
Chapter 1 can't be true

No! This can't be happening. How is that even possible. I want another test run immediately. The voice of a young lady can be heard in the room. "But ma'am, our hospital is the best this can't be a....." "I don't give a f*ck about your damn hospital, I want another test run immediately and if my demand is not met this hospital is going down and that's a promise" Avery said with her voice full of promise totally interrupting the doctor. "Yes ma'am" the doctor said in defeat as he left.

Avery ran her hands through her and pulling a handful of it. She could not seem to understand just what was going on, the only question on her mind was "how?". She rummaged through her bag and pulled out her phone and she immediately gave her mom a call, "Mom I need you to here, the results are freaking me out!!!" She screamed as soon as the call went through. "please mom just come over and see for yourself" she continued. "Okay, Darling, I will be right there" her mom said already prepared for the worst.