
High school Moments

Jace, a kind-hearted and determined young man, bears the burden of a turbulent family life. His stepmother and stepbrother constantly engage in heated disputes, creating a volatile atmosphere at home. Despite their different backgrounds, Jace and Kate's paths cross unexpectedly one fateful day. Jace, tired of the constant turmoil within his own family, finds solace and support in his budding friendship with Kate. Drawn to each other's resilience and compassion, they soon realize they share a deep connection.

Tife_7736 · 都市
12 Chs



Jace got to his Uncle, Datin's house and saw him on the phone as usual, he waited until he is done and arrived in the living room. He stood up and stare at him. He quickly goes straight to the point.

" Dad, Ethan has transferred to our school. This is unlike him, he may be bad, but not this way, I need to do something" He said, waiting to see a surprised expression about Ethan's transfusion on his face but instead, Uncle Datin sighed and gave Jace a stern look.

"I hope you know what you're doing, Jace," Uncle Datin warned. "Ethan is not to be underestimated. He may be your stepbrother, but he has a dark side to him that you don't fully understand."

Jace nodded in understanding, his expression serious. "I know, Dad. I've seen glimpses of that dark side myself. But I also believe that there's still a chance to reach out to him, to help him find a better path."

Uncle Datin sighed again, his concern evident in his eyes. "Just promise me that you will be cautious. Don't let your guard down around him. And if things start to get dangerous or out of control, come to me immediately."

"I promise Dad, " Jace replied, determination shining in his eyes. "I won't let him manipulate or harm me or anyone else. I'll be careful, but I won't ignore him either. Maybe there's a way to steer him towards something good."

Uncle Datin nodded, reluctantly accepting Jace's resolve. "Just remember, Jace, not everyone can be saved. Some people are beyond redemption. I hope Ethan isn't one of them, but you need to be prepared for the worst."

Jace's face tightened with determination. "I understand, Dad, But I won't give up on him without trying"

Uncle Datin placed a comforting hand on Jace's shoulder. "I admire your compassion, Jace, but always prioritize your safety. Don't let him drag you down with him. And remember, I'm always here for you."

With those words, Jace felt a newfound sense of strength and guidance. He knew that he had his uncle's support and protection. Stepping into Ethan's world was a risky endeavor, but Jace was ready to face it.

Jace stood up immediately,

" End of that, Dad, I'm sleeping here tonight," Jace said and left for his room.

"But... " Uncle Datin was saying but Jace have already left. He sighed, knowing fully well that Dave always want him to sleep at home.

Kate sit up immediately, her mind was buzzing with thoughts and emotions she couldn't quite understand. That unexpected kiss had left a lasting impact on her. The moment Jace's lips touched hers, a rush of excitement and confusion flooded through her veins. It was a kiss she hadn't anticipated, and yet it had ignited a flame within her that she couldn't seem to extinguish. As Kate tossed and turned in bed, her mind played back the scene over and over again. She could still feel the warmth of Jace's breath against her skin, the gentle pressure of his lips, and the way her heart had skipped a beat in response.

But alongside the thrill, there was also a deep sense of uncertainty. She had been a Jace crush for years, but he have never done that for her, he didn't even touch her before, What did that kiss mean? Was it just a way of him saying goodbye? Is he going to stop loving her?

Kate's thoughts spiraled into a whirlwind of questions and possibilities. She wondered if Jace felt the same way she did, or if he regretted the impulsive act entirely. It was as if their relationship had landed in a realm of unpredictability, and she couldn't help but feel both intrigued and anxious about what would come next.

The lack of sleep began to take its toll on Kate's appearance, as the dark circles under her eyes grew more prominent with each passing hour. She found herself searching for answers, seeking any sign or clue that would provide clarity. But through her exhaustion, she realized that the only way to find the truth was through open conversation but how? She was even scared to hear his voice from a distance not to talk of discussing face to face. She groaned in frustration and sleep back, using her duvet to cover her face.

Jace woke up late and rushed to the bathroom, wearing his uniform and slung his back to his shoulder, rushing downstairs.

" I prepare...." Uncle Datin was saying and Jace quickly eat one spoon and lurched away.

" That kid," He said and smiled, covering the remaining food.

Jace got to school, he was late and everyone have already settled. He snorted and rolled to the corridor of their classroom and the first thing he saw was Kate. He smiled, it was the most beautiful sight ever. He smiled and saw her clearly as she moved closer to his direction, not noticing him. She was having dark circles around her eyes and her face was pale.

