
High School DxD: Alternate

Vincenzo 'Vin' Corsetti should never have volunteered at the Vatican. Now, he's been drafted into an elite order of Exorcists in-training, facing insane beasts and monsters and he's got a 'Sacred Gear to figure out too. Hey, at least the girls are cute, right? --------- want to read ahead or want to support you can join my patr-eon and u will be able to read ahead by 10 chapters patr-eon.com/Rias_gremory174

Fanfiction_fan · アニメ·コミックス
36 Chs

Chapter 13 : "Oh! I can answer that!"

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"I personally derive great enjoyment from the antics of the SpongeBob, and his most trusted of allies, Patrick Star.

Within the universe of this entertainment, I'd have to say that my muse would be the cephalopod, Squidward. His dry humor provides a refreshing perspective that I quite enjoy,"

Ezekiel closed his eyes, and gave a small smirk, "Hmph, how ironic that the driest personality becomes the one that is the most refreshing. Sinclair agrees with my epiphany."

Vin raised a brow, "Um… whose Sinclair?"

"Oh! I can answer that!" Irina chimed in, "You see that sword? Zeke claims that there's a dragon inside of it! And only the most worthy of people can be trusted with it's immeasurable power.

You can only hear Sinclair if you're the one who is bonded to the sword. I think that most people don't believe him, but I do!"

Vin turned to Ezekiel, who had a blush on his face, and was suddenly very interested in the floor he sat on. Oh, that's how it was… poor guy.

"Zeke says that Sinclair taught him to speak like that, since he has to be dignified if he's gonna be the wielder of his power. It's kind of cute, he's like Zeke's dragon dad!" Irina turned to Ezekiel with a bright smile on her face, "Did I get that all right, Zeke?"

Ezekiel continued to blush, but managed to murmur out a response, "Uh… Y-yeah. You got it right."

Ah, being flustered: ever the Chuunibyou's weakness. Vin grew a small smile at the sight.

"I see everyone's eaten," Griselda entered the room, already dressed perfectly in her usual robes, "Head over to the showers, and get changed. After that, you're free to do what you wish."

"Huh, free day? We usually don't get one of those…" Vanessa mumbled.

"Vin, Ezekiel, I want the two of you to come with me to the training grounds once you get changed. We're going to begin Vin's training proper today."

Oh, well this was starting quick. But hey, he guessed it was in the job description.

"Griselda," Xenovia stood up from the table, "Am I allowed to use the training grounds?"

Griselda sighed, "Yes Xenovia, you may."

Xenovia nodded, before immediately heading up the hall.

"Vin, you may find the showers at the end of the hall. Take a right, and you'll find the boys bathrooms. Afterwards, change into the uniform I left you on your desk. Understood?" Griselda asked.

"Y-yes! Understood," Vin replied.

Griselda eased into a smile, "Good, now go. I want to see you on the grounds in the next twenty minutes."

Suffice to say, Vin had a very quick shower that morning. Determined after Ethan's warning to never arrive late for anything Griselda asked him for.

Coming out of the male bath house, a towel wrapped around his waist and another in his hands working to dry out his long hair, finally free of it's usual ponytail; Vin arrived at his door, using his hip to casually push it open, only to find a folded stack of black clothing resting on his bed.

Dropping the towels as soon as his door clicked shut, Vin marched over to his wardrobe, throwing on a quick pair of boxers, before finally turning to investigate the clothes left for him.

Quickly, Vin discovered that the clothes were a one piece, short-sleeved jumpsuit covered in straps, and belts, made of black leather, and a long, gunmetal grey duster coat similarly colored in a harness of some kind; it's sleeves buttoned up to show off his forearms.

He balked at the suit in his hands, "Oh my god, the church is giving me a leather-daddy costume, what has my life come to?"

Maybe he could just… not wear it? Yeah, that seemed preferable.

… Dragged me by my ear into the kitchen, and then proceeded to work me so hard that I felt like I was going to pass out…

A nervous drop of sweat dropped down Vin's brow. Okay, maybe it wasn't optional. God damnit…

Reluctantly, Vin found a zipper at the back of the jumpsuit, and after a few minutes of finagling with the heinous article of cloth, he finally got himself fully dressed and zipped into his outfit.

He gazed at the mirror that rested against his wall. With the coat… Honestly, it actually didn't look too bad.

He was a bit afraid it was going to leave too little to the imagination, but he actually did feel like he was wearing a piece of combat gear.

Sturdy, surprisingly flexible, and breathable too. Idly, Vin tugged on the tight clothing hugging his chest, how the hell did they manage to make leather of all things this… well, non-leathery?

Without too much time left to ponder, the sound of knocking drew his attention to the door.

"Vin… it is finally time for the two of us to step out into the crux of fate, have you prepared yourself accordingly?"

Vin opened the door, there stood Ezekiel, wearing the exact same style of jumpsuit as him, just instead of a coat, the cape that Vin still hadn't seen Ezekiel without was tightly clasped to the outfits shoulders.

"Your garb suits you," Ezekiel commented.

"Uh, thanks," Vin scratched the back of his neck.

His cape billowing out behind him, Ezekiel spun on his heel, "Come, it's best if we do not leave our teacher waiting. I shall show you the way."

Silently following behind Ezekiel, the two walked past the common room, and out the door, back into the hallway near the elevator. Turning to the wall on his left,

Ezekiel grasped the doorknob, before opening it up, allowing Vin to step on through. Vin mumbled his thanks, as he took in the room with awe.

The ceilings were high, easily over four stories tall; with bright fluorescent panels shining false sunlight down onto the massive arena of a room.

The walls were a solid grey, but upon closer inspection, Vin quickly found that it was due to the walls being completely covered in metal plating.

There you go, I hope that you're satisfied with these song choices, and I hope you enjoy the chapter! Rock on!


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