

Isabella: A sweet ,innocent, strong minded, caring and fun loving girl, who is a strong believer of two things GOD and LOVE. She is a crazy fan of Aiden Williams and his romantic novels, she considers him as her idol. What happens when the only person you idolize becomes your worst enemy. What happens if all the love stories you had read from your teenage years were all fake without any real feelings and were written just to fool all the innocent minds. What will Isabella do when she learns the truth? Will she confront him or Will she run away like a coward? Aiden : A self-centered, arrogant, rude man, who doesn't believe in love and emotions, he is like a robot and hides his true self from everyone, even his own family. He is a famous best-selling author but he himself doesn't believe in his writing, he writes just to fool others, gain popularity and satisfy his big ego. Why is Aiden like this? Why does he himself doesn't believe in his works and writing? What is the real truth behind his cold demeanor? Can anybody change his views on love and emotions? "Look at those fools Noah, they believe all the bull shits I write." "Sometimes I really feel pity for those people buddy, I Aiden Williams, best seller writer in New York for the past 6 years, who is a famous romance writer, doesn't have any emotion, who hates the word LOVE but see buddy who cares, those people love me, some even idolize me, but here I am the real Aiden Williams who hates each and every word he writes, he hates his works but you know what? I don't regret anything, I love to fool those idiots who believe in that stupid word LOVE. They believe in my stories and make an illusion that she will get a Prince charming in her life, but when reality strikes that stupid girl breaks her heart into million pieces and I enjoy it, I love it". Aiden never thought the words he spoke that day will become will go viral. He never thought that his words that night broke someone's belief and trust.

Angelina_roy · 都市
39 Chs




"Buddy hurry up, we have to soon reach the hospital, we don't have time to waste".

Aiden looked up and started moving towards his mom, he held her wrist and tightly wrapped a handkerchief, he saw his sister being carried by Noah. The ambulance soon came and finally, they reached the hospital.

"Aiden doesn't worry aunty and Andrea will be fine, you just stay strong buddy."

Aiden looked at Noah and his best friend knew by his expression that Aiden was no more normal.

The doctor soon came, and gave him the most dreaded news of his life,

"Sorry Mr. Williams we couldn't save your mother, she had a lot of blood loss and she suffered a hemorrhage".

His whole world crashed down, he couldn't believe the news.

He ran frantically into the room where her mother was kept and saw her lifeless body, her face was calm and he felt his mom finally have peace now.

"Aiden the doctor is calling you, he has some news on Andrea". Noah spoke

He pushed past him and reached the other room where her sister was kept.

"Mr. Williams your sister is in shock, I think she lost her conscious because she saw your mother, she will be fine in a few minutes and gain consciousness, but I must warn you she needs you most right now, her behavior can change a bit, but you have to be with her always."

Don't worry Doc we will take care of her, Noah spoke.

Aiden reached his house that night to change and arrange for her mother's funeral, he reached her room and sat down quietly in her bed, suddenly he noticed an envelope, and opened it, it was a letter from her mother,

Dear Son,

I am really very very sorry that I left you and Andrea like this, but I couldn't live like this Aiden, I loved your father with all my heart and that man married another woman today, I couldn't take it anymore, how can he leave me and marry someone else, I left everything for that man and he just left me and moved on. I am sorry my son your mom is very weak, and she can't digest the fact that your father left her and married someone else. I love you and Andrea most, please try to forgive me, and promise me to take care of Andrea, I know you love her very much, please my son I love you so much, but i have to do this, will finally get some peace.

Mom Loves you, baby.

Aiden read the letter and folded it nicely and kissed it, I will never forgive that man mom, I will make his life hell, I promise you that.

He picked up his mother's photo frame and kissed her multiple times, that night Aiden promised himself that he hates the word LOVE and that he will never fall in love. The 18-year-old boy that night closed off all his emotions and became a stone.


"Hey buddy I have good news for you and very very good news, his best friend came running and hugged him."

Hmm, what is it? Tell me first Noah I have to cook for Andrea today, she is turning 10, and I promised her I will bake and cook for her.

"Ok buddy, but first you have to promise me you won't kill me,"

What are you saying, Noah?

"I may have seen your diary and I was so surprised to see my best friend who doesn't have any emotion wrote a beautiful love story, and i gave that story to a publishing company, they had decided to publish it and guess what, my best friend has become best seller novel writer, your story is a super duper hit,"

Aiden looked at Noah and punched him straight, how dare you Noah, how can you read my diary and that too, give my story to a publishing company?

"Sorry I am really sorry Aiden, but I saw every day how you were struggling with your studies and Andrea, you worked so hard, and never slept for more than 2 hours for the last 2 years, and you won't allow me to help you, you are so stubborn that you can't accept my help, so when I read that story, I felt that if I can do something for you both, I will really feel happy, please Aiden think about it, you have a brilliant writing skill, that story you just imagined and wrote, and see where it has placed you, you have become the best seller author, the youngest among so many prestigious writers."

