
High King of the Rivers

born after the awakening of the elves but before being forc.... found and taken to Valinor this is the tale of the first and only High King of the 4th clan the Cantëayr King Of The Rivers one of the first of elves in Middle-earth and with the Valar. (I OWN NOTHING FROM THE WORKS CREATED BY JRR TOLKIEN OR THE 6 MOVIES I ONLY CLAIM MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS)

Nerdy_stoner · 書籍·文学
17 Chs

Mother's awakening (Edited)

(Awakening of the elves)

With a gasp, a woman who looks only Twenty-Three at the oldest, awoke to the sounds of a river rushing and rustling leaves in the trees. She didn't immediately open her eyes, but instead chose to inspect her body. Starting by wiggling her toes, enjoying the feeling of the dirt and fallen leaves. Then moving her legs, amazed by the breeze causing a slight chill over her whole body for a brief moment. Then moving her arms, spreading them around, and felt joy at the slightest touch of her fingers against her stomach before moving onto her shoulders and feeling up her neck. Noticing that she has straight hair, that covers her chest that is the smoothest thing she could imagine, like silk. When she got to her face, her hands stopped at her chin, then moved to her cheeks, sliding her fingers to her almond-shaped eyes. She can feel that she doesn't have a single fault that she can find. Her face feels heart-shaped and like it's made for royalty. When she got to her ears, she noticed that they were longer than she expected and they were pointed.

(Cantëaian POV)

Snapping my eyes open I mean to sit up, but in my rush, I shoot up like a spring and gracefully land on my feet, with only the slightest sound. I look around and my breath gets caught in my throat. All around me is darkness and a faint light that is more like a glow than real light. A second later I could see everything... Well, not clearly, but I can see for miles even in this darkness. I am surrounded by ancient-looking trees that tower over me. I can't even see the top of a single tree even with a river that I'm currently standing in; how did I not feel that I was in the water? I look down and gasp at my reflection. My hair goes to the small of my back and is white like the snow. My eyes are an alluring sea green, which seems to draw even me in. Looking away from my eyes, I look at my body. I am quite tall and have an hourglass figure. I'm also naked. I'll need to take care of that as soon as I can. I take one last look at my eyes and see what I'm sure will be my future.

(Foresight Vision)

I am in this exact spot but wearing an elegant dress that looks like it was made to be able to move, run, and fight. It was sea green with white on the edges and golden embroidery in the design of waves. It had a slit on the left front of the dress, so I wouldn't be restricted.

Stabbed into the ground behind me is a sword. It has a slightly curved blade, colored black, with silver ripples traveling up and down the blade which seemed to move. The hilt of the sword had enough space for 2 hands. On the base of the hilt was a dagger-like blade. Looking back at the center of the hilt, I instinctively know this blade is capable of separating into a one-handed sword and dagger.

Leaning against the sword is a tower shield that is just tall enough to cover my body while fighting. The bottom is a point that could easily disable a downed foe. Going up from the bottom the shield gets wider. It is just wider than my shoulders at the top. It is a bright steel, that seems to attract and release light itself. On the front of the shield is an insignia, no emblem no... A crest... yes a crest of 4 Stars over a crashing Wave engraved into it.

Looking away from the Master crafted sword and shield, I see a man that I can't make out who he is, with his back to me. He is just a bit taller than me. He has my white hair, but it looks different than I was expecting. For some reason, the sides of their hair were shaved skin bald and the hair on top was braided like royalty. With silver and sea pearls in a warrior braid. His body is muscular but flexible. He is confident in his stance, even while relaxed. On his left middle finger is a ring that, like the shield, is a shining steel that attracts and releases the light.

He is wearing a pure white robe with the same Crest embroidered on his back.

I can't make out what we are talking about till he turns around and I see his face. He has my lips, ears, and brow. But the shape of his eyes, the more masculine shape of his face, and nose was someone else's. It's his eyes that are constantly changing from my alluring sea-green eye color to the purest blue. Like lakes, rivers, or any mass of water that is frozen. Then it hit me this man is my son.

(Foresight Vision end)

I come back to myself, still looking at my eyes in my reflection of the river, when I hear a voice in my mind that is deep and full of wisdom and power. That sends every part of my Fäe to a joyful tingling... like I have found my mate.

("Hello Cantëaian I have waited a long time to see you... To be fair we have all been wanting to meet all of the Eldar of Eru. But for me, I have been waiting for my other half... you, I will see you soon my love.")

I feel a hand on my shoulder and spin around ready to defend myself when I see 6 people the same height as me. All as naked as I am and all with long straight hair. The 2 in the center had golden hair. The woman and man no the... The Eldar on the left had red hair with strands of pale blonde. The last of the Eldar had black hair with silver strands and they all had longer pointy ears like me. I realized that the one in the center was talking and I snapped my attention to the female Eldar first, then the male. Interrupting him with a smirk I say.

"I'm sorry what did you say, little brother?"