

Disclaimer: I don't own Honkai Impact 3rd or any of its content. It belongs to Mihoyo/ Hoyoverse. This fanfic is just written for fun and experiment. There will be some spoilers to the game in this fanfic. . . . . . . . . . In the expansive and treacherous world of Honkai, where fate weaves its intricate web, a new player emerges. Meet Autumn Korosten, a mysterious individual who inexplicably finds himself transmigrated into the body of a dying patient named Shroud. Little does he know that his arrival in this realm has set in motion a series of events that will challenge the very essence of fate itself. Autumn is a man burdened by the relentless pursuit of destiny. Targeted by the enigmatic forces of fate, he loathes the constraints and boundaries fate has imposed upon him, resenting the paths it has forced him to tread. Initially, he believes that he has returned to his world after being trapped in the Abyss for countless millennia, but unsettling signs soon point to the contrary. This world is not the one he knew, but an entirely different reality where the tides of fate flow differently. Determined to reclaim his strength and find a way back to his true world, Autumn, now Shroud sets out on a perilous journey of self-discovery and empowerment. But the land of Honkai is not one to be trifled with. Filled with inscrutable beings known as the Honkai, the world is a dangerous and chaotic place. As he delves deeper into the secrets of this realm, he begins to understand that his return home may not be as straightforward as he once hoped. Guided by unlikely allies and burdened by the weight of his past, Shroud unravels the mysteries of Honkai while striving to transcend the clutches of fate that bind him. Through battles, trials, and unexpected encounters, he learns the value of forging his destiny and the true meaning of true strength. Will Shroud be able to regain the strength required to break free from the shackles of fate and return to his original world, or will he be ensnared yet again by destiny's cruel hand? What will Shroud have to face as he grapples with fate's intricate dance in the mesmerizing world of Honkai?

Sire_K · ゲーム
111 Chs


"What do you mean by that?" a confused Aden asked Shroud.

Aden's confusion mirrored the sentiment that had permeated throughout the school year. Sensing the unsettling atmosphere, Herald, with an inkling that something was amiss, donned his detective's hat, ready to unravel the tangled web of conflicting narratives.

His voice carried a weight of authority as he confronted Shroud, his tone tinged with intimidation. "I need you to clarify your intentions, Shroud," Herald asserted. "Are you attempting to threaten Aden? If that is the case, you should be aware that there will be severe consequences awaiting you." His words held a stern and authoritative air, but Shroud merely shook his head, disappointed by the misunderstanding.

"You have misunderstood, Mr Herald," Shroud replied, his voice laced with a touch of resignation. "What I meant to convey is that I never found it necessary to employ my full strength when dealing with a disrespectful junior. A touch of discipline was all that was needed." Shroud emphasized that he had never viewed Aden as deserving of the full extent of his power.

The audience raised an eyebrow at this unexpected revelation, as Shroud's words painted a picture of a calculated villain. Yet, Shroud appeared unfazed by the scrutiny, unmoved by the gazes of the students. Sensing an opportunity to assert his authority, Herald interjected with a small smug on his face.

"Aha! So, you admit that you could have been more forceful with Aden, but you deliberately chose not to," Herald exclaimed. "Based on what you've just revealed, to me, it seems that you are in the wrong here. You are, in a way, issuing a veiled threat to Aden," he added, his voice dripping with a hint of triumph.

Shroud turned his gaze towards Herald, a leisurely smile gracing his lips. "Why would I bother exerting my strength on such a weak junior who cannot even maintain his composure?" Shroud retorted. "After all, it was he who became blinded by rage and inflicted harm upon himself."

As Shroud's words hung in the air, the murmurs began to resurface, echoing through the room. Those who knew Aden engaged in heated discussions, questioning the veracity of Shroud's claim. They were aware of Aden's tendency to exhibit arrogance and quick-tempered behaviour, making it plausible for him to succumb to his anger.

