

Disclaimer: I don't own Honkai Impact 3rd or any of its content. It belongs to Mihoyo/ Hoyoverse. This fanfic is just written for fun and experiment. There will be some spoilers to the game in this fanfic. . . . . . . . . . In the expansive and treacherous world of Honkai, where fate weaves its intricate web, a new player emerges. Meet Autumn Korosten, a mysterious individual who inexplicably finds himself transmigrated into the body of a dying patient named Shroud. Little does he know that his arrival in this realm has set in motion a series of events that will challenge the very essence of fate itself. Autumn is a man burdened by the relentless pursuit of destiny. Targeted by the enigmatic forces of fate, he loathes the constraints and boundaries fate has imposed upon him, resenting the paths it has forced him to tread. Initially, he believes that he has returned to his world after being trapped in the Abyss for countless millennia, but unsettling signs soon point to the contrary. This world is not the one he knew, but an entirely different reality where the tides of fate flow differently. Determined to reclaim his strength and find a way back to his true world, Autumn, now Shroud sets out on a perilous journey of self-discovery and empowerment. But the land of Honkai is not one to be trifled with. Filled with inscrutable beings known as the Honkai, the world is a dangerous and chaotic place. As he delves deeper into the secrets of this realm, he begins to understand that his return home may not be as straightforward as he once hoped. Guided by unlikely allies and burdened by the weight of his past, Shroud unravels the mysteries of Honkai while striving to transcend the clutches of fate that bind him. Through battles, trials, and unexpected encounters, he learns the value of forging his destiny and the true meaning of true strength. Will Shroud be able to regain the strength required to break free from the shackles of fate and return to his original world, or will he be ensnared yet again by destiny's cruel hand? What will Shroud have to face as he grapples with fate's intricate dance in the mesmerizing world of Honkai?

Sire_K · ゲーム
111 Chs

Shroud's Departure

Some months later, in Georgia, USA...

Within the halls of Dalton Junior High, Dean Orpheus found himself engrossed in his customary routine when an unexpected visitor disrupted the tranquillity.

*Knock - knock*

"Enter at your own risk," Orpheus intoned before the door swung open, revealing a young man in his late teens.

Jet-black locks cascaded gracefully down his shoulders, transitioning into a captivating shade of silver. His eyes, a piercing grey, emitted an intensity capable of sending an eerie chill down anyone's spine.

The young man stood tall, his aura demanding attention as he confidently strode into the room. His attire, a blend of edginess and sophistication, suggested an enigmatic and captivating personality.

Upon entering the office, he spotted a vacant sofa and made his way toward it. As he reclined on the plush cushion, Orpheus looked up, beholding the unexpected guest. A warm smile graced Orpheus's face as he greeted him, "So, you made it after all, Shroud."

His voice echoed with a mix of surprise and anticipation as he acknowledged the unexpected visit from his nephew.

In response to Orpheus's welcome, Shroud nodded, expressing his complaint, "You know, the invitation was rather short notice," emphasizing the sudden and unexpected nature of the invitation.

"Hmm," Orpheus snickered before extending an apology, "My apologies, but I am glad that you could make it this year for Thanksgiving." Orpheus acknowledged Shroud's presence during the holiday season. Shroud, maintaining his usual demeanour, replied, "I didn't notice that it was November already."

"Haha, well, as you can observe, my hands are quite tied up here. How about you take a stroll around?" Orpheus suggested, to which Shroud responded, "Not necessary. I already had a glance while making my way to the office. Looks like the sports field underwent some significant refurbishment and repairs." Shroud pointed out, recalling the state of the fields during his graduation from Dalton Junior High when they were in complete shambles.

"The school has made remarkable strides in these past years, allowing for these substantial changes," Orpheus explained. "I see," Shroud simply remarked, acknowledging the positive transformations that had taken place.


*Purring of an engine*

The car's engine emitted a gentle purr before releasing a final sigh and coming to a graceful halt. As the car transitioned into stillness, the doors swung open, and Shroud, followed by Orpheus, gracefully exited the vehicle.

"Hmm, this place hasn't undergone much change," Shroud remarked as he surveyed Orpheus's residence, more fittingly described as a mansion.

The mansion stood tall, exuding classical charm, adorned by intricate columns and ivy-clad bricks. Expansive windows hinted at a well-lit, opulent interior.

A manicured garden framed the grandeur, and the entrance door, embellished with an ornate brass knocker, opened to a foyer exuding a subtle blend of polished wood and vintage elegance.

As Shroud and Orpheus made their way inside, they were greeted by the presence of a middle-aged woman. She stood tall with an elegant stature.

