

I turn to face them head-on and keep my umbrella closed. The figure leaps off the roof and lands a few feet in front of me in a crouch. The long, black cloak whips around the figure as it slowly stands to its full height.

I can't help but take a small step back when I look up at the tall, dark figure. It's him! My grip on my umbrella tightens as I look at its face but just like before, I can see nothing but darkness. I try to get a feel for him, to see what he is but again... it's nothing.

No human can make that jump a survive! It's just not possible! What is he!? I straighten my shoulders and ask "Who the hell are you? Or better yet, what the hell are you?" As if possible, it grows, even more, casting a dark shadow over me as it looks down at me.

"We are the dishonored, forced into the shadows for all eternity... rotting in damnation for eternity! Abandoned! But not for long... with you... the rise of the forgotten will be once more!" It says with multiple voices all at once.

My skin crawls with a warning and suddenly Binx shows up in his beast form. His dark shadowy body flares up behind me like a dark, black cape with red eyes. The... thing before me chuckles in all its voices before saying "With you, a new beginning will be had!"

When I feel the pressure change, I hear Kian yell "Eris!" Before attacking the dark hooded figure. It easily blocks the blow and says "Soon, Eris Hallows... very soon." In all its creepy voices before quickly disappearing.

My legs shake as Kian turns back and quickly asks "Are you okay? Were you hurt?" I shake my head no and wonder what the hell I just saw. They were demons... but lots of demons and they were all very powerful! How is that even possible!?

Lower demons can possess a living being and can even have more than one in them but that thing was not human... holy shit. I quickly look to Kian and say "It was a demon but it had many others inside of it."

Kian frowns and says "Eris... I know your shaken up and upset but that can't be possible. Demons can only possess a human, animal, or other lesser things but demons can't merge with each other." I begin shaking my head no as I say "You don't understand! They were powerful and all sharing the same vessel and that vessel was also a demon!"

Kian grows silent as he looks into my eyes but when I see his thoughts wandering, I ask "What? What is it? Oh! And do you know someone named Enzo, the destroyer?" His thoughts snap back and he looks at me with shock.

"Enzo... I know of him but how do you?" Kian asks with worry and growing fear. I quickly fill him in and watch as he paces back and forth in front of me. "Kian? Talk to me... what's going on?" Kian suddenly comes to a stop and says "We need to find a place to hide. A place he can't find you. Do you have anything that might act as a disappearance spell or a hiding spell?"

I reach out and grab his forearm as I say "Kian. Calm down and tell me what you know about this Enzo guy." Why is he so shaken? Kian looks down at me and makes a strained look before saying "Enzo guy... he's no 'guy'. The demon is a monster and one of the original demons. He's a dark prince and he likes to flaunt his power over others. The bastard is as cruel and messed up as they come... I've never met him in person but I have heard of him and none of it was good, even by demon standards."

I swallow hard and try not to think about it too much but I slowly look back up to Kian and ask "Can you slip down there and like.. ask around or something?" Kian sighs and says "That's not how it works, dollface. If I go back down there... I can't come back unless I'm summoned again. We can always return but we can't always come back here."

My mind races before saying "What if you go and I just summon you back?" Kian gives me a sad smile as he says "I'd have to wait at least ten years before I can be summoned again. If I did go back... it wouldn't be a quick round trip."

Damn! "Okay, scratch that and never think about going back. We'll think of something else..." I say tapping my chin but when my eyes land on Binx, I roll them. He's cleaning himself... again. At least he's back in his cat form.

"Thanks for coming Binx," I say with a twitching eyelid. He pauses and gives me a cheeky smirk as he says "When I felt you in danger, I came right away. My timing was perfect, right?" I roll my eyes as I say "Yes yes, absolutely perfect."

I turn to start walking away when he suddenly says "Then I can have fish tonight? Real fish?" I come to a stop and sigh as I say "Sure..." he makes a happy noise and says "I'll see you at home then." He turns back into his beast form and takes off. Leaving me in complete disbelief.

Kian suddenly grabs my hand, making me turn back to look at him in question as he says "Please... I don't want anything to happen to you. I know you have something that can make you disappear." My eyes soften as I turn to him and say "I have something that may work but I can't just leave and allow these demons to kill and destroy everything."

He fights something within him as I say "I can't do that Kian and you know that." He grits his teeth and nods his head as he says "You're right. I'm sounding more and more like the wolf... This is just the kind of person you are. I'm sorry... I just found you...I'm scared of losing you."

I give him a warm smile as I say "Then watch my back! As long as you're here, what could possibly go wrong." His small freezes on his face as he says "When you say it like that..." I burst out in laughter and pull him along as I say "Let's go. I have to stop by the store and get Binx a fish."

Hello, My Lovely Readers!! I'm sorry for the late post, I have been SUPER busy today so all I was able to write is one chapter >~< I'm sooooorry!! My eyes are crossing I'm so tired! I'll be back tomorrow and hopefully, I can make it up to you all by posting an extra chapter ^^

Blissfullragecreators' thoughts