
the sun shines bright in the new world

The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a golden hue over the quiet streets of Kuoh Town. Inside their cozy home, Hiro and Akari Suzuki awaited the arrival of their first child with eager anticipation. They were a loving couple, their hearts filled with excitement and nervousness as they prepared for the new addition to their family.

As Akari rested on the couch, her hand gently cradling her swollen belly, Hiro sat beside her, a mixture of emotions playing across his face. "I can't believe we're going to be parents," he murmured, his voice filled with wonder.

Akari smiled warmly, her eyes shining with happiness. "I know," she replied, her voice soft with emotion. "It's hard to believe that soon we'll be holding our little one in our arms."

But unknown to them, deep within the confines of Akari's womb, a fragment of an ancient being lay dormant, its presence hidden from the world. This fragment, once known as Amon, had long since been injured in a cosmic battle of ages past, its power diminished and its will slumbering.

As the weeks turned into months and Akari's pregnancy progressed, the fragment of Amon remained silent, its presence undetected by medical scans or maternal intuition. It was as if the ancient being had become one with the life growing within Akari, its essence intertwined with the very fabric of her unborn child's existence.

And so, as the day of the child's birth approached, none could sense the mighty presence of Amon within the womb. For his injury was too great, his will too weakened to assert itself in the world of the living. And so, he slumbered on, unaware of the world outside and the family whose lives he would soon touch in ways they could never imagine.

As the Suzukis eagerly awaited the arrival of their child, little did they know that they carried within them a secret that would shape the destiny of their family and the world around them. And as they looked towards the future with hope and excitement, they could never have imagined the extraordinary journey that lay ahead.

As the momentous day arrived and Akari went into labor, Hiro and Akari rushed to the hospital, their hearts filled with anticipation and excitement. After what felt like an eternity of waiting, their child was born, a precious bundle of joy wrapped in swaddling blankets.

As they held their newborn son in their arms for the first time, a sense of overwhelming love and wonder washed over them. Hiro and Akari exchanged a knowing glance, silently communicating the joy and gratitude they felt in that moment.

"What should we name him?" Akari whispered, her eyes shining with tears of happiness.

Hiro smiled, his gaze fixed on their son's peaceful face. "I think... I think we should name him Haruto," he said softly. "It means 'sunshine,' and he truly is the light of our lives."

Tears welled up in Akari's eyes as she nodded in agreement. "Haruto... I love it," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

And so, unaware of the cosmic forces at play, Hiro and Akari named their son Haruto, a name that unknowingly alluded to his past life as an End Bringer. Little did they know that their child carried within him a legacy that would one day shape the fate of the world, a fate that was bound to the ancient being known as Amon.

But for now, as they gazed down at their sleeping son, Hiro and Akari felt only love and joy, their hearts filled with hope for the future that lay ahead. And as they embraced their new role as parents, they could never have imagined the extraordinary journey that awaited them and their son, Haruto.

As Hiro and Akari settled into their new roles as parents, they couldn't help but notice something unusual about their son, Haruto. Unlike other newborns, he never cried, not even when he was hungry or needed a diaper change. Concerned, they decided to consult their pediatrician to seek answers.

At the doctor's office, Hiro and Akari explained their observations to the physician, their worry evident in their voices. The doctor listened carefully, examining Haruto with a gentle touch. After a thorough examination, the doctor reassured them that Haruto appeared to be healthy and thriving, with no signs of any underlying medical issues.

However, the doctor did note that Haruto's lack of crying could be attributed to his temperament or perhaps a high pain tolerance. While uncommon, it was not unheard of for some babies to be more stoic than others. Still, to ease Hiro and Akari's concerns, the doctor recommended keeping a close eye on Haruto's development and bringing him in for regular check-ups.

Despite the doctor's reassurances, Hiro and Akari couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in their hearts. They continued to care for Haruto with love and tenderness, watching him closely for any signs of distress or discomfort.

As Haruto grew older, his stoic demeanor persisted, but he blossomed into a bright and curious child, eager to explore the world around him. And though Hiro and Akari couldn't fully understand their son's mysterious nature, they cherished him all the same, grateful for the gift of his presence in their lives.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Hiro and Akari continued to care for their son, Haruto, with unwavering devotion. Despite his quiet nature and the absence of crying to signal his needs, they made sure to always check on him regularly, ensuring that he was fed, comfortable, and content.