Herald, aware that time was of the essence, seized the opportunity to play his cards. Addressing Shroud, he posed a crucial question. "Alright, Shroud, let us suppose that what you say is indeed the truth. But how can you provide evidence to support your version of events? It is possible that you are merely fabricating a story," Herald challenged, his voice laced with scepticism.

As Herald challenged Shroud to provide proof for his claims, Shroud maintained his composure, knowing that this was a critical moment in the narrative battle. He needed to present evidence that would support his version of events and dispel doubts about his statements' truthfulness.

With a confident yet calm demeanour, Shroud replied, "Of course, I can provide evidence to support my claims. First of all, I would like to point out that there were several witnesses present during the incident yesterday. Some of my classmates from 9-A were there, and they can attest to the fact that I did not use excessive force during the altercation with Aden."

Shroud scanned the audience, making sure to make eye contact with a few of his classmates who were present during the fight. He hoped that they would be willing to come forward and corroborate his statements.

Furthermore, Shroud continued, "I also believe that there might be security cameras in the school's vicinity that could have captured the incident. I want to request a thorough investigation into the CCTV footage, which I believe will show that I acted in self-defence and did not use excessive force on Aden."

As he mentioned the possibility of security cameras, Shroud noticed a flicker of uncertainty on Herald's face. It was clear that Herald hadn't considered this angle, and it gave Shroud an advantage.

"Moreover," Shroud added, "Aden's injuries seem to be consistent with someone who lost control of their actions. I have no reason to harm him, and I would never target someone who is unable to defend themselves. It's evident that Aden acted impulsively and injured himself in the process."

Shroud's reasoning started to make sense to some of the students, and murmurs of doubt began to spread among the crowd. Shroud knew that he needed to continue building his case and maintaining a strong argument.

Finally, Shroud turned towards Aden and asked him, "Aden, can you honestly say that you didn't lose control during the fight? You know better than anyone how quick you are to anger, and I believe that this time, your emotions got the better of you."

Aden looked conflicted, and Herald's smug expression faltered slightly. It was clear that Shroud's words had struck a chord with both Aden and the audience.

Herald, trying to regain control of the situation, spoke up, "We will review the CCTV footage and consider the testimonies of witnesses. Until then, this matter will remain unresolved. But let it be known that resorting to violence is unacceptable in this school, and both of you will face consequences for your actions."

With that, the impromptu trial was adjourned, leaving the students with a mix of opinions and emotions. Shroud knew that he had successfully planted seeds of doubt and exposed Aden's impulsive nature, but he also realized that the battle was far from over. The truth would eventually come to light. Then it would be determined, who is wrong and who is right.

As everyone prepared to leave the stage, resigned to the fact that no clear conclusion had been reached regarding the truth of the matter, the dean, who had been observing the unfolding drama, commanded everyone to remain in their places. Herald, perplexed by this sudden turn of events, inquired about the dean's decision.

"Why are you prolonging this case, Dean? It's time for classes to begin. Continuing further would disrupt the students' studies," Herald reasoned, attempting to bring the focus back to the importance of education. But the dean remained resolute.

"In the grand scheme of things, a slight disruption to studies wouldn't matter much," the dean replied dismissively. Frustration crept into Herald's voice as he retorted, "Didn't you just emphasize the significance of education moments ago?"

The dean's response was calm and matter-of-fact. "Oh, I did indeed. But now, knowing the truth seems to carry even greater importance," the dean asserted, refusing to back down.

Herald realized he couldn't sway the dean's decision, growing increasingly anxious. Though he tried to maintain his composure, his words rushed out hurriedly. "Dean, this is unjust. You can't simply—"

Interrupting Herald, the dean's voice remained composed yet firm. "This is my school, and I will do as I please. Security staff, retrieve the recordings and play them," the dean ordered.

