
Chapter 47: A new pair of Professors

Hogwarts Castle, Somewhere in the Scottish Highlands

November 30th, 1992, 6:30 AM - Monday

Monday started as normally as ever for Erik if not for the extra step of waking one of his wives too. Serafall had work to go back to today, so she had asked him to wake her up, and he did. He got up from a bed full of naked bodies after some work and set himself to wake Serafall.

"Sera… Time to wake up."

Erik said near the ear of a sleeping Serafall. She was hugging Leona's naked body from behind and had her face snuggled in her bishop's mass of blonde hair.

"Hmmm… Don't wanna…"

Serafall managed to murmur after giving out a moan-like sigh.

"Come on, Sera."

"Hmmm… "

Erik called her one more time, but he received another moan-like sigh as answer.

"Sera… I'm calling you early so we can have some fun in the shower… If you don't wake up, I'll have to take a shower alone."

That seemed to do the trick. Serafall's eyes shot open inside the mass of blonde hair.

"Carry me?!"

Serafall asked Erik, letting go of Leona's body and turning to her husband. She then extended her arms up while staying on her back and making an adorable pouting mouth and some kind of puppy dog eyes. Erik smiled at that and bent to take her in his arms in a princess' carry. Serafall immediately put her arms around Erik's neck after he got her up, and they walked to the bathroom together.

It was seven and a half when Erik and Serafall got out of the owner's chambers. Serafall was hugging one of Erik's arms and seemed to be 'glowing'. The couple quickly walked down the stairs and reached the Great Hall.

"Come Sera, let's have breakfast before you go."

Erik said and pulled his wife to his normal place on the head of Ravenclaw's house table. Serafall followed him without saying anything. She knew that she could not ignore meal times anymore. As the couple sat, breakfast was served for both of them, and a letter was delivered together with the newspaper of the day. Erik ignored both of them by the time being and enjoyed breakfast with his wife.

Almost half an hour later, when the students started to arrive in the Great Hall, it was time to say their goodbyes. Erik acompanned Serafall to the exit of the Great Hall, where she had arrived yesterday and, after a long goodbye kiss, Serafall disappeared in motes of blue light caused by her blue magic circle. Erik then went back to his seat and took the letter to read first.

It was a letter from Unspeakable Croaker. It said that he and another unspeakable would arrive at Hogwarts at nine and a half to talk about some founder's relics that were found. He knew exactly what he was talking about, and it was not about the two swords or the diadem.

'They must have found more horcruxes that were residing in other founders' relics.'

Finishing the reading of the letter, Erik put it aside and took the newspaper and started to read it. It seemed that there was nothing worth today in the newspaper, but he continued to read it. Erik was waiting for the first group of Aurors that would teach today's classes.

Ten minutes later, the wards warned Erik of the arrival of two visitors. Erik got up from his seat and as usual, as he walked through the tables, he gave the newspaper to Luna and got his rewards as a big smile. Erik walked out of the Great Hall and out of the castle, and waited for the Aurors at the doors. To his surprise, the Aurors were two that he already knew about. He had met them during his first night back in the castle, Aurors Alastor Moody, and Nymphadora Tonks. The duo walked to him and greetings were traded.

"Good morning, Aurors Moody and Tonks, welcome back to Hogwarts."

Erik started.

"Good morning, Lord Ravenclaw."

"Good morning, Lord Ravenclaw."

Both Aurors said, one after the other, with Moody talking first.

"Well, if you would follow me, I will guide you to the classroom that you will be teaching."

Erik said to the Aurors, who gave back a nod in confirmation. He then turned and walked back inside the castle, the Aurors following after him.

The trio walked through the Great Hall, who had a good number of students eating their breakfast, and got some looks. The students knew that from today on they would not have more classes with Professor Ravenclaw, and they would be taught by Aurors of the DMLE.

The trio walked out of the Great Hall and went up the staircase to the third floor. Arriving at the classroom '3C', Erik stopped for a moment.

"Classroom '3C' is the class for this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons. Next year, we intend to have two more classrooms, one for each teacher of the subject. The classrooms '3D' and '3E' are special ones that are equipped with dummies and moving targets to help students practice in a secure environment."

Erik said to the duo of Aurors after turning to them. He had pointed to where the practice classrooms were located.

"Good, they will need the space to practice."

Said Auror Moody. Auror Tonks followed her mentor.

"If only I had it available during my time at school, it would have been much better."

She said to Erik, who sighed. He knew that the education of a lot of generations of wizards and witches was damaged because of twelve greedy bastards.


"And that is what we are fixing. I imagine that the next year's batch of students will be much better than the previous one in terms of chances offered to them to better themselves. They will just have to catch them."

Erik said and opened the door of classroom '3C', entering it. The Aurors entered the room and stopped in place looking around the classroom. The format was a very different one than the one that they had learned in. When they 'came back', Erik was already at the Professor's desk.

"Very different layout."

Auror Tonks said. Erik, who was taking in a stack of parchments from inside a drawer, answered without looking at her.

