 

 Meanwhile, five minutes earlier, Kira entered her classroom. It was evident that there was a new gossip circulating through the school, as groups of girls huddled together, whispering and giggling. Kira felt a surge of curiosity about what the commotion was all about, but with no one to ask as Melanie don't attend this class, she settled into her seat. As the whispers and giggles grew louder, she decided to approach the girl in front of her. "Hey, what's all the whispering about?" Kira asked, tapping the girl gently on the shoulder.

The girl turned around, looking momentarily surprised that someone didn't know what was going on, but she decided to answer anyway. "If not that the hottest guy in school just resumed," she replied, clearly gushing over this person.

"Hottest guy?" Kira questioned, trying to understand the fuss.

"Yes, Lucian Carter," the girl known as Asha Clyde replied, her excitement palpable.

Kira was left speechless after hearing the surname, realizing it was the same as Jake's. Could this mean they were brothers? Ash, noticing Kira's reaction, continued her conversation with the other girls. Kira couldn't shake off the thought: why was Jake hostile to his own brother? Did they have some deep-seated grudge against each other? Deciding it would be best for Jake to explain it himself, she turned her attention to the teacher as the class had started.During the class, she didn't see Jake, and she guessed he wasn't able to meet her before the bell rang. As the school day concluded, Kira met Jake in the parking lot, and he waved her over. This time, when he offered her a ride, she didn't refuse. As they headed home together, she chose not to bring up the topic that had been bothering her ever since she found out about Lucian and Jake being brothers. She decided to let Jake disclose it in his own time; after all, he hadn't lied about having a brother, they just hadn't delved into that part of their lives yet. She expected some form of introduction from Jake.

Jake asked her about her day, classes, and other school stuff, and they engaged in a conversation about classes and teachers until they arrived at her house. After dropping her off, he waved her goodbye, and she reciprocated the gesture. Jake continued on his way home, feeling exhausted from the day's activities. As he approached his room, he heard moaning sounds coming from his brother's room across the hall. Cursing under his breath, he wasn't surprised; his brother was getting laid. With his parents bound to be home by dinner or even before, he decided to freshen up and take a nap before their arrival. Thinking about their imminent return, he couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for his mother, eagerly awaiting their return.

After a few hours of sleep, Jake woke up to the sound of knocking on his door. Upon asking who was on the other side, he invited his brother in. Lucian informed him that he had prepared something to eat and invited Jake to join him downstairs. Jake replied that he would be right down and quickly got off the bed. He made his way downstairs in his grey sweatpants.

Lucian watched as his brother descended and pushed a plate of food toward him.

Lucian informed him that their parents had called and mentioned that they were on their way home, likely to arrive by evening. After finishing their meal, Lucian instructed Jake to get ready, as their parents would be home soon. Lucian remained in the kitchen, tidying up the dishes, cleaning the island, and ensuring everything was in place to welcome their parents.

Meanwhile, Jake took another quick bath and changed into something casual.He decided to watch a movie while waiting for his parents to arrive. An hour into the movie, Lucian's voice echoed from downstairs, announcing that their parents had just pulled into the driveway.