This makes Jace worried and he rushed toward her.

onto seeing him coming, Kate's eyes brightened, and turn back, pressing the books she was holding against her chest, and lurched away but Jace run up to her and crossed her

Seeing him she gulp and the kiss scene from yesterday rushed to her and she give in, staring straight into his eyes. She wanted to rush away but she was captive in his eyes. Jace then smiled.

" Good morning," He said with a smile, his dimples revealing clearly and he left for the class

She just stares at him, not saying anything,

" see you around," He said and leave

When he got to a corner, he breathed through his mouth, it was as if he had used all his 100 percent courage.

Donald stared at Nala, he knew she was avoiding him. He was scared that Nala wouldn't feel the same way. He had always admired her from afar, but the thought of actually speaking to her made his heart race and his palms sweat. Every time he saw her, his mind would go blank and he would lose all capability to form coherent sentences. He knew he had to muster up the courage, though, because he couldn't bear the thought of letting this opportunity go astray, he went to her during the break when they are all cleaning; The punishment assigned to them.

" Hi, Nala," He said and rushed away

Nala looked at him and then at Kate who looked at her curiously. She only smiled at her and Kate knew she didn't want to talk about it. Then she continues cleaning.

Donald got to Jace, Breathing heavily.

" You are just like me huh? I was like that this morning" Jace said, picking the nylons.

" You also talk to her?" Donald asked, still out of breath

Jace didn't say a word instead he keep picking. Donald sat down as if waiting to regain his thoughts. He watched as Kelvin and his gang forced Louis to help them take care of their task.

" Poor boy" Mumbled.

Throughout the day, Jace kept an eye out for Ethan, observing him from a distance. He noticed how Ethan seemed to have a magnetic presence, drawing others to him effortlessly.

At home, Dave, worked in the living room, getting ready to leave for work and then he saw Bliss, Jace's mother.

" I see your son didn't sleep at home last night"

Bliss didn't answer, instead, she keeps cleaning.

" You won't answer?"

" Bliss!"

" What?" She snapped back angrily

" Why did you want him home? To humiliate him? Or are you not happy that Ethan didn't get to criticize him lately?" Bliss hollered and turned away into her room

Dave clenched his fist tightly before he also left for his office

At closing time, Jace and Donald were at the gate, waiting for the girls.

Spotting the girls Donald rushed to Jace

" You will be the one to tell them," Donald said

" No that will be you" Jace refused immediately

" No I definitely can't be, I can't do that please" Donald pleaded

Jace looked at Donald

" what on earth did you guys do? do that is so hard than ours? We both ki...." Then he stopped, touching his lips

" Or did you guys perhaps have sex?" Jace said teasingly and he laughed. Donald pushed him away and he laughed, then he looked his front and saw the girls. He was shocked and looked at Donald, giving him a look " You are dead!"

Donald looked at him and give him a pleading look

Jace cursed under his breath and looked at the girls in front of him. Kate wasn't looking at him it was as if she was afraid to meet his eyes. He looked at Nala who was staring curiously at him then he grinned awkwardly.

" I was hoping..... Hmmmm I mean... How about we go home together?" He asked his hand at the back of his neck and later scratch the back of his neck. He looked at Nala who only state at him and he smiled again.

They all went home silently, it was as if avoiding each other.

Donald looked at Jace

" How about you stay beside Nala and I stay beside Kate? The distance is too much, one will think we are going different ways"

" That's a great idea," Jace said and they strolled to the girls, the girls in the middle and Jace beside Nala, Donald beside Kate. They fell into silence again.

"How about we have some hot coffee? " Donald suggested

" I'm busy," Nala said and Jace touch her

" Come on Nala, it's a good idea please" Jace pleaded and she fell into silence

" I'm not waiting," Kate said and Donald looked at her

" Please Kate, just for some minutes," He said and Kate looked away.

They sat on a bench, drinking coffee. Kate stood up and went to sit on another street bench.

Jace looked at Donald giving him the look " Good luck" before he strolled to Kate, sitting beside her. She shifted away from him and then quickly regret it immediately.

" Kate, I'm sorry, that I... Ki... Kiss you without your approval" He said and Kate looked at him, their eyes met. Kate wanted to look away but Jace hold her hand, making her look at him.

" Please," He said and she looked at him again.

" I... You don't need to apologize" She said, looking down at her hand.

" Huh. Uh?" Jace said and looked at her

" I mean... You...I... " She was saying, stammering, and Jace smiled. She looked at him, she didn't know only his smile will trigger something in her body. She looked away and she saw that big hand clasped on hers

" Let go home" She heard him say