"Yes, I know. It's not very common here in the British Isles. It's a Greek Auditorium shape. It allows for anyone who stays in the central platform to be seen by everyone on the desks. The person's voice up in the platform travels better through the entire classroom too."

Erik said. He had taken all his notes in hands, and was now walking back to the duo. Aurors Moody and Tonks were down in the central platform, when Erik offered the notes to them. They took the parchments and started to look through them.

"These are the notes of what I taught in each class. I had gone at an accelerated pace with most of the classes, focusing on revisiting the lessons that they should have had. The books to be given to the students to use are all in the Professor's office, Selena managed to buy all the books on the same day that Madam Bones sent the letter with the list. The entrance to the office is behind the desk."

Erik explained to the aurors. When he spoke about the office, he pointed to the Professor's desk that was above them, on the second level.

"In the office, there's a floo that you, Aurors, can use freely. It is adjusted to only accept incoming travels from people who had at least once used it as an origin point to travel. So, if you two want to have another Auror taking the 'job', he will have to enter the castle via the 'normal' way the first time. Floo powder is available in the mantel, and the address for incoming travelers is 'DADA Office, Hogwarts'."

Erik continued his explanation of what had been prepared for the substitute teachers. He then continued.

"I don't know how you two intend to teach your classes, but I had an illusion of the creature that we were talking about up on the central platform while we discussed it."

Erik said. He would have continued, but Auror Tonks interrupted him.

"You used illusion magic to show the dark creatures to the students?"

She asked. Auror Tonks had to admit, it was a very good way to teach lessons on dark creatures without putting the students in danger.

"Yes. It's a very nifty piece of magic. If I understand correctly, it was lost to the British Isles sometime between six hundred and five hundred years ago."

Erik said to Auror Tonks and waived his hand to the black board. The white chalk started to write by itself on the black board with basic instructions for the illusion spell to be casted with the use of wands. It included the incantation 'fallare illusio', the wand motion, and what the user should have in mind when casting it.

"Very useful in battle to cause a distraction too. Just don't let the students get it. Imagine all the chaos that they would do with it…"

Erik said to the Aurors, who immediately started to record in their minds the useful spell. They understood how useful it would be in battle too. Erik took a look in his wrist watch and saw that another fifteen minutes had passed.

"Well, I will let you both familiarize yourselves with the classroom. The schedule of classes is in the notes that I just gave you. And you can call for a house-elf of the castle if you need anything like tea, coffee, or snacks. Or even if you want to talk with me or my wife, you can ask them."

Erik finished saying and walked to the stairs that went to the exit of the classroom.

"Thank you, Lord Ravenclaw. This all will help a lot."

Auror Moody said to Erik, while Auror Tonks had already started to practice the illusion spell.

"It is me that has to thank you both, Auror Moody. According to Professor McGonagall, the last teacher, that Lockhart guy, was only employed because he was the only one to apply to the position. So you can see how in need the students were of competent teachers, which was solved thanks to Madam Bones help."

Erik said to the rugged man. He turned again and went for the exit of the classroom.

"Ah, before I forget again, Auror Moody. You should schedule a visit to any hospital in Japan during the holidays. Two years ago, they developed a new prosthesis to substitute amputated limbs. By what I saw and read, they managed to give total freedom of movement back to wizards and witches who had lost one leg or two in some cases."

Erik said after stopping just short of the door without turning. After being sure that the rugged Auror had heard him, Erik walked out of the classroom and left the Aurors alone to complete their preparations for classes.

Erik used the wards to search for Hagrid and found the big man having his breakfast. He quickly walked back to the Great Hall, which was still full of students finishing their breakfasts. Erik walked to the staff table and greeted Hagrid and the few other Professors who were finishing their breakfast.

"Good morning, Professors, Hagrid."

Erik said, and after a chorus of 'good mornings', he addressed Hagrid.

"Hagrid, I am waiting for a team of Unspeakables for a meeting at nine and a half. When they arrive, please just allow them entrance and say to them I'm waiting in the Headmaster's Office. They should have just to ask politely to gargoyle to move to gain entrance."

Erik said to Hagrid, who nodded at him with his head.

"'Will do, Lord Ravenclaw."

The big man said back.

"Thank you, Hagrid. Ah, before I go back, this one is for every teacher too. We have two new teachers for Defense Against the Dark Arts. Director Bones enlisted Aurors Moody and Tonks to serve as teachers for Hogwarts for the time being. They are already in their classroom."

Erik said to everyone who was still on the staff table. Selena and Amelia had traded letters during the past week and reached the conclusion that it would be better to have two Aurors permanently assigned to the school to serve as Professors than to have various ones coming and going during all day. She had them asked for volunteers and Auror Moody had volunteered him and his trainee, Auror Tonks, to the position. Having said all that was necessary, Erik left the staff table after a goodbye.

"Have a nice day you all."

Erik said to Hagrid and all the teachers and left the Great Hall, walking to the Headmaster's Office.


Chapter #47 done!

Chapter #48 incoming in one, max two days.

Stay 'tuned'!

DonnutHermitcreators' thoughts