She adorned a dignified attire, a tasteful ensemble reflecting a sense of timeless sophistication. Her demeanour bespoke a regal grace as she extended a welcoming smile.

"Welcome, dear. It appears we have a guest," she remarked, glancing at Shroud and gently waving her hands. "It's been a while, Aunt Eurydice," Shroud greeted his aunt with a respectful bow.

"You seem to have grown up quite well," Eurydice observed, examining Shroud before offering a warm smile and clasping her hands. "Alright, how about you two freshen up first? We'll reconvene at the dining table," she suggested.

"That sounds fantastic," Orpheus agreed, and Shroud nodded in concurrence. "Alright, Shroud, you can use the bathroom upstairs," Eurydice directed as Shroud ascended for a refreshing shower.

After cleansing himself, Shroud donned a more formal yet casually elegant attire for the dinner. With Orpheus taking his time, Shroud opted to explore the mansion's garden.

The garden unfolded with an abundance of exquisite flowers. Even as dusk settled in, it failed to obscure their beauty. During this leisurely stroll, Shroud encountered a face tinged with familiarity.

For reasons unbeknownst to Shroud, an inexplicable surge quickened his heartbeat, and an unexplained tension gripped his body as he observed the somewhat familiar figure.

However, Shroud swiftly regained control over the turbulent rhythm of his heartbeat before the beating became more profound. Intentionally easing the tightly wound tension within his body, he shifted his attention towards the girl, whose serene presence graced the moonlit flower garden with effortless elegance.

This girl, seemingly a contemporary of Shroud, possessed cascading ebony tresses that added to the enchantment of the nocturnal scene. An air of innocence surrounded her, harmonizing with the moon's gentle glow. Her eyes, reminiscent of mysterious pools, mirrored the subtle radiance of the blossoms, weaving an otherworldly ambience around her.

Cloaked in a midnight blue gown adorned with delicate floral patterns, she radiated an enchanting aura that was gracefully interwoven with the shadows, forming a captivating contrast in the dim light.

Upon noticing Shroud's presence, the girl turned her gaze toward him. However, as her eyes met Shroud's, her expression morphed into one of disdain, as if beholding something distasteful. Moreover, her eyes emitted an overwhelming sense of hostility.

'Looks like she harbours a strong dislike for me.' Shroud thought as started to remember who this young woman was.

'I recall this girl's name was Seraphina, the cousin and first love of the previous owner,' Shroud contemplated, feeling a headache encroaching.

"Why are you here?" Seraphina snarled without holding back her hostility. Shroud, feeling the weight of his heart, opened his mouth to respond, inwardly complaining, 'The previous owner seemed to be quite obsessed over this girl.'

Regaining his control, Shroud answered, "The director invited me for today's supper."

Seraphina raised a brow, questioning, "Director?" Shroud felt his mouth muscles twitching again, but this time it was not due to the previous owner's influence but because he struggled to utter the word - Uncle.

"I meant Uncle," Shroud elaborated after a long pause. Seraphina, frustrated, stomped her foot on the ground, throwing a tantrum. "Stupid father, why did you invite this creep of a skeleton?" She didn't hold back her discontent, even with the said skeleton right next to her.

She glared at Shroud, demanding his departure from the garden. As he began to retreat, Seraphina sneered, thinking, "Humph, he's as subservient as a dog."

However, her amusement turned to astonishment when she witnessed Shroud nonchalantly seating himself on a bench, lighting a cigar, and leisurely taking a puff.


White tendrils of smoke gracefully escaped Shroud's lips as he fixed his gaze on Seraphina. Caught off guard by this unexpected demeanour, she furrowed her brow and commanded, "Leave."

In response, Shroud coolly declared, "No," taking another puff. An irk mark etched itself onto Seraphina's expression as she observed Shroud's unyielding disobedience. Clenching her teeth, she issued a threat, "Leave, or else I'll tell Father that you assaulted me."

Maintaining his composed stance, Shroud countered, "Well, such an accusation must first withstand scrutiny from that inconspicuous orb, don't you think?" He pointed towards a surveillance camera.

He took another puff, adding, "*Phew* - Besides, I'm merely here for the supper, not to meet you, Seraphina."

Seraphina's gaze transformed into a venomous glare as she exclaimed, "Who are you calling Seraphina? Who do you think you are?"

"Huh, then how should I address you? An irate teenager?" Shroud mocked, taking another puff.

Seraphina's glare intensified, her frustration mounting. Suddenly, her expression shifted into a sly smile as she recollected something. "Humph, maintain that attitude, and you'll see. I've invited Marcus; he'll put you in your place."

