
Hidden Faceless

The endless murders in Los Angeles sprouts concern in the office of the police force and instills fear in the hearts of the residents. Things get steamy when each murders comes with a message, one meant for the ultimate prey. A case that has been assigned to Jack Grapes and Liam Mackrel to figure out whom the killer is. Scenarios fly up as everyone becomes a suspect, each pointing accusing fingers at one another when the deaths seems to have a connection to each another. Cecelia Grapes, the daughter of Jack Grapes, who just lost her only friend to the claws of the masked man, meets Tony Waters, a renowned artist who just moved back to Los Angeles after years. The love between this two blossoms so beautifully until he gets kidnapped alongside her Father with a threat from the masked man for her to produce some files, files she had no idea existed. She gets to learn dark secrets about her Father, however these truths cost her one thing she loves the most, her boyfriend and the Father of her unborn child.

Storian_Writer · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Liam's pov

" So what did he say to you?." I ask him the moment he steps into my office. I watch him force a smile that folds the side of his eyes before settling into the seat in front of me.

" He wants us…me to find the killer fast." Jack responds.

" And how does he intend you do that?. We have been looking him for days now." I ask.

" I don't know and we ain't sure if our killer is a male or a female." He replies.

" Huh!." I exclaim with a look of disapproval on my face. " You think a lady is capable of carrying this out. Something this dark and evil." I add.

I hear him let out a dry brief laugh.

" Anyone can be the killer, Liam. Regardless of the gender." He responds and adds. " You asked me to come."

" Hummm yes." I reply then shove my laptop towards his face. " I got the footages you requested for." I add.

I watch him glue his eyes on the laptop, his fingers clicking on the keys for some minutes.

" There isn't much here. Just another waste of time." Jack says and sigh, placing his back well on the chair.

I turn the laptop back towards myself and run my eyes over it. Mr. Daniels had arrived around 10:30pm that fateful night and went in like he normally does while the rest just played out like a normal night.

" The killer must be very smart. There is a glitch in it." I inform and back away the footage.

" Hmm hmm." He hums. " Any lead from his family?." He asks.

" Umm, nothing much except that he had received a call from a potential client and requested to leave in the last minute." I inform.

" Hmmm. And this 'potential client's' number?." He questions.

" I had it forwarded to the tracking team. We should get a feedback soon." I inform and watch him nod in response. " Your daughter…" I am saying and pause on seeing how his eyes lit up.

" What about her?." He questions with keenness.

" Chilax man. I saw her the other time and I just have to admit that she is a grown woman now." I compliment.

" Hmmm hmm. I guess." He replies and immediately adds " Can you call the tracking team now?."

I immediately get the hint. He really hates discussing about his daughter with anyone and also tries as much as possible to make sure she doesn't come here and I don't blame him, not after what happened to his wife.

The poor Amanda.

I think and pick up my phone to dial the number. I wait patiently as it rings and soon someone picks it up.

" Hmm hmm. Yes. Okay. Will check that now." I say into the phone and drop the call.

I raise my eyes to find him staring hard at me.

" They sent a mail." I quickly say and click the keys to access it.

My eyes run over the new piece of information and soon I turn it over to him.

" Looks like a call made from an orphanage in a remotely small village." I inform.

" Hmm hmm." He hums. " Have them get me everything I need to know about this so called 'orphanage home'." He orders.

" I will do that now." I reply and dial the phone again. " Get me all there is to know about this orphanage home now." I order and hang up the call.

" Can I have his file?." Jack asks and I stretch it out to him, watching his eyes skim over each pages as his fingers flip them over. " Five servants." He says and looks up at me.

" Yea. Mrs. Daniel said he had them all take the week off." I inform.

After some brief seconds of silence, he finally responds.

" Why do you think that is?." He questions as though I am suppose to provide an answer to that.

" Well, I don't know. Maybe because he and his family were to be on two weeks vacation themselves. He probably saw the need to give them breaks." I say.

" Maybe. Only that we don't work with maybes. He could have been threatened by someone or maybe a mistress of his." Jack says, running his right fingers over his chin. " Is his phone in our possession?." He ask and I nod in response.

" Yes. It's in the evidence box." I reply and watch him get up on his feet.

" Then let's go check it out." He says and I do as instructed.

We head towards the evidence room after having pick up new pair of gloves, we shove the box with Mr. Daniels name tag down and start digging.

" Here!." I say and hand him the phone sitting in a transparent bag.

I watch him take it, bring it out and start going through it. For about fifteen to twenty minutes, I stand there quietly trying not to ruin in his moment and soon he places the phone back into the bag.

" Nothing suspicious. Not even his mail." He say and sigh. " I really thought I would get a lead." He adds and that immediately disgusts me.

I have been working with Jack for years now and I personally despise his act of selfishness, always rotating everything around himself. The work belongs to the whole team and not him but I do not say anything to counter him or state otherwise.

" His pictures too?." I ask. I am willing to get this case done with by rendering any form of help I can.

" Oh! That skipped my mind for about a second." He replies and pulls the phone out the bag again, searching through it.

There is a brief knock on the door which opens shortly after and Officer Anne sticks her head in.

" Officer Liam, there's a call for you." She informs.

" Okay." I reply and turn to my old time pal. " Be right back." I inform and walk out of the room.

I head for the phone and place it on my left ear.

" Hmm hmm. Yea. Oh! Okay. Thank you Jude." I mutter into it and hang up the call then head back to the evidence room.

" Who was that?." He ask the minute I step in and I feel like I sense a form of doubt there but I shove it aside.

" Jade." I say briefly without relaying the message and quickly adds. " Found anything?." I ask.

" Seems like little Mr. Daniel was cheating on his wife." He informs and shoves the picture in my face.

The image sends shock down my spine, dries the blood on my face but I try to compose myself.

" Jade said they got a lead. Turns out our little smart ass killer wasn't so smart after all. They got his DNA on a glass cup he used." I inform.

" Or she used. Remember our killer can be anyone." He responds and adds. " Let's go."