Their neighbors, the Hyoudou household, comprised Gorou and Miki Hyoudou, while the Shidou household consisted of Touji Shidou, a secret exorcist of the church who worked as the preacher responsible for the local church of Kuoh town, and his wife, Sayuri Shidou. 

Amid their close-knit community, the Hyoudous welcomed their own child, a baby boy named Issei Hyoudou, into the world, while the Shidous celebrated the arrival of their daughter, Irina Shidou.

As the children grew and played together, their parents watched over them with pride and joy, forming bonds of friendship and camaraderie that would endure for years to come. In the tranquil setting of Kuoh Town, surrounded by the love of their families and neighbors, Hiro and Akari found solace and happiness in the simple joys of parenthood. And as they looked towards the future, they could only hope that their children would find their own paths in life, guided by the love and support of those who cared for them.

On a sunny afternoon in Kuoh Town, the three families gathered in the Hyoudou household's backyard, where a makeshift play area had been set up for the children. Hiro, Akari, Gorou, Miki, Touji, and Sayuri sat together, chatting amicably as they watched their children play.

Miki, with a warm smile, turned to Akari. "Akari, I've been meaning to ask you something," she began, her tone gentle.

Akari looked up, curious. "Of course, Miki. What is it?"

Miki hesitated for a moment before continuing. "Well, you see, Issei has been quite fussy lately, and I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed. I couldn't help but notice how well-behaved Haruto is, and I was wondering if you had any advice on how to care for a baby who doesn't cry as much."

Akari's expression softened with understanding. "Oh, Miki, I know exactly what you mean. Haruto has always been so stoic, it's sometimes hard to know if he's hungry or needs a diaper change."

Gorou nodded in agreement. "It's true. Issei seems to cry at the drop of a hat, but Haruto... well, he's always been more reserved, hasn't he?"

Akari nodded, a hint of worry in her eyes. "Yes, exactly. I find myself constantly checking on him, just to make sure he's okay."

Touji, who had been listening quietly, spoke up. "I understand your concern, Akari. But it sounds like Haruto is just a calm and content baby. As long as he's eating well and gaining weight, I wouldn't worry too much."

Sayuri nodded in agreement. "That's right. Every baby is different, and it's important to trust your instincts as a parent. If Haruto seems happy and healthy, then you're doing a great job, Akari."

Akari smiled gratefully at her friends, feeling reassured by their words of wisdom. "Thank you, Miki, Touji, Sayuri. I really appreciate your advice. And if you ever need someone to talk to or lend a hand, I'm here for you too."

With a sense of camaraderie and support, the three families continued to enjoy their afternoon together, cherishing the bonds of friendship that united them as they watched their children play and grow.

As the years passed, the bond between Haruto, Issei, and Irina only grew stronger. Despite Haruto's stoic demeanor, he took on the role of the protective older brother, watching over Issei and Irina with a quiet sense of determination.

Issei, always eager to follow in Haruto's footsteps, looked up to him with admiration, seeking to emulate his calm and composed nature. Irina, though more spirited than her brother, found herself drawn to Haruto's quiet strength, often seeking his guidance and protection.

In their games and adventures together, Haruto would lead by example, showing his care and affection for Issei and Irina through his actions rather than words. He would patiently help Issei with his homework, teach Irina how to climb trees, and always be there to offer a comforting hug or a reassuring smile when they needed it most.

Issei, ever observant, couldn't help but notice Irina's tomboyish tendencies, mistaking her for a boy at times despite Haruto's knowing smile. Irina, for her part, didn't mind the misconception, embracing her adventurous spirit and eschewing girly attire in favor of more practical clothing suited to her active lifestyle.

And though their differences sometimes led to playful disagreements and arguments, the bond between the three children remained unbreakable. They were more than just friends—they were family, bound together by love, loyalty, and the shared experiences of their childhood.

As they continued to grow and explore the world around them, Haruto, Issei, and Irina knew that no matter what challenges they faced, they would always have each other's backs. As they looked towards the future with excitement and anticipation, they knew that the adventures that lay ahead would only strengthen their bond and shape the course of their lives in ways they could never have imagined.

As the children played together in the warm afternoon sun, their laughter echoing through the air, a sudden hush fell over the group as Haruto collapsed to the ground. Issei's heart raced with fear as he rushed to his friend's side, his voice trembling as he called out to Irina for help.

"Irina, go get our parents! Something's wrong with Haruto!" Issei exclaimed, his eyes wide with concern.

With a sense of urgency, Irina darted off to fetch their parents, her mind racing with worry for her friend. Within moments, Hiro, Akari, Gorou, Miki, Touji, and Sayuri arrived on the scene, their faces etched with concern as they gathered around Haruto's prone form.