"Is he formidable enough to defeat Abyssmoioc Nightfiend Lorde?" Shroud inquired.

"What nonsense are you spouting?" Seraphina retorted with narrowed eyes.

"Exactly," Shroud replied, taking a final puff before meticulously disposing of the remaining cigar, ensuring it left no trace to mar the serenity of the garden.

He swiftly departed the garden, the lingering echoes of Seraphina's disgruntled mutterings gradually fading into inaudibility with each increasing step.


As the anticipated hour for supper drew near...

Within the opulent dining hall, the table exuded an air of tranquil refinement, playing host to a diverse assembly of individuals. Orpheus and Eurydice, the distinguished hosts, occupied prominent positions, overseeing the imminent gathering.

Seraphina, still nursing a lingering vexation, gracefully settled into her seat beside Shroud, whose demeanour emitted an aura of enigmatic composure. Joining them was a new presence, presumably Seraphina's romantic partner—Marcus.

Marcus, a young man in the prime of his late teen, boasted a tall and well-built stature. His dark hair was impeccably styled, framing a strong jawline and accentuating piercing hazel eyes that observed everything with a quiet intensity.

Adorned in a tailored suit that seamlessly complemented his imposing figure, Marcus exuded a subtle charm, leaving an indelible impression of refined taste. A silver wristwatch graced his wrist, catching the light as he extended a polite nod to those already seated.

Despite the formality of his attire, Marcus carried himself with an effortless grace, revealing a delicate balance between sophistication and approachability.

With some time to spare before the commencement of the actual supper, Seraphina took the initiative and began to introduce Marcus to her parents.

"Father, Mother, this is the young man I've been mentioning, my boyfriend Marcus," Seraphina announced, a subtle blush gracing her face.

Eurydice wore a small smile, while Orpheus's gaze held an air of scrutiny. He nodded as if granting Marcus permission to speak, and with the green light from Orpheus, Marcus began.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Orpheus, Mrs. Eurydice. I'm Marcus, a young and aspiring entrepreneur," Marcus flawlessly delivered his introduction.

"An entrepreneur, huh?" Eurydice gasped, her surprise evident. "You don't appear much older than my daughter or my nephew, and yet, you're already an entrepreneur at this age?"

Sensing an opportune moment to rib Shroud, Seraphina remarked, "Yes, Mother, he's an entrepreneur, unlike someone." She took a sip of wine, and a sneer formed on her face.

Eurydice rebuked Seraphina, saying, "Seraphina, you shouldn't say such things!" However, Seraphina countered, "But, Mom, I merely stated the truth."

As the banter between mother and daughter unfolded, Marcus attempted to diffuse the tension, saying, "Alright, ladies, no need to fight," accompanied by a charismatic smile.

Meanwhile, Orpheus paid little attention to the exchange between mother and daughter. Instead, his gaze rested on Shroud, who appeared unperturbed. Orpheus muttered to himself, "He does seem like a different person."

If it were like in the past, Orpheus wouldn't have been taken aback if Shroud had pulled away from Seraphina's comments. He knew well that Shroud had once held affection for his daughter.

However, as a protective father, Orpheus was not inclined to entrust his daughter to just any young man, even if the individual happened to be the offspring of his benefactor. In response to this, he had to deceive the young Shroud with a lie.

'Hmm, back then, I was worried about this young man developing feelings for my daughter, so I concocted the story that we were relatives,' Orpheus mused, making a contemplative gesture.

However, as Shroud glanced at him with his penetrating grey eyes, Orpheus couldn't shake the suspicion that Shroud had known about the deception from the beginning.

"Is there something amusing in my face, Director?" Shroud inquired. Orpheus shook his head, gazing in another direction, slowly recollecting memories from his past.

He recalled the deliberate isolation he imposed on the young man. Orpheus had orchestrated a scenario where Shroud remained disconnected from the real world for an extended period, inadvertently leading to Shroud developing poor communication skills.

This deficiency in social skills had condemned Shroud to a solitary existence during his formative years. Deprived of friends, he struggled to navigate the complexities of human interaction.

Whenever Shroud tried to engage with others, his social awkwardness was often misinterpreted as creepiness, earning him the label in the eyes of many, including Seraphina. Coupled with his reserved nature, this made him a prime target for bullying during his formative years.

And Orpheus, even after witnessing all the harassment Shroud faced, refrained from taking any action. His plan was clear in his mind – to furnish the young man with only the necessities. Beyond that, there were no further intentions, no deeper involvement.

