
Hi, Stranger

Jenny is Brooklyn High's new and most popular student and she is your 'dumb blonde' archetype, transferred from twelve different types of school. Then, Jimmy, your straight a student went to her life and things became messy.

Aria_1837 · 若者
5 Chs

Chapter 3: James

 I was looking at my handphone waiting for Arthur. Arthur always oversleeps but Mom does not push him to wake up even tho she is the principal of the school because he usually comes on time. I then saw Arthur unlock his locker and I said, "Someone's early."

 He took a bite off a protein bar and said, "If I want to keep my scholarship to Adelphi, I have got to win our last sports meet."

 I asked, "How's Fay?" He swallowed the protein bar and said, "She's healing from Bond University rejecting her, she wants us to try long-distance."

 I was surprised. I knew how much Arthur was against long distance relationships. Because even though Fay lives in New York, he always wanted to meet her more. He said, "She got off the waitlist from Stanford." I nodded and asked, "You're not planning on transferring to Stanford, right?"

 He laughed and said, "Course not, Fay knows how much Adelphi means to me, we have always said if we ever went to different states, we would still try."

 I asked, "How'd she react to you calling the female Stranger pretty?" He shrugged and said, "She was okay with it because I didn't did anything, she just said that I am taken."

 He then handed me a protein bar and said, "Let's go shoot some hoops." As we went we saw a dark blonde wearing a white hoodie and black jeans. He then turned to us and asked, "Well if it isn't my favourite teammates." Arthur scowled and said, "Oh it's you, hi." I just chose to be nicer and say, "Hi August."

 He shrugged and asked, "Do you want to practice?" Arthur narrowed his eyes and said, "Sure." As we played, Arthur said to August, "You're good." He smiled and said, "Thanks."

 After the game, Arthur asked, "Hey, August, where are you going?" I stepped Arthur's foot. The poor guy just broke up with his girlfriend, even though Arthur thinks August is shirking his responsibilities by not taking blame, he should not have said that.

 August said, "I'm going to Columbia." Arthur asked," Really?" He shrugged and said, "I'm not going to let my breakup affect my choice." Arthur looked pissed and said, "You know, I don't see what Harmony sees in you."

 August looked nervous and said, "Look, I know both of you are her best friends but I really never wanted her to see that."

 Arthur said, "You kissed her sister and you're not guilty about it." August looked at him and said, "I feel shitty every single day and you don't have the right to say it."

 He then dashed off. I whistled a low whistle and said, "He didn't know, okay, let him be, he's also pretty upset."

 He just groaned and said, "Whatever." He then left. As I walked into class, Jenny came in. All the boys asked, You ain't showing your butt today?" She ignored it. She then sat at her seat and scowling on her phone. After Mrs Adams came in, she said, "Everyone, phones in bags." 

 After class, I saw her leave. I do not like her but she is pretty. She has fairer hair than August and blue eyes and if she wore simple things and more natural makeup, she makes people look.

 As I went for college counselling, the college counsellor, Miss Duval asked, "So James Martin, have you decided where to go?" I said, "Harvard, Brown, Berkley, Stanford, Kansas State, Pennsylvania State."

 Miss Duval said, "I see you got it all planned out so it's fine, just keep up the good work for you grades and sports and come back during March to tell me where you plan on applying to."

 I then opened the door and saw Jenifer and Miss Duval brighten and said, "Ah, Jenifer Stranger, you booked a session." She nodded and strode in.

 I then left for lunch and saw Arthur. He looked dead. He said, "Jimmy, Fay was screaming on the phone just now because of how I treated August."

 I asked, "How does Fay even know him?" He said, "He's one of her good friends when he was still at New York Preparatory." I sighed and then Harmony came with coffee. I saw August stop and stared at her. Poor guy.

 Harmony said, "I am so tired, gosh, Miss Duval said if I do not get my art together, Rhodes Island of Design won't take me in." Arthur asked, "Weren't you going to Pratt?" Harmony looked at him and asked, "What are you talking about?" 

 He said, "Sharon was telling the whole school about your plan." Harmony laughed and said, "August talked me out of it before I could try applying for it." Arthur looked ashamed and I asked, "When are you going to stop giving the poor guy a hard time?" She shrugged and said, "Whenever I forgive his sister." 

 I nodded and said, "Which is possibly never." Harmony just tilted her head asked, "Do you want to go get some drinks?" Arthur and I exchanged a look and she said, "It's fine, it's like what Friday, we can book a taxi if we get too drunk, Fay's coming.

Arthur said, "Let's go." We went to the club and started off with some beer, then Fay came and Arthur and her disappeared, so it was me and Harmony drinking. Then, I see someone dancing. When we got closer, we see Jenifer there dancing with Sharon. Harmony turned white and went up to Sharon and said, "Get. Her. Out. Of. Here." 

 Sharon saw Harmony and sneered, "God, stop being such a killjoy, let her live, she ain't going to die."

 Harmony said, "Sharon, get her out of here, I know what your posse likes to do with each other drinks." I looked at Jenifer dancing and it was gorgeous. Then, she collapsed. Harmony said, "Oh crap, Jimmy, carry her out, I know her address, let's get her out of here."

 Sharon asked, "Where'd you think you're going?" Harmony snapped back, "Cleaning your mess before the cops come." Sharon released her grasp and Harmony then went to flag down a taxi. She then went and she told the driver, "356, 83rd street, Brooklyn."

 Harmony then took her water bottle and put it to Jenifer's lips. Jenifer started breathing and She is crying and asked, "Aren't you mad at me?" Harmony said, "I can't when you're like this." 

 She kept crying and said, "I didn't want him to kiss you." 

Harmony said, "Calm down." We then got off the taxi and August said, "Gosh, Jenny, go lie down." She nodded and cried, "I feel awful." August said, "You're lucky you were able to escape before the cops arrive."

 Jenifer said, "I didn't even know there were drugs inside." August said, "Just stop hanging out with these girls and go lie down." 

 Jenny nodded and August said, "Thanks." I then said, "Well we got to go." When we got into the car, Harmony said, "Well, I need to go back before I get grounded for literally cleaning my own sister's mess."

 I just looked away and said, "Well yeah."