

Disclaimer: I don't own Honkai Impact 3rd or any of its content. It belongs to Mihoyo/ Hoyoverse. This fanfic is just written for fun and experiment. There will be some spoilers to the game in this fanfic. . . . . . . . . . In the expansive and treacherous world of Honkai, where fate weaves its intricate web, a new player emerges. Meet Autumn Korosten, a mysterious individual who inexplicably finds himself transmigrated into the body of a dying patient named Shroud. Little does he know that his arrival in this realm has set in motion a series of events that will challenge the very essence of fate itself. Autumn is a man burdened by the relentless pursuit of destiny. Targeted by the enigmatic forces of fate, he loathes the constraints and boundaries fate has imposed upon him, resenting the paths it has forced him to tread. Initially, he believes that he has returned to his world after being trapped in the Abyss for countless millennia, but unsettling signs soon point to the contrary. This world is not the one he knew, but an entirely different reality where the tides of fate flow differently. Determined to reclaim his strength and find a way back to his true world, Autumn, now Shroud sets out on a perilous journey of self-discovery and empowerment. But the land of Honkai is not one to be trifled with. Filled with inscrutable beings known as the Honkai, the world is a dangerous and chaotic place. As he delves deeper into the secrets of this realm, he begins to understand that his return home may not be as straightforward as he once hoped. Guided by unlikely allies and burdened by the weight of his past, Shroud unravels the mysteries of Honkai while striving to transcend the clutches of fate that bind him. Through battles, trials, and unexpected encounters, he learns the value of forging his destiny and the true meaning of true strength. Will Shroud be able to regain the strength required to break free from the shackles of fate and return to his original world, or will he be ensnared yet again by destiny's cruel hand? What will Shroud have to face as he grapples with fate's intricate dance in the mesmerizing world of Honkai?

Sire_K · ゲーム
111 Chs

Power of Friendship

A/N: There have been some changes to the story. I've adjusted the ranks and removed the concept of eldritch gods or eldritch beings because they aren't exactly canon; they only exist in Dreamland events and have never appeared in the lore except for Famine of Apocalypse. Additionally, including them would further complicate the story.


Terms used in this chapter:

Law of simplicity: This principle is commonly used in various fields, including science, philosophy, and detective work, to guide reasoning and problem-solving by favouring more straightforward explanations over complex ones. It is often summarized as "the simplest explanation is usually the correct one."



Shroud's pen moved swiftly across the paper, covering questions from various subjects such as Mathematics, Chemistry, Social Studies, and more. And before long, he finished writing.

'Alright, I am done,' Shroud said inwardly as he completed the paper. The time limit allocated for the examination was a generous three hours, but Shroud had effortlessly completed it in a mere 45 minutes.

Satisfied with his work, Shroud set his pen aside and raised his hands. The examiner overseer, intrigued by the speed of this particular candidate, approached him to ensure there were no difficulties or unanswered questions. To their surprise, Shroud indicated that he had finished the entire examination.

The examiner, though taken aback by Shroud's swiftness in completing the examination, still had doubts about the quality of his answers. Cautiously, they suggested once more that Shroud take some time to review his work to ensure accuracy.

However, Shroud's unwavering confidence in his abilities left no room for hesitation. He firmly declined the offer, asserting that there would be no need for a second look.

With his answer sheet submitted and no requirement to stay for a specific duration, Shroud requested to leave the examination hall. The examiner, though still sceptical about the situation, did not stop him.

*sigh* "Very well then, Mr Shroud. You are free to leave, but don't blame us if you fail," the examiner remarked, still not entirely convinced that Shroud had put any genuine effort into the examination.

Senba Academy had a reputation for being a school where many exceptionally talented individuals often failed due to their lack of effort. The institution's motto, "Perseverance and hard work will lead you to success," served as a constant reminder of the importance of diligence and dedication.

Shroud offered a small, appreciative smile to the examiner but remained resolute in his decision. "There would be no need," he reiterated before gracefully exiting the examination room.

Upon leaving the room, he once again encountered Mizumi, who kindly inquired if he needed assistance in finding accommodation.

She extended the offer of staying in the school's hostel, a gesture that Shroud genuinely appreciated. However, he declined the offer with gratitude, indicating that he had his own arrangements in place.