But things had changed. Orpheus no longer harboured animosity towards Shroud's presence. The exact moment of Orpheus's change of heart remained unknown, whether prompted by a surge of compassion for the young man, a decision to extend assistance, or perhaps a growing sense of guilt for having disrupted the child's formative years.

"I am truly a horrible human being," Orpheus whispered to himself, a weight of regret settling on his shoulders. The scuffle between mother and daughter concluded as the arrival of food signalled the commencement of the feast.

"Let's start with a prayer," Orpheus suggested, prompting everyone at the table to bow their heads in unison, seeking a moment of reverence before indulging in the meal.

Following the dinner, the group engaged in casual conversation when Marcus unexpectedly brought out two bags, extending them towards Orpheus and Eurydice as a gesture of appreciation.

"So considerate," Seraphina remarked with a smile, casting a smug glance at Shroud. Meanwhile, Shroud, unfazed, savoured the wine before him, silently musing, 'Hmm, this wine is exquisite. I believe the director paid a hefty sum for today's meal.'

Observing Shroud lost in his own thoughts, Seraphina tsked in mild disapproval before redirecting her attention to the bags, intrigued by the gifts Marcus had brought for her parents.

"Oh my, thank you," Eurydice graciously accepted Marcus's gift, while Orpheus, though not easily impressed, chose to acknowledge the gesture. The couple exchanged glances before simultaneously unwrapping their presents. Inside, meticulously wrapped boxes adorned with fine ribbons awaited them.

Orpheus carefully unveiled his gift to find a finely crafted pen—a Graf von Faber-Castell, symbolizing sophistication and timeless elegance. "This is truly exquisite, Marcus. Thank you," he expressed, a genuine sense of appreciation in his words.

Eurydice was next as she unwrapped a delicate porcelain tea set, a piece specifically from Teffania, from her bag. Her eyes lit up with delight as she exclaimed, "Oh, Marcus, this is truly thoughtful! We appreciate it," expressing her gratitude warmly.

Seraphina, impressed by Marcus's thoughtful choice of presents for her parents, smiled. She cast a challenging look at Shroud, as if silently daring him to match such refined gifts.

Marcus then turned his attention to Seraphina, presenting her with an exquisite gift—an intricately designed watch that shimmered in the soft glow of the room. Seraphina's eyes widened in admiration, and a radiant smile graced her face as she graciously accepted the elegant timepiece.

"Thank you, Marcus. I will cherish it," Seraphina expressed with a slight blush. Marcus returned the smile before shifting his gaze to the final person in the room.

Looking at Shroud, Marcus adopted an apologetic tone as he remarked, "I apologize; I wasn't aware there would be additional guests today." While Marcus's words carried sincerity, there was also a nuanced undertone of subtle mockery towards Shroud which didn't go unnoticed by the man in question.

Maintaining his usual composure, Shroud responded, "No worries. I, too, didn't bring an additional gift either."


A hush fell over the room, not merely because Shroud had brought gifts, but rather because the anticipation of Shroud presenting a gift was met with a palpable sense of awkwardness.

Given Marcus's display of refined gifts, the contrast with Shroud's background made it inevitable that any gift he offered would likely be met with embarrassment.

Eurydice, well aware of Shroud's background, tried to spare him potential embarrassment. Initially considering advising him that a gift wasn't necessary, she swiftly realized it might not shield him from the impending awkwardness. Opting for discretion, she chose to accept the present alongside Orpheus.

After the two received Shroud's gift, they were about to stow it away when Seraphina interjected, "Hmm? I'm curious about what you brought. Care to share?"

"Just a scarf and a pendant," Shroud replied.

"Hmm, Father, Mother, can I see it?" Seraphina asked. Eurydice frowned at her daughter's demeanour, well aware of her inclination to tease Shroud.

Orpheus, on the other hand, cast his eyes upon Shroud, who met his gaze and nodded. With the tacit approval from Shroud, Orpheus initiated the unveiling of his gift. The sound drew everyone's attention as they eagerly observed Shroud's so-called gift.

Orpheus unveiled a silk scarf, intricately embroidered with a fanciful array of birds, fish, sponges, coral, and seaweed, creating a vivid dreamscape of the Pacific Ocean. However, it appeared somewhat worn, or more precisely, quite old. Seraphina asked sceptically, "So, from which store did you acquire this?"

"I obtained it at an auction," Shroud responded. "Oh, really? Then, how much was it?" Seraphina inquired, convinced that Shroud was merely playing a role. Suddenly, Marcus interjected, "My apologies for interrupting, but is this perhaps the Océanie, La Mer?" His tone conveyed disbelief and astonishment.

"I believe so," Shroud responded nonchalantly, causing Marcus to freeze. He looked at Shroud and asked, "Excuse me, but may I know who you are?"

