

"Dad, Dad" I shouted when I got home to the mansion. "Yes Dear what's the matter?" "Dad Sebastian Rodriquez courting me" I tell Dad.

"That's good news keep up the good work" Daddy said ."Dad we have a problem" I said seriously. "What is it?" "Dad Sebastian parent's inviting us later" "so?"

"You need to called Sebastian's parents Dad so that they will know so that our plan will not be ruined" I said here.

"okay okay I will call him immediately" said Dad.

Dad took the cellphone and dialed.

"Hello this is Mr. Valeria speaking may I talk to Mr. Rodriquez, okay thanks, Hi I just want to know, what what is the problem, hahaha, I want to tell you something Amora Luna amd Amora Valeria is the same Luna is middle name of my daughter. Yes yes so we need to act so that your unico iho will not notice it okay okay thank you very much, bye"

"How was it Dad?" I said. "You don't have to worry my dear everything is okay now all you need to do is to act and go with the flow just follow my lead we have already planned about it" seriously Dad promised.

"What is it Dad?" I ask him "You don't have to know about it just go with the flow and follow my lead understood" he said in authority. "Yes Dad" "good that's my girl" he smiled and held my head, messing with my hair.

When the time comes we already prepare I just wear a simple baby blue dress and a black flat shoes. While Daddy wears a simple white tshirt and jeans pants and rubber shoes.

"Are you ready?" Dad asked "Yes, Dad I'm ready"

When we arrived at the restaurant I saw Sebastian waiting outside and when he saw us he came to us and greet and assist us inside actually we were going to have dinner at their house but I text Sebastian if it's possible to just go to my favorite restaurant. By the way back to the story but before we go he whispered at me "You're beautiful as always" "Thanks" I just smiled at him and he smiled at me too.

When we got inside, we quickly went to his table to see where his parents were.

"Mom, Dad this is Amora and his Dad" Sebastian said. "Hi Ma'am and Sir" I said.

"Iha just call us Tita and Tito by the way take a sit" Sebastian Dad's said.

We just talked a lot of things and when we already finished the food Sebastian's Dad called the waiter and paid the food we ate. After that we bid goodbye to them. We were about to leave when Sebastian's Mom called me.

"iha" "yes?" "If you have time you can go to our mansion so that we can checka more" he said. "Amm sure no worries" I just smile.

Sebastian took us outside, he took us in a cab actually our car was on the opposite corner because we need to act.

When we got to the other corner, we paid the cab and quickly got into our car.

"Dad" "yes Amora?" "How long do we have to set up like this?" I said seriously. "Why?" "because I might get karma from what I'm doing" "no worries, you won't"

Why did I get into this situation?