"I will be fine on my own, Ms. Mizumi, but thank you for the offer," Shroud politely declined.

"Alright then, I hope you have a wonderful stay in Nagazora and at our humble academy," Mizumi replied with a warm smile before she resumed her duties.

With the offer gracefully declined, Shroud began considering his accommodation options. As he navigated the school's corridors, he eventually exited the main building, setting his course for the city.

The prospect of finding an apartment nearby filled his thoughts as he ventured into the bustling streets of Nagazora.

On his way to the city, Shroud decided to indulge in a taxi ride and asked the driver to give him a tour of Nagazora City. While Japan was known for its relatively high cost of living, Shroud found himself in a comfortable financial position, especially after auctioning the Herrscher core.

Though some might view this as a risky venture, Shroud had a strategic perspective. It wasn't merely an expenditure; it was an investment.

If he could find a way to obtain more Herrscher cores in the future, he could potentially unlock their power and influence.

Shroud's long-term plan included harnessing the abilities of these Herrschers to become his subjects, effectively utilizing them as his arms and legs in his endeavours.

As the taxi cruised through the streets of Nagazora City, Shroud contemplated the possibilities that lay ahead, fully aware that he was embarking on a path filled with both risks and rewards.

However, amid his contemplation, Shroud's keen awareness detected the presence of unwanted observers, those who sought to pry into his affairs.

'Do you sense them?' Shroud inquired, his mental voice directed towards the other consciousness residing within his mind—The Whisper.

[Yes, I can sense them. While they attempt to conceal their presence, their efforts are not entirely successful.] The Whisper responded, engaging in a discreet conversation with Shroud regarding the individuals who seemed to be spying on him.

'I must admit, they've established their connections quite swiftly, and the Fire Moth does live up to its reputation as a formidable world government organization,' Shroud commented, acknowledging the strength and reach of the individuals spying on him, who he suspected were associated with the Fire Moth.

[Does their presence bother you?] The Whisper inquired, although it already knew the answer.

'Meh, not really bothered, but I do acknowledge that it would be troublesome in the future if they keep on spying on me,' Shroud replied, expressing his discomfort with being surreptitiously monitored by external entities.

'I have a feeling the Fire Moth suspects my involvement in the Herrscher's demise, even though there's no concrete evidence. They might even think I'm that HOMU warrior,' Shroud contemplated, recognizing that he might be under scrutiny due to his connection to the Herrscher incident.

[Indeed, your survival during the Herrscher incident, combined with the absence of other survivors, does raise suspicion and potentially implicates you as the HOMU warrior. But, Shroud, I have a question,] The Whisper inquired.

'What is it?' Shroud responded, curious about the query.

[Was it really a wise choice to sell that core so openly? I don't have an issue with you selling it, but rather with the method you employed. Could you not have used an alias and conducted the sale discreetly? Why did you choose to sell the core under your own name?] The Whisper questioned, expressing its concerns.

'Ah, about that, I had my reasons,' Shroud began, leaving The Whisper intrigued.

[Reasons, you say? Would you care to share those reasons?] The Whisper probed, eager to understand Shroud's rationale for his actions.

'The first reason is quite straightforward—the money transfer. Since banks require some form of personal identification, I couldn't avoid the detection from the Fire Moth even if I wanted to,' Shroud explained, highlighting the challenge he faced when it came to conducting financial transactions under an alias.

'Secondly, even if I were to accept the money through alternative means, the practicality of physically carrying around $45 billion is rather inconvenient,' Shroud continued, emphasizing the logistical issues involved in handling such a massive sum of money.

'Thirdly, we're dealing with a governmental organization, not just a single government, but the entire world government,' Shroud added, his tone tinged with contemplation.

'If I were to attempt secrecy, it would only make them more suspicious of me. At present, I lack the means to counter their formidable information-gathering capabilities,' Shroud concluded acknowledging the Fire Moth's formidable information-gathering capabilities.

As a vast and influential organization with experienced operatives skilled in tracking and intelligence gathering, it would be a mere matter of seconds for them to ascertain the identity of the Herrscher core seller – which was none other than Shroud himself.

'The fourth reason is to cloud their judgment and perception by taking actions that deviate from the norm and leave them questioning my motives,' Shroud concluded, adding another layer to his strategy.

