
Chapter 26: Sabotage

I hated the way that he looked at me now.

It’s been a week since my talk with Arthur and things have never been the same between us. Every time we passed by each other in the hallways, his eyes always held a glint of sadness and betrayal. Meanwhile, mine had guilt and regret, knowing that all of this could have been prevented if I just told him the truth sooner.

I suddenly missed the awkward encounters that we had before. I missed the courteous nods and shy waves. I missed being able to see him up close and admire his flawless skin and beautiful features.

I just miss him.

Lately, it seemed like he was trying to avoid interaction with me altogether. He would pretend to be busy on his phone or he would look the other way. Even though it hurts seeing him being so distant from me, I knew that I did the right thing. I scowled, recalling the talk that we had a week ago as I shook my head wistfully, trying to push it to the back of my mind.