"I am Shroud," Shroud replied, leaving Marcus clutching his head, sensing a headache coming on. Seraphina concerned, asked, "What's wrong, Marcus? Do you recognize this scarf?"

Marcus laughed self-mockingly, "Haha, do I recognize that scarf? You must not be into the fashion trend if you're not familiar with the scarf named Océanie. It's one of the most magnificent pieces of clothing, valued at about $4.8 million," he said, his voice still trembling with sheer astonishment.

"WHAT?!" The room echoed with exclamations, everyone except Shroud and Marcus expressing sheer astonishment. Seraphina, filled with disbelief, interrogated, "Are you certain this is the genuine one?" suspecting it might be a counterfeit.

"Look at that mark; it bears Matisse's Océanie, La Mer print. It's the genuine deal," Marcus asserted confidently. He then turned his attention to Shroud and inquired, "If it's not impolite to ask, may I know the name of the pendant?"

Shroud, adopting a contemplative pose, recalled the name, 'The 'Red Scarlet' as he revealed, "I believe it was called the Red Scarlet." Marcus's face paled upon hearing this; he whispered quietly, "That's worth $5.1 million."

Eurydice caught wind of Marcus's hushed words and found herself momentarily stunned, realizing the significant value of the gift she held. "This is rather extravagant," Orpheus remarked, and Eurydice concurred, "He's right, Shroud. This is quite lavish for a simple gift."

Shroud, however, responded nonchalantly, "I don't have the space to keep them with me," taking another sip of wine before an abrupt *buzz* from his phone interrupted him.

Confused, he retrieved his phone and, after reading its contents, informed the gathering in his customary monotone, "I'm afraid I must take my leave. I'll be going, but before that," he turned his attention to Seraphina, who tensed up.

"I forgot to bring you a present while I was hurrying here. I apologize for that," he said, his voice retaining its unemotional tone. "To make up for it, take this card."

"La HOMU Viola" was elegantly inscribed on it. "You can commission craftsmen to create any piece of jewellery you desire with this card," he explained before quietly exiting the dining hall.

The room lingered in stunned silence as Shroud left. Seraphina, holding the card, excused herself, saying, "Excuse me for a moment." She stormed out of the dining hall before calling out Shroud, "Shroud!"

Shroud turned to face Seraphina, who appeared visibly upset. She handed the card back to him, saying, "I don't need this. Although I'm not certain about how you acquired the funds, I am convinced that you planned this to make Marcus look bad." Her focus remained on her boyfriend.

"Remember this, Shroud. My heart belongs to Marcus and him alone, so never attempt to tarnish his image, or else I—" Seraphina paused, gathering her courage, "I will despise you for the rest of my life. Go, and never return!" She spoke with venom as she stomped back to the dining area.

As she made her way back, she glanced at Shroud, who seemed to have turned away. She noticed him wiping his face, prompting her to think, "This guy really did have feelings for me." A feeling of repulsion washed over her.

Regardless of the wealth that Shroud had displayed, he continued to be perceived as a creep in her eyes. After all, the initial encounter had left an indelible mark, and it seemed destined to be the enduring image she held of Shroud - A creep.

Returning to Shroud, a solitary tear traversed the contours of his cheek, but it wasn't him or more specifically Autumn, who shed this tear.

It was the lingering essence of Shroud's fading consciousness, now reduced to a mere whisper. The tear's journey served as a poignant representation of the vanishing remnants of his identity.

Gradually, this faint trace of consciousness dissipated entirely, like the final wisp of mist yielding to the morning sun. In its absence, the body now unequivocally belonged to Autumn, now the person named Shroud had truly left this world.

[Hahahaha, This is great!] Whisper laughed hysterically, revelling in the departure of the faint consciousness of the previous owner.

Shroud or Autumn to be exact, on the other hand, retained an impassive exterior, yet his lips subtly curled upward. "Hmm, I feel quite liberated now, as if I now have complete control over this body," he thought, savouring the newfound autonomy as he clenched his fist.


Another buzz interrupted his inner monologue, and he glanced at his phone screen, furrowing his brow. Retrieving his phone, he saw a message and read the sender's name with a different tone than usual. "Su, huh?"

To be continued...


A/N: Hope you enjoy the chapter and feel free to comment. Your thoughts and criticism are valuable in helping me improve and stay motivated to write more.

Finally done with this chapter, I must say it has to be the longest chapter I have ever written, so I don't know if it's good or not.

Also, now that the previous owner has been completely removed from the story, I guess it's about time that I move to the main course of this FF. Stay tuned, a storm is approaching.