[Oh, and how does that work?] Whisper inquired, slightly uncertain about Shroud's intentions.

'People's perceptions often become distorted when the supernatural is involved,' Shroud explained, clarifying his approach.

[The disregard for the law of simplicity,] The Whisper remarked, comprehending Shroud's strategy, to which Shroud grinned and nodded.

It was a common practice for individuals to conceal their identity when trading valuable items for money. However, Shroud deliberately chose to deviate from this norm and made his identity known to the Fire Moth. This decision presented two potential outcomes.

Either the Fire Moth would suspect Shroud of being the one who had acquired the item and held him accountable for the Herrscher's demise, or they would engage in an interrogation to learn how he had come into possession of the core and act based on his responses.

Given the sensitivity of matters related to the Honkai, the Fire Moth opted for the latter option. This allowed Shroud to craft a story in which the unusual yellow creature had "given" him the core, citing his status as the sole survivor of the New York apocalypse.

Although the narrative sounded incredibly implausible to human ears, the Fire Moth lacked an alternative explanation. Coupled with Shroud's exceptional acting skills, they chose to accept his story, albeit with some reservations regarding certain parts of it.

As a result of their lingering doubts, the Fire Moth continued to monitor Shroud closely. Spies were dispatched to keep an eye on him, a surveillance effort that persisted to the present moment.

There had been instances when the Fire Moth had contemplated inspecting Shroud's belongings, but apart from the Herrscher core, nothing out of the ordinary was found in his possession. Even when one agent complimented Shroud's bracelet, it was dismissed as a mere decorative piece.

In this manner, the Fire Moth concluded that they required more substantial evidence and further investigation before making a definitive judgment. This led them to abandon the law of simplicity and choose a path of continued observation, rather than hasty accusations.

Afterall, in the eyes of the people in this world, Honkai remained an unexplainable and supernatural phenomenon.

Shroud couldn't be sure whether they would ever find a way to comprehend it fully. But, as of now, due to their limited knowledge of Honkai, people tend to act with caution when encountering such phenomena.

When Whisper questioned why Shroud didn't consider the possibility of the Fire Moth using force, Shroud responded confidently, "Do I really have to explain that?"

Hearing Shroud's question, Whisper also smiled inwardly before saying, [Nevermind].

The reason behind the Fire Moth's reluctance to take heavy-handed actions against Shroud was pretty straightforward: they were scared.

If, by some chance, Shroud turned out to be the HOMU warrior who had defeated a superhuman possessing powers akin to creation, the Fire Moth knew that they would be in grave jeopardy if they provoked him.

Their fear stemmed from the unknown, and Shroud remained a mystery to the Fire Moth. This fear, in turn, dictated their cautious approach.

Humans tended to fear what they couldn't comprehend, and Shroud's capabilities were far from understood. The Fire Moth was well aware that taking aggressive actions could lead to a potentially catastrophic confrontation, and they wished to avoid that at all costs.

"Smart move, but their excessive caution is their own downfall," Shroud commented, recognizing that the Fire Moth's hesitation created an opportunity for him, but it also presented a challenge.

[So with that matter aside? How do you plan on dealing with the spies?] Whisper asked, prompting Shroud to rub his chin thoughtfully. 'Yeah, how can I deal with them?' Shroud pondered.

[Don't try to act, Shroud. I know you already have a plan], Whisper remarked, sensing Shroud's intentions.

Shroud grinned before revealing his plan. 'Looks like the cat's out of the bag. Well, the answer is pretty simple and straightforward: make friends,' Shroud said.

Whisper couldn't help but be a little unsure of how making friends would get rid of the spies. Shroud clarified, 'I never thought of getting rid of the spies, nor do I think that the spies would stop spying on me anytime soon,' Shroud explained.

Whisper was intrigued, prompting Shroud to elucidate further.

'As of now, all I can do is make friends in the academy and engage in normal activities with them, just as one would with their friends. Over time, the spies will lose interest in me and eventually pay less attention to my actions,' Shroud explained.

'After that, it's a matter of persistence as to whether they completely stop or not. It will depend on their patience,' he added. He then instructed the taxi driver to take him to a hotel, as it was getting close to the evening.

To be continued...


A/N: Hope you enjoy the chapter and feel free to comment. Your thoughts and criticism are valuable in helping me improve and stay motivated to write more.