Turning his attention back to Herald, he cautioned, "I advise you not to interfere, Herald. Until now, it was you who fought for Aden's innocence. Ending it abruptly wouldn't be fair to Shroud, who has had no one in his corner. Furthermore, why are you so eager to bring this to an end? Is it possible that you and your nephew have conspired against a student?"

Moments later, the big screen on the stage's backdrop illuminated, displaying the CCTV footage as requested. It unfolded exactly as Shroud had described. After Aden fell to the ground, Shroud ceased his attack.

However, Aden, desperate to salvage his position, claimed that Shroud had provoked him first, leading to an impulsive reaction. Herald felt his heart sink, as Aden's unintentional admission revealed his vulnerability to anger.

Silence hung in the air, only to be broken by the dean's calm voice. He suggested they check the sound recording to ascertain the truth of Aden's claim. With bated breath, they rewatched the clip, this time with audio.

They heard Aden's intention to confront Shroud about his relationship with the new transfer student and his subsequent rejection. Muffled laughter escaped from the audience, and Aden couldn't help but feel a wave of embarrassment wash over him.

In the end, however, the situation remained ambiguous. Aden stormed outside with a clenched fist, but without video evidence, the school couldn't determine whether Shroud had caused his injury or if Aden had inflicted harm upon himself. The battle that had begun with Aden holding a significant advantage now shifted in favour of Shroud, shrouding the truth in uncertainty.

As the clip concluded, Herald seized the moment, speaking urgently in an attempt to sway the dean's decision. "Dean, as we have witnessed, there is no concrete evidence to prove whether Aden caused the injury to himself or if Shroud is responsible. It would be in our best interest to bring this case to a close," Herald argued, his words laced with a sense of urgency. However, the dean harboured a different idea.

"Well, if that's the case, why don't we settle this with a bet?" the dean proposed, capturing Herald's attention. Puzzled, Herald inquired, "A bet, Dean? What kind of bet are we talking about?" his voice laced with caution.

"Since exams are approaching soon, how about we settle this with an academic showdown?" the dean suggested. In response, Herald asked, "Isn't that essentially saying that the person with the better academic record emerges victorious?" Herald paused for a moment, realizing that Shroud wasn't proficient in studies.

The dean's eyes gleamed with a hint of mischief as he countered Herald's plea. "Ah, but this is where the excitement lies, Herald. We can't simply leave this unresolved, can we? The bet will not only settle the matter but also test the sincerity of both parties in seeking the truth."

As the dean's words settled in the room, Herald, well aware of Shroud's lacklustre academic history, feigned contemplation, allowing the silence to stretch before conceding with a reluctant nod.

"Very well, Dean. Your proposition appears to be the most reasonable course of action to achieve a resolution without further escalation," Herald conceded, masking his true anticipation beneath a veil of hesitance.

For deep within, he celebrated in the confident belief that his nephew would surpass Shroud's performance, securing their imminent triumph.

The dean's grin widened, pleased to see his plan come together. "Excellent! The bet shall be on," he proclaimed, his voice echoing through the room. "And let it be known that the loser must admit their error, while the winner must refrain from exploiting the loser's predicament."

Aden's face contorted with mixed emotions - frustration, anger, and determination all evident in his furrowed brows. He couldn't believe that it had come to this, but he knew he couldn't back down now.

Shroud, on the other hand, remained stoic, his calm demeanour never wavering. He knew that winning the bet would vindicate him, but he also recognized the importance of finding a resolution that would not further divide the school.

The dean continued, "The bet will commence starting today until the day of the midterms. Both of you have ample time to prepare and prove your worth." He then turned to the audience, addressing everyone gathered in the room. "Let us all observe this with fairness and an open mind. Remember, the truth is what we seek, not animosity."

As the audience murmured in response, the dean concluded the meeting. "Now, let the preparations begin. May the best student prevail."

To be continued...


A/N: Hope you enjoy the chapter and feel free to comment. Your thoughts and criticism are valuable in helping me improve and stay motivated to write more.