

Disclaimer: I don't own Honkai Impact 3rd or any of its content. It belongs to Mihoyo/ Hoyoverse. This fanfic is just written for fun and experiment. There will be some spoilers to the game in this fanfic. . . . . . . . . . In the expansive and treacherous world of Honkai, where fate weaves its intricate web, a new player emerges. Meet Autumn Korosten, a mysterious individual who inexplicably finds himself transmigrated into the body of a dying patient named Shroud. Little does he know that his arrival in this realm has set in motion a series of events that will challenge the very essence of fate itself. Autumn is a man burdened by the relentless pursuit of destiny. Targeted by the enigmatic forces of fate, he loathes the constraints and boundaries fate has imposed upon him, resenting the paths it has forced him to tread. Initially, he believes that he has returned to his world after being trapped in the Abyss for countless millennia, but unsettling signs soon point to the contrary. This world is not the one he knew, but an entirely different reality where the tides of fate flow differently. Determined to reclaim his strength and find a way back to his true world, Autumn, now Shroud sets out on a perilous journey of self-discovery and empowerment. But the land of Honkai is not one to be trifled with. Filled with inscrutable beings known as the Honkai, the world is a dangerous and chaotic place. As he delves deeper into the secrets of this realm, he begins to understand that his return home may not be as straightforward as he once hoped. Guided by unlikely allies and burdened by the weight of his past, Shroud unravels the mysteries of Honkai while striving to transcend the clutches of fate that bind him. Through battles, trials, and unexpected encounters, he learns the value of forging his destiny and the true meaning of true strength. Will Shroud be able to regain the strength required to break free from the shackles of fate and return to his original world, or will he be ensnared yet again by destiny's cruel hand? What will Shroud have to face as he grapples with fate's intricate dance in the mesmerizing world of Honkai?

Sire_K · ゲーム
111 Chs

Siberian Sojourn

Somewhere in Northern Asia, an aircraft began its graceful descent on December XX, Year X, destined for Atlantica Airport.

Just as the plane commenced its descent, a soothing announcement emanated from the cockpit, a gentle chime marking its beginning.


"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen," the captain's voice resonated through the cabin, "We are now commencing our descent. We kindly request that you fasten your seatbelts. If you gaze out of your window, you might catch a partial view of Atlantica Airport."

"Now, please remain calm until the aircraft safely touches down. We sincerely hope you've had a wonderful journey so far," the captain continued.

The aircraft banked smoothly, executing a graceful turn to align with the awaiting runway. This manoeuvre resembled the steady arc of a bird of prey preparing to land.

The plane's captain demonstrated impeccable precision and showcased his mastery of the aircraft, a testament to his years of experience, and the control surfaces responded with seamless grace. The aircraft seemed to be a willing and graceful partner in this meticulously choreographed descent.

As the plane drew closer to the earth, the terrain underwent a mesmerizing transformation. Details sharpened, revealing a vivid tapestry of life below.

Cars on highways took on the appearance of miniature toy vehicles, buildings soared from the ground like majestic sentinels, and the landscape unfolded as a patchwork of fields and forests.

The runway approached with measured elegance, a strip of concrete and lights extending far into the horizon.

The aircraft's wheels made contact with the tarmac as if delivering a feather-light kiss, and the body of the plane gracefully settled onto the runway.

Brakes engaged with a subtle authority, and the aircraft slowed down with an air of poise. It taxied toward its gate as though a magnificent creature making a grand entrance, its engines humming into rest.

Inside, passengers collectively exhaled sighs of relief as the jet bridges extended from the airport terminal to gracefully embrace the aircraft's doors.

"We've executed a safe landing," the captain's voice resonated, "I kindly request everyone to maintain composure and disembark the plane with patience, one passenger at a time."



[Flight N-022 has completed its descent. We trust that all passengers from Nagazora, Japan, had a pleasant journey, and we extend a warm welcome to all travellers arriving in Siberia.]

The airport terminal broadcasted the aircraft's descent and extended a welcoming message to its passengers.

As passengers gracefully descended the escalator, one distinctive figure emerged from the crowd - Shroud, who was disguised as Autumn.

As he made his way down the escalator, he was met with a breathtaking view of glass walls that stood tall like sentinels, filtering the soft, golden daylight and casting a gentle, warm glow on the bustling scene below.

The interior was a harmonious blend of modernity, adorned with gleaming steel accents and a colour palette featuring cool blues and earthy tones, creating an atmosphere of tranquillity.

