
High School DxD: Alternate

Vincenzo 'Vin' Corsetti should never have volunteered at the Vatican. Now, he's been drafted into an elite order of Exorcists in-training, facing insane beasts and monsters and he's got a 'Sacred Gear to figure out too. Hey, at least the girls are cute, right? --------- want to read ahead or want to support you can join my patr-eon and u will be able to read ahead by 10 chapters patr-eon.com/Rias_gremory174

Fanfiction_fan · アニメ·コミックス
36 Chs

Chapter 34 : Skull-Mask

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Now speak, you little cocksucker, or forever hold your peace," Skull-Mask hissed, his breath smelling of old cigarettes, a hazy, disgusting smell that soiled the air around it.

Vin raised his hands slowly, choosing to embrace his little shred of fear to sell a convincing performance while his analytical brain raced to formulate a plan of attack, "I understand sir, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Skull-Mask gave a heartless chuckle, "Yeah, that's what I thought... But it's time for you to die, you little sissy bitch."

Vin threw a glare over his shoulder; now or never, "Then I'll see you in hell."

Recalling his training, Vin instantly pivoted; both his arms swinging out in a pirouette as Midas' Rings materialized on command.

Instantly, the room was flooded with quartz, one hand swinging to materialize a veritable tsunami of crystals to block the entire crowd, while the other summoned a spike that burst out of the ground, piercing right through the rifle that Skull-Mask was carrying.

Already, the other members of Skull-Mask's little militia trained their guns on Vin and began to fire a flurry of bullets towards him. Not losing focus for a second, Vin swept a hand up, summoning a wall to protect himself.

For a brief moment, Vin was scared that his brittle crystal wall wouldn't hold under the pressure of gunfire, but then he realized something.

If magic swords and giant monsters that could crush steel were only able to shatter his crystals with a decent amount of effort, well…

These thugs may as well have been carrying Nerf guns.

Vin looked up, as he heard a voice coming from above, as a recognizable head of blue hair arced through the air, yelling something that Vin couldn't make out over the sounds of gunfire.

"...I hereby set you free!" Xenovia cried out, as she swung out a massive blue and golden sword that must have been the size of her entire body.

Xenovia touched down right next to Vin, barely sparing him a glance, "Get the last guard to safety. And look out… I can't control this very well."

As soon as she finished speaking, Xenovia shot off like a rocket, her sword dragging along the ground behind her, kicking up sparks as it dug a noticeable trench in the marble tiles that lined the floor.

Swinging up in an arc, with a shout of rage, Xenovia sliced straight through one of the goon's arms, before delivering a kick to his head that sent him flying off his feet, knocking him back so far, he tumbled over the railing, sending him careening down to the first floor.

After seeing the brutal display, Vin decided to stop asking questions, and start dashing for the last guard. Everyone seemed to be distracted by the teenage girl with the massive sword, so Vin was able to get to the final guard without much resistance.

"Hey," Vin grabbed the last security guard, "We're going to get you out of here safe, okay?"

The guard looked… Well, justifiably terrified, his eyes darting from the crystal wall, to Vin, to Xenovia who just swept out the legs of one of the goons, before stabbing the grunt through the stomach, lifting the sword up, the terrorist still impaled, as she used his body like a crude meat shield to block a volley of gunfire.

"Who… Who the hell are you guys?"

Vin gave him a close-eyed smile, "Well… I guess we're your guardian angels. Can I have your name?"

"Uh… Marcus Troy…"

Remember that, future Vin. He'd...probably need to get his mind wiped.

"Alright, Marcus. If you could just follow me, I'll get you out of range of our little battle. Head in, and if you see a group of teenagers trying to get you guys to group together or something, listen to them, alright?"

Vin picked up Marcus, and helped the man limp over to the far right side of the crystal wall.

Seeing no entrance, Vin knocked against the crystal, before cocking back, and throwing a punch at the section of quartz, shattering it into shards of light effortlessly.

Quickly resealing the whole, Vin turned back to the fight at hand, right as a bullet whizzed right past his ear, giving him a haircut.

"Ha!" One grunt had a pistol levelled at Vin. Overconfident.

Vin couldn't fight monsters or his allies, sure. But normal-ass people?

They never stood a fucking chance.

With a flick of his wrist, Vin summoned a spire of crystals that jackhammered the taunting grunt in the stomach, winding him, even through the heavy-duty padding they wore.

They flew up into the air, just as Xenovia had leapt above them, delivering a devastating axe kick to the guard's head, firmly planting him in the category of 'concussed and unconscious'.

Vin looked over the field, grunts scattered, dead or unconscious littering the floor. Severed limbs, firearms and more littered the field. Suddenly,

Vin was thankful that he managed to summon a wall before Xenovia summoned her weird uncontrollable magic sword; children definitely didn't need to see the slaughter in front of them.

And there, in the middle of the carnage, stood Xenovia. Her clothes stained with splatters of dark red, breathing out panting breaths as her hand had such a tight grip on her sword that her knuckles were turning white.

"Hey, Xenovia… Are you alright?" Vin asked as he approached her.

Xenovia remained silent, her breathing beginning to come out as hisses.

"I need you to help me," Xenovia gasped out, breathlessly; her entire body shaking, "Hold me. Hands on my wrists, now."

"Um, okay…" Vin followed through with her instructions, pressing his chest against her back, as he reached out, and wrapped his hands around Xenovia's slim but sturdy wrists, a firm hold on each hand.

"Huhhhhh," Xenovia closed her eyes, grunting in effort as she, and by extension, Vin lifted up their right arms, a small gap opening in thin air.

In a flash, numerous celestial chains burst forth from the wormhole, ensnaring the blade, as the ornate sword slowly sunk into the portal, until finally, it left Xenovia's hand, and slipped through completely, the portal sealing itself as it finished swallowing up the weapon.


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