"What happened?" Hiro asked, his voice laced with worry.

Issei and Irina exchanged a panicked glance, unsure of what to say. "We... we don't know," Issei stammered. "We were playing, and then Haruto just collapsed."

Miki knelt down beside Haruto, checking his pulse and breathing as she tried to assess the situation. "He seems stable for now, but we need to get him to a doctor right away," she said, her voice tense with worry.

With Haruto cradled in his father's arms, the group hurried to the nearest doctor's office, their hearts heavy with concern for their friend. After a thorough examination, the doctor could find no immediate cause for Haruto's collapse, leaving the parents and children baffled and frightened by the mysterious turn of events.

As they returned home, the atmosphere was heavy with worry and uncertainty. Despite their best efforts to comfort Haruto, the truth remained elusive, leaving them all to wonder what could have caused his sudden collapse.

But unbeknownst to them, deep within the recesses of Haruto's consciousness, a stirring had begun. Amon, the true will of Haruto, had awoken from its slumber, its presence lurking in the shadows of his mind, poised to reveal itself to the world once more. And as the night fell and the stars twinkled overhead, the fate of Haruto and his friends hung in the balance, poised on the brink of a darkness that threatened to consume them all.

As the night descended upon Kuoh Town, a sense of apprehension lingered in the air as Issei and Irina lay on either side of Haruto, their worry for their friend palpable in the dimly lit room. With Haruto nestled between them, they slept fitfully, their hearts heavy with concern for his well-being.

As the darkness deepened, a subtle shift occurred within the depths of Haruto's consciousness. Unbeknownst to anyone, the true Will of Haruto, Amon, stirred from its slumber, its presence merging seamlessly with the new will of the young boy. 

"Haruto, you cannot deny your true purpose. You are the vessel for my will, the harbinger of destruction and chaos. It is your destiny to embrace the darkness within you and usher in a new era of power and dominion."

"No, Amon. That's not who I am. I am Haruto, the son of Hiro and Akari, the big brother of Issei and Irina. I made a promise to myself to always protect them, to be there for them no matter what. I can't just abandon that because of some ancient prophecy or destiny."

"Foolish child. Your mortal attachments mean nothing in the face of the greater purpose that awaits you. You must embrace your true nature and fulfill the destiny that has been laid out before you. Only then will you truly understand the power that resides within you."

"I refuse to believe that. My family, my friends—they are everything to me. I won't let you take that away from me. I may have your power, but I also have my own will, my own desires. And I choose to use this power to protect those I care about, not to destroy them."

"You are naive, Haruto. But perhaps there is still hope for you. If you are truly determined to defy your destiny, then so be it. But know that the consequences of your actions will be dire. The forces of chaos will not be swayed so easily."

"I understand the risks. But I won't back down. I may not know what lies ahead, but I'll face it head-on, with my friends by my side. Together, we'll forge our own path, one of hope and unity, not destruction and despair."

Inside the depths of their shared consciousness, Haruto and Amon continued their debate, their mindscape a battleground of conflicting desires and ideologies. Haruto, drawing upon his memories and emotions, sought to sway Amon from his dark path.

"Look, Amon. Look at these memories. Remember the laughter, the joy, the love. Remember the warmth of a hug, the comfort of a shared moment. Life may be fleeting, but its value lies not in its length, but in the moments we share and the connections we forge."

"Memories are but fleeting shadows, Haruto. They hold no sway over the grand tapestry of destiny. My purpose transcends such trivialities. From the moment of our conception, I have existed only to fulfill my duty, to bring about the end of all things."

"But what kind of existence is that, Amon? To live only for destruction, to know nothing of love or friendship or compassion? Is that truly what you desire? Is that truly who you want to be?"

"You speak of ideals and emotions as if they hold any significance in the face of cosmic inevitability. But you are wrong, Haruto. You are weak, deluded by the illusions of mortality. You cannot escape your destiny. You are mine, now and forever."

"No, Amon. I refuse to accept that. I refuse to be defined by my past or by some ancient prophecy. I am Haruto, son, brother, friend. And I choose to live my life on my own terms, to find meaning and purpose in the bonds I share with others."

As their inner debate raged on, Haruto and Amon grappled with the essence of their being, each seeking to assert their will over the other. But amidst the turmoil and uncertainty, a glimmer of hope flickered in Haruto's heart, a beacon of light in the darkness of their shared consciousness. And though the road ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty, Haruto remained resolute in his determination to forge his own destiny, to embrace the power of his past while carving out a future of his own making.

