
Hidden Hallows

Eris Hallows isn't your normal witch. She has a secret that she guards with her life but when a series of events take place in her Super Natural Investigation case, She finds herself stuck between the Alpha Shifter and head Vampire in her town as the mysterious case grows deeper and deeper. Can she avoid the two? Or will she end up between the two and between the sheets? Follow along with Eris as she navigates through her life while keeping herself away from the tempting men that keep popping up. Wanna talk? Find me on Discord! Blissfullrage#3336 ___________________________________ Would like to donate? Cash App $Blissfullrage The cover art does not belong to me, all credit to the original artist.

Blissfullrage · ファンタジー
171 Chs


As soon as I hear the chatter around us becoming quieter, I take a quick glance to see everyone staring at us. I slowly look forward and sink into my seat, willing myself to become invisible. Xander looks as if he's going to say something but I'm saved by a woman walking up to the front of the room.

She carries a large stack of papers and places them on the stadium before lifting a hand to straighten her black-rimmed glasses. "Thank you for attending this important meeting. As you all must have heard, we have witch hunters in the area and as of yesterday, we've had ten deaths."

Witch hunters? This was the first time I've heard anything about it but then again... I'm not in a coven or anything so I'm usually the last to hear about stuff like this. Witch hunters... they used to operate in the dark like we did before but now they walk around openly.

They come from the Church of Order and make it their mission to kill any and all 'bad' witches. I've never personally come across one but I have heard that they come to New Orleans quite a bit. They come for all the witches who use and practise the dark arts and of course, Voodoo priests.

A collective wave of chatter moves around the room as the woman raises her hands and says "This is the first time that the witches have been hunted and killed this quickly and in such a large number. I have tried to reach out to the Church of Order but they're strangely quiet."

"I have sent some of my men over to speak with them in person but I would like any and all witches to proceed with extreme caution until we can figure out what the witch hunters want and why they are killing so many. I also want to ask for the help of our other local leaders."

Her eyes turn to Xander and Ambrose making me sweat. Xander nods as Ambrose waves a dismissive hand saying "We take care of our own. If I or my men see witch hunters messing with a witch, we will step in and help the witch."

He turns to me and gives me a wink, earning a growl from Xander and a frown from me. I roll my eyes and bounce my leg as I hope and pray this meeting ends soon. Being between two incredibly powerful males is messing with me in more ways than one.

The woman beams at Ambrose before turning back to the rest and saying "All witches should stay within your covens for protection. There's safety in numbers and before we can find out why this is happening you all need to be extremely careful. If anyone else has any leads or information, come see me immediately."

She slams the blood-red crystal down on the wooden stadium, dismissing everyone. Short and sweet, just like I like. Xander turns to say something as I quickly get up and leave. I want to just shift away but I need to keep up appearances with others so I act like I'm saying something as I open a portal.

"Eris!" Xander calls out as I step through the portal and quickly close it behind me. I appear in the living room and turn to see Xander standing behind me with the end of my cape in his hand. "Shit..." I say as Xander looks at me with large shocked eyes.

No witch... I mean, noooo witch has the power to carry another person through a personal portal like that. Xander continues to stare at with shock as he slowly stands to his entire six-two frame. I swallow hard and try to pull my cape out of his hand but he just tightens his grip.

He takes a deep breath and I know by his dilated eyes that he can smell my real scent in the house. I grit my teeth in anger as I say "You just screwed me over big time, wolf." He slightly smirks at me and says "If you had just waited, I know you heard me calling you."

"Just because you call me doesn't mean I have to stop and wait," I say untying my cape. The black cape flutters to the ground between us as I roll my shoulders and say "You really shouldn't follow a witch and enter her home uninvited."

His amber eyes flash with desire when he sees the black dress I'm currently wearing but he quickly looks back to my eyes and says "I want to know what coven you belong to." I frown at him and ask "Why?"

He pulls the black cape up and begins folding it as he says "Because you weren't sitting with any of the other covens. Do you not belong to a coven?" I tilt my head as I watch him and ask "Why is that any of your concern?"

He finishes folding the cape and places it on the couch before quickly glancing around the room as he says "The second I met you, it became my concern. You heard her, right? There are witch hunters killing witches and you're all alone. It's not safe."

I point to the front door and say "Leave. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself, big boy." His eyes flash at me as a smirk pulls at his sexy lips. He takes a step closer to me and says "You don't belong to my pack... you don't belong to any coven... you're all alone, kitten. Why don't you come home with me?"

Suddenly, a large and powerful black shadow moves between us before wrapping itself around my waist and legs as it says "She isn't alone, she has me..." Binx was now in his real form and it was terrifying to look at. Binx' eyes glow red with a dangerous warning but he doesn't make a move.

Xander looks at Binx with awe as he says "Such a powerful familiar..." I run my hand along the dark shadow and say "As you can see, I'm not alone. I'm perfectly capable of protecting myself, now please leave."

He smiles at me and digs out a phone saying "I need to get someone to pick me up... can I have a glass of water while I wait for my ride?" I think about it for several seconds before sighing with defeat and saying "They better hurry."

Binx shifts back to his original form and stares at Xander with green, slitted eyes. Xander sends a text and slips his phone away before looking down at Binx saying "Nice to mee you." Binx narrows his eyes on Xander before turning his butt to him and walking off. True cat form...

I smirk as I grab water for the Alpha but when I turn back around, I nearly drop the water. He was right behind me! He catches the cup mid-fall and looks to me while saying "I think you and I started off on the wrong foot. I want to be friends... I'm not trying to hurt you or threaten you."

He slowly stands up and hooks and finger on the scent blocking necklace hanging from my neck. I reach out and quickly grab the finger before jerking my hand back like I was burnt. I shouldn't have touched him! He takes advantage of my slip up and pulls the necklace off.

Hello, My Lovely Readers!! I'm sorry I've been gone for the past few days. We're in the middle of changing our internet company and they ran into several problems with the install. Now I have to wait until Friday T^T before I get the internet back BUT I'm lucky enough to use my hotspot on my phone. I write from my laptop so it's difficult lol it takes like 30mins for the freaking page to load! Thank you for all your support!! You guys are the best!! XOXO

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