Venturing deeper into the terminal, Autumn was enveloped by the rhythmic cadence of travellers weaving through the check-in counters, creating a steady heartbeat of anticipation.

The airline attendants, with faces mirroring a range of emotions - excitement, trepidation, and wanderlust - offered their courteous assistance.

After disembarking the escalator, Autumn promptly made his way to the baggage carousel to retrieve his suitcase and complete the registration process at the counter before stepping out of the airport to be greeted by the expansive snowy plains.


Autumn stood at the roadside, and his gaze fixed on a local taxi approaching from the distance. With an animated wave of his hand, he signalled the cab to make a stop.

The car screeched to a halt, tires skidding slightly, just before Autumn. He leaned in closer to the window, peering inside, only to discover an unexpected occupant in the passenger seat.

Autumn locked eyes with the cab driver, whose face wore a mix of exasperation and apology. After a subtle nod towards the driver, Autumn shifted his attention to the person who had already laid claim to the front seat.

"Would you mind sharing this ride?" he inquired with a courteous smile.

"Piss off," the occupant in the passenger seat retorted, a sharp edge to their tone despite Autumn's polite demeanour. They made it clear that they had no intention of accommodating him and firmly advised Autumn to find another cab.


Sensing the escalating tension, the car's driver decided to take preemptive action and revved the engine, intending to drive away before things took a turn for the worse.

However, just as the wheels began to spin, *Thwack*, Autumn deftly flicked the side of the cab, causing it to abruptly power down.


Mysterious Abyssal Arts[Light Arts]: {Fluxus}: (Distributio Energiae):

A skill to temporarily halt energy-dependent systems and objects; normal functionality is restored by an external force or restart.


Autumn used "Distributio Energiae," one of the "Mysterious Abyssal Arts," which falls under the "Light Arts" as a subskill of the main skill "Fluxus," to temporarily shut down the cab's engine.

As the car's engine came to a sudden halt, both the passenger and the cab driver gaped in astonishment. The cab driver shot a nervous glance at Autumn, clearly taken aback by this unexpected display.

'Is he perhaps a mechanic or something?' The cab driver pondered, his eyes darting from Autumn to the dashboard, where he had witnessed Autumn's deft manoeuvre of shutting off the engine with a gentle touch.

Yet, before the cab driver could form a coherent thought or react, Autumn took the lead. "Name a price," Autumn ordered, his tone unwavering and businesslike as if he held the answers to a crucial equation.

The cab driver, still caught in a state of confusion, stuttered, "Y-Yes, sir?" His eyes flitted between the cab's controls and Autumn, who repeated with more clarity, "How much would it cost for me to hire you for an entire day, starting right now?"

Upon hearing Autumn's inquiry, the passenger was jolted back to reality, and he began, "Oi—" However, before he could utter another word, Autumn fixed him with a chilling, unrelenting stare that silenced the man on the spot.

"Silence," Autumn commanded, and the words that had been forming in the passenger's throat remained unsaid. Autumn then turned his attention to the cab driver, his eyes exuding a sense of urgency. "Name your price, quickly."

"T-Then $450," the cab driver replied meekly. He caught a glimpse of uncertainty in Autumn's eyes, which made him consider lowering the price. But before he could revise his offer, Autumn's next words caught him off guard.

"Then what are you waiting for? Get rid of the trash," Autumn ordered with a tone of authority. The cab driver, clearly taken aback, asked with hesitation, "Um, what does the sir mean?"

Autumn let out an impatient sigh and replied, "Never mind, I'll handle it myself." In one swift, decisive motion, he flung open the passenger door and firmly grasped the man inside, sending him tumbling out of the car along with his scattered belongings.

The entire spectacle unfolded in a blur of movement that left the bewildered passenger struggling to process the sudden change in his surroundings.

In an instant, he found himself transformed from the plush comfort of the taxi's interior to an abrupt encounter with the hard, unyielding, and bitterly cold ground.

The passenger cast an incredulous glance at Autumn, who returned the look and succinctly remarked, "Piss off." He then turned his attention back to the cab driver and ordered, "Drive."

As the taxi smoothly cruised down the road, the passenger who had been unceremoniously ejected from the cab earlier remained utterly bewildered by the rapid turn of events.

The abandoned passenger stood on the curb, attempting to make sense of what had just occurred, a flurry of emotions and thoughts running through his mind.