In a moment of rare vulnerability, Amon hesitated, allowing himself to delve into the memories that Haruto offered. As he immersed himself in the experiences of the past six years, he felt a stirring within him, a sensation unlike any he had ever known.

Haruto's memories washed over Amon like a tidal wave, carrying with them a kaleidoscope of emotions and sensations. He felt the warmth of a mother's embrace, the laughter of childhood friends, the thrill of exploration and discovery. For the first time in his existence, Amon experienced the beauty and complexity of life in all its myriad forms.

Haruto watched as Amon's expression softened, a glimmer of understanding and empathy shining in his eyes. "See, Amon? Life is more than just duty or destiny. It's about living in the moment, cherishing the connections we make, and embracing the journey, no matter where it may lead."

Amon nodded, his voice tinged with a newfound sense of wonder. "I... I understand now, Haruto. Your memories have shown me that there is more to existence than I ever dared to imagine. Perhaps... perhaps there is still hope for me."

Haruto smiled, a sense of relief flooding through him. "Of course, Amon. Life is full of endless possibilities. And as we grow older, we'll discover even more wonders together. We'll forge our own path, one filled with love, friendship, and adventure."

Eyes wide open in the stillness of the night, Haruto lay between Issei and Irina, his gaze fixed on the ceiling above as he grappled with the weight of his newfound existence. 

With a renewed sense of purpose, Haruto and Amon embraced the future, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. United in their shared journey, they knew that as long as they stood together, they could overcome any obstacle and seize the boundless potential that awaited them. And as they looked towards the horizon with hope in their hearts, they knew that their story was just beginning.

And as he watched over his friends, Issei and Irina, sleeping peacefully beside him, Haruto knew that he would do whatever it took to keep them safe, no matter the cost. For he was no longer just Haruto or Amon—he was something greater, something beyond comprehension. He was the amalgamation of two wills, bound together by fate and united in purpose, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Haruto gazed upon the peaceful faces of his two friends, Issei and Irina, sleeping soundly beside him, a rare smile graced his lips. It was a smile born not only of relief and contentment but also of newfound understanding and acceptance.

With a gentle touch, he brushed a strand of hair from Issei's forehead and tucked it behind his ear, the worry lines on his friend's face easing slightly at the comforting gesture. Then, he turned his attention to Irina, her features softened in sleep, her hand still clutching at his shirt as if seeking reassurance.

Feeling a surge of affection and gratitude for his friends, Haruto shifted closer to them, wrapping his arms around their sleeping forms in a protective embrace. As he settled back into slumber between Issei and Irina, he felt a sense of peace wash over him, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.

With his friends by his side and the will of Amon fused within him, Haruto drifted off to sleep once more, his heart full of hope and determination. And as the stars twinkled overhead, casting their gentle light upon the sleeping trio, a sense of tranquility descended upon the world, a silent promise of brighter days to come.

As the gentle rays of the morning sun illuminated the room, Issei and Irina stirred from their slumber, their eyes blinking open to the sight of Haruto's sleeping face. Concern etched their features as they watched him, still worried about his sudden collapse the previous night.

Their worry turned to surprise when they noticed Haruto's face moving slightly, animated by the play of sunlight filtering through the window. Feeling a glimmer of hope, they shook him gently, urging him to wake up.

Haruto stirred awake, blinking sleepily as he looked up at his friends. Issei and Irina wasted no time in bombarding him with questions, their voices filled with concern as they asked why he had collapsed.

Haruto's expression remained stoic as he shook his head slightly. "I... I don't know," he replied quietly, his voice betraying none of the turmoil he felt inside.

Just then, the sound of their conversation reached the ears of Haruto's parents, Hiro and Akari, who had been preparing breakfast in the kitchen. Concerned, they rushed into the room, only to find the three children talking animatedly, their worries seemingly forgotten in the light of the new day.

Relief flooded Hiro and Akari's faces as they watched the scene unfold before them. "Is everything alright, Haruto?" Akari asked, her voice filled with concern.

Haruto nodded, his stoic facade intact as he assured his parents that he was fine. "Yes, Mom, Dad. I'm okay," he replied, his gaze meeting theirs with unwavering determination.

As they shared a moment of reassurance, Hiro and Akari couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in their son and his resilience. As they joined the children in conversation, basking in the warmth of their laughter and friendship, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together as a family.