
High school Moments

Jace, a kind-hearted and determined young man, bears the burden of a turbulent family life. His stepmother and stepbrother constantly engage in heated disputes, creating a volatile atmosphere at home. Despite their different backgrounds, Jace and Kate's paths cross unexpectedly one fateful day. Jace, tired of the constant turmoil within his own family, finds solace and support in his budding friendship with Kate. Drawn to each other's resilience and compassion, they soon realize they share a deep connection.

Tife_7736 · 都市
12 Chs



Ethan's face was so cold, and Ken knew he could do anything bad if the girls frustrated him further. He quickly moves forward,

" Girls, why don't we stop here? You know he is furious now, and you know, his father is Mr. Dave Norman. He can make you all forced to transfer or make the school report you for bullying" Ken said, and he realized it worked, seeing the girls' reaction except Kitty, who was still furious

The girls left, also dragging her with them

" Is she your girlfriend?" Kitty shouted before she left, and Kate heaved a sigh of relief. She knew that was what Kitty wanted; that she should be Ethan's girlfriend. She looked at Ethan and tried to stand up, then Ethan rushed to her, helping her to stand up. She moved back a bit, trying to get away from his arm, but Ethan looked at her

" Is that a way to treat your savior?"

"No, I don't mean it that way. I just don't want to disturb you, I think it's your first day at this school," she said and Ethan smiled.

" You owe me before you know that? Then let's say you owe me this time again" He said and looked at Ken

" Lead the Way, Ken, let's go to the nursing room," Ethan said and Ken nodded. Kate looked at him, and he held her hand, helping her to walk to the nursing room.

Kitty got to the classroom and saw Jace reading a Novel, then she remembered what Kate said earlier

'Jace won't stand still, you know that right? ' She looked at Jace once again and sat beside him, putting on her earpiece.

Then Donald rushed in and saw Kitty, he shot her a disgusted look and walked up to Jace. He whispered in his ear and Jace eyes lit up, he stood up immediately and looked at Kitty with a cold face, then he rushed out. Nala looked at Donald with a questioning look, and he went to her, explaining what happened to her. She wanted to stand up and pull out her hair until she got no hair on her head again, but Donald stopped her, making her breath away, suppressing her anger.

Jace rushed inside the nursing room and saw Kate laying on the bed with a plaster on her knee. He clenched his fist and his face grew colder and emotionless, he just wanted to do something more painful than this to the person who did this to her. Just then, Kate opened her eyes and sat up. Jace face turned into worry, and he was sad that this all happened because of him. He bends to her and touches her hand gently.

" I'm sorry, this all happened because of me, I'm sorry I didn't come sooner, please forgive me," He said and Kate only stared at him without saying anything, she had planned to shout and argue with him all day, but she didn't understand why she went deaf all of a sudden, she was staring straight into his eyes, and she was captive because of it, she wanted to look away, but it was hard to look away. He looked at her and sighed,

" It's all my fault, I should have cleared the rumors earlier, I'm sorry, I'm going to tell them the truth"

" Don't!" Kate, who was deaf some while ago, shouted as if regaining her voice back,

"Huh? Why?" Jace asked curiously, he also doesn't want to stop the rumors, but he can't stand to see her hurt again because of the rumors

"Just because… Oh! ah! you know you if you try to say the truth, they won't believe you, especially Kitty, she will know you did it to protect me and…." She was saying, and Jace smiled and nodded. He knew she was using excuses, so he won't clear the rumors, he was glad it was not him who felt that way

" I understand," He said and patted her hair gently then she looked down, blushing

" I'm sorry, I will make sure this never happens again" He assured

" But…" Jace didn't let her finish the word and stood up and hugged her. Her eyes opened wide, and she didn't know what to do. A part of her wants to push him away and a strong part of her tells her to stay still

" I know, I understand what you are trying to say, don't stress yourself," Jace said, still hugging her.

Kate still has that dazed expression on her face when she felt Jace hand patting her hair gently with care as if he were patting a new baby's hair. Although she was sitting on the bed and her head only reached his stomach. She looked up at him, and he smiled sweetly at her. She was speechless, and she buried her face in his stomach, inhaling his scent. Jace smiled and continued patting her head until Louis, the bullied guy, interrupted and banged in.

" I'm sorry," he said and turned away and Jace gently released Kate.

" Mr. James sent me to call for you, he is in the class, and he wants you to be there when he introduces a new mate to us," Louis said and Jace nodded. Louis then turned and left.

Jace looked at Kate and bend to her, he smiled at her and held her hand gently

" I will soon be back," He said, and Kate nodded. He put Kate back in the nursing bed, and he smiled at her before he left. Kate touches her heart, which is going to explode soon.

Jace arrived at the class and saw Ethan beside Mr. James

' Even our class? This is surely not a coincidence 'He thought and saw Donald in their class, eyeing Ethan as if he were about to choke him to death.

" Where have you been?" Mr. James asked and Jace looked at him

" One of the Ivy students was bullied, and I checked on her, she was in the nursing room," Jace said and looked at Kitty meanly

" Good, go to your seat," Mr. James said and turned to Ethan, which means he should introduce himself.

" Hi everyone, I'm Ethan Norman, a new mate of yours, I hope we all get along," Ethan said, and Nala shot him a disgusting look. Then Kelvin raised his hand as usual, grinning,

" Are you also forced to transfer? It's odd, we are getting more newbies than expected" Kelvin said, grinning

Mr. James wanted to say a word, but Ethan was faster than him

" I am from England and I decided to stay here since my family is here," Ethan said and look at Jace who also look at him back with the same expression.

" Got another question" Kelvin smirked and Ethan nodded, giving him the approval to say what he wanted to say

"Funny enough, you and our class president are bearing the same surname, are you brothers, or should we call this just a coincidence? You two have the same surname" Mr. James groans in frustration, he should have seen this coming, Kelvin's questions are always causing problems and the class was noisy; all murmuring

" find somewhere to sit," He said, and Ethan nodded.

"Over here" Ken waved, and he nodded

He stopped at Jace and smiled

" Nice to meet you at this school," He said and went to sit beside Ken.

" Are they brothers?" The class was filled with confusion, and they stared at Jace and Ethan, murmuring. Donald was more frustrated, he just wished to plug out his eyes.

Jace turned to Kitty

" Let's talk," He said and left, then Kitty followed him. They waited when they got to the school garden

" Why did you hurt her?"

" Jace," She tried to touch him, and Jace shrugged

" Answer me," Jace said coldly without a trace of softness in his voice

" I was only trying to confirm if the rumors are true, and she swore at me, I lost my temper and…." She stopped and touched him

" I'm sorry, I don't mean it," She said and Jace removed her hand from him. She looked at him, heartbroken by his attitude.

" Jace is the rumors true?"

" What if it was? I'm warning you, do anything to hurt her again and I will also lose my temper, I let you go now because of how we are in the past" He said and left

Kitty clenched her fist tightly and remembered what Kate said again

' Are you scared that Jace will choose me over you? ' Then she smirked,

" Now he did, I will make you regret saying that," She said, tears blurring her vision

Jace was heading to the class, he was still furious, he let her get hurt because of him. From now on, he will make sure nothing happens to her again, he will protect her himself.