Within the moving cab, Autumn finally had the chance to let his body relax after a lengthy flight. Despite his status as an Outlawed-rank individual, he recognized the importance of keeping his body limber.

Booking a first-class seat for the flight certainly minimized the discomfort typically associated with confined spaces and prolonged periods of inactivity.

As Autumn settled into the seat and began to unwind, the nervous voice of the cab driver punctuated the silence. "U-Um, sir?" The driver's timid inquiry met Autumn's half-lidded gaze, which, from the driver's perspective, carried an air of intimidation.

Fumbling over his words, the cab driver continued, "Is there a particular destination, sir, that you would like to visit?" The driver's question hung in the air, laced with uncertainty as he waited for his new passenger's answer.

Autumn considered the driver's words, silently weighing his request for a moment. With a deliberate nod, he eased himself into the seat, settling in for the ride.

"Give me a tour of the area," he began, and then, after a brief pause, he continued, "and, as you do, kindly provide me with all information you possess about the recent Honkai Manifestation."

The mere mention of "Honkai Manifestation" had a profound impact on the cab driver. His eyes widened in alarm, and a visible shiver coursed through his body.

Anxiety etched his features as he cast a nervous glance in Autumn's direction and cautiously inquired, "Is sir, by any chance, affiliated with the Fire Moth?"

"Hmm," Autumn languidly stretched his well-travelled body. With deliberate nonchalance, he extended his arm towards his suitcase, its surface adorned with stickers from various exotic destinations. His fingers nimbly grasped the zipper, and he began to search the bag's contents with an air of familiarity.

Deep within the suitcase, his hand emerged, clutching a compact, matte-black object. It was a sleek firearm, polished to perfection.

The sight of the weapon sent a chill racing down the cab driver's spine, and beads of sweat began to form on his forehead as he watched Autumn's actions with bated breath.

As Autumn's body subtly unwound from its stretch, he yawned drowsily, his voice low and deliberate. "The government," he continued in a hushed tone, "can be rather sensitive about its affairs, wouldn't you agree?"

The cab driver nodded in silent understanding, their unspoken agreement reaffirmed — their conversation would remain an intimate secret within the confines of the cab, hidden from prying eyes and inquisitive ears.

Having secured the driver's cooperation, Autumn discreetly concealed the firearm, easing some of the driver's immediate anxiety.

Nonetheless, a lingering unease pervaded the cab, and the driver felt compelled to follow Autumn's lead without question.

'Although these firearms aren't particularly effective against Honkai beasts, they do come in handy in situations like this,' Autumn reflected.

He continued, 'It was a wise decision to obtain a gun license back then.' Autumn's memory took him back to his time in America when he had acquired the license.

When he had moved to Japan, authorities had demanded that he disarm his firearm, as it contravened public safety policies.

However, in Siberia, all he had to do was register his gun and pay a small fee. Autumn's thoughts then shifted to Japan, and a hint of frustration coloured his words.

'Speaking of Japan, those Fire Moths' goons should be busy spying on Whisper right about now,' he muttered to himself. The displeasure in his voice was evident at the thought of the Fire Moths meddling in his affairs.

'Since the Fire Moth has decided to take an interest in my life, I might as well use their name for this mission,' Autumn reflected, his thoughts running like a deep undercurrent.

'Though, they should compensate me for my services; after all, I'll be assisting them rather than compromising their reputation,' he considered before allowing his eyes to drift closed.

Despite Autumn's closed eyes and seemingly relaxed posture, the attentive driver could discern that his passenger remained keenly aware of his surroundings.

Understanding the opportunity to curry favour and ensure his own well-being, the driver eagerly embarked on an in-depth tour, sharing a trove of knowledge about the local area and its noteworthy landmarks.

The car cruised through the city, with the driver narrating the stories behind each significant place, creating an immersive and informative experience for Autumn.

To be continued...


A/N: I hope you enjoy the chapter and feel free to comment. Your thoughts and criticism are valuable in helping me improve and stay motivated to write more.

I will also be publishing the Light Arts of the Mysterious Abyssal Arts. Make sure you read them; they will be in the auxiliary section.

Remember that the auxiliary chapters I publish are important since they contain more information about the skills and other important things.

So, yeah, read them. I don't want to always explain when the MC does something unimaginable and who or how he did it.

Read the skills, and you will understand, okay? I make the story in a way that respects the information I have given in the auxiliary chapters.