Aiden hugged Noah and spoke, you already know Noah I hate that word, I hate LOVE, then how can

I don't write romance novels. I wrote that when I was 14, I was an immature kid Noah, I don't believe that shit anymore.

"Who told you to feel anything Aiden? you just write whatever comes into your mind, you don't need to be in love to write romance novels, just think of it as your work, you could stay at home and write, and you can take care of Andrea more, so buddy please take this opportunity."

Ok, I will think about it. They both hugged each other and Noah left, but before going he gave Aiden a copy of his book.

Aiden sat down and started reading the pages, he wrote that book a long time ago, about his imaginary love story between his mom and that monster, and his blood boiled thinking about him. Aiden searched various places but couldn't find where that monster was hiding, but he promised himself to punish him and get his revenge.

He deeply thought about the various consequences which would happen if he takes this opportunity, but Noah was right he could spend more time with Andrea and she needed him most.

Finally, the day arrived when Aiden was asked to join a Press conference event which was held to celebrate his success, various reporters came and questioned him, but suddenly an aged man came and hugged him tightly, Aiden was shocked at first but he soon gained his senses back,

"Who are you? and why are you hugging me? Do you know me?"

Son, I am your grandpa, GERARD WILLIAMS, I have been searching for you all for the last 15 years and finally, I found you, you are my GARY'S son, right?

Aiden was again surprised, his mother had told him, his father had left home and never looked back, but he didn't know the full story.

His grandpa wanted to accompany him, and so they both reached his house together,

Andrea came running and hugged him with a big smile,

Bubba, you are on tv, Noah and I were watching you, you wrote a book, Bubba.

His sister was so innocent, he hugged her and placed a small kiss on her forehead

His grandpa was again shocked, that stupid son of his has two beautiful children and he never got to know about them, he lost all their early years, and he wished he could slap his son again.

Aiden introduced Andrea and Noah to Gerard and the 4 of them sat down,

Andrea baby go upstairs and play, I will come in a few minutes.

Ok, bubba. By grandpa, By Noah.

His grandpa got so emotional, hearing the word from Andrea, he hugged her tiny frame and kissed her forehead.

Baby, you and your bubba will soon come with me and stay, will you like that? his grandpa asked his sister.

His sister looked at him, and spoke,

Whatever Bubba will say, I will do, she spoke softly and ran away.

Aiden looked at his grandpa, and finally asked him, "Why did your son run away"?

His grandpa sat down, and spoke, Look child your father never listened to me, he always did what he wanted. One Day I found drugs in his bag and questioned him, but he didn't reply, I got so angry and slapped him, your father left the house that night and never came back after that.

By the way, where is your mother? I want to meet her.

She is no more, your son killed her.

What; his grandpa was shocked, then after a few minutes Aiden told him everything, he didn't know why he was telling this man everything, but he felt a certain amount of peace around him.

That fool, his grandpa shouted angrily, I will personally send him to jail, if i ever cross paths with him.

Child please I don't have anyone, my one son left me and the other one, is staying away from me in London, with his own family, they hardly visit me, I am growing old Aiden I can't manage WILLIAMS PUBLISHING HOUSE, and many more publishing companies anymore, please come with me, I can die peacefully by handling everything to you.

Aiden was again shocked, WILLIAM PUBLISHING HOUSE was a big name, he has heard about it many times, but to manage everything along with all his writings will he be able to handle all these?

His grandpa held his hands and pleaded with him to go with him, and finally, Aiden decided to move in with his grandpa.


THE AWARD GOES TO AIDEN WILLIAMS, everyone clapped but the main person who is the reason behind it, never attended any AWARD night, he hated crowds, but because of his company he had to visit sometime, mainly Noah attended his AWARD functions and collected his awards.

"Look buddy another one, you are really lucky, so many fans love and adore you Aiden, you should attend your AWARD parties,"

Noah, you shouldn't ask me this, you already know everything, I hate those writings, but I am doing this just because I have already signed contracts, and I want to see every girl suffer who believed in my stories, those fools love my book and think that reality of life is, you get a prince charming, but my friend, real life is far bitter and full of betrayals. I just love to fool them, when they shout my name, I feel happy inside, not because I love my books, it's just that they are soon going to regret everything in life, that so-called word LOVE, I hate it, each and every word I write about LOVE I hate it.

Noah stood silent and spoke,

"No Aiden you write those books because you want to save those girls from harsh reality of life, you bring them happiness, you don't know this bro, but I know you can never hurt anyone Aiden, you can never enjoy someone's sorrow, you speak all this rubbish just to satisfy your crooked mind.

No Noah you are wrong I enjoy it when they suffer in real life and I pity them.