
Hi, Stranger

Jenny is Brooklyn High's new and most popular student and she is your 'dumb blonde' archetype, transferred from twelve different types of school. Then, Jimmy, your straight a student went to her life and things became messy.

Aria_1837 · 若者
5 Chs

Chapter 2: Jenny

  If there was one thing I can never get used to is August downright hating me. I was in my room studying my calculus when August came back and said, "Jenifer Calypso Stranger, I'm going to kill you." 

  I thought, 'Shit.' I was already regretting letting Sharon persuade me to give her consent to kiss him. He literally barged in and tried to deck me with his messenger bag. I said, "August Alexander Stranger, can you calm the shit down." 

  He looked incensed and grabbed a pencil and said, "I'm going to kill you." My mother came in with a file and asked, "What is with all this screaming?" August collapsed and Mom said, "I was sculpting in my art room when all of a sudden I hear August screaming like all hell broke loose." 

  I looked away and Mom asked, "What happened, you two never fight." August answered, "She convinced me to kiss her friend when she clearly knows I have a girlfriend and Harmony saw it." Mom said, "Oh, Jenny, you're grounded." I said, "Come on, Mom, I'm seventeen, do you know how embarrassing it is to say I am grounded." 

  Mom countered back, "Do you know how embarrassing it is to have a juvenile girl who was on probation?" I stopped and August just left. 

  I said, "Mom, get out." Mom said, "Jenifer. Calypso. Stranger. Watch your tone." She then left. I just went and busied myself with Calculus.

  The next day, I told Sharon about my mother grounding me. She said, "Oh my gosh, your parents are being so dramatic and so was my dad, he kept on saying I shouldn't have kissed your brother, it was a joke, get over it."

  I said, "I know, my brother is being dramatic." Someone said, "I'm sorry, what?" I turned around to see Harmony. I thought, 'Darn it.' She said, "You, Sharon Allison Miller decided to use my boyfriend for your childish prank and Jen, why would you let her?"

  I looked down and Sharon whispered, "Are you friends with her?" I said with a harsh laugh, "Why would I be with this artist freak?" Harmony said, "What, Marilyn Monroe, never want your stupid social standing to go down, heck, your own family turned against you."

  I calmed down and said, "What about you trying to get a rise out of me?" She tilted her head and said, "I don't need to." She then walked off.

  Sharon said, "I'm sorry about her, she was always a bit of a pompous know-it-all and a pick me, just because she was best friends with Arthur, god, I hated her best friend more."

  I said, "Don't we all feel like our siblings are always annoy-." Sharon said, "Can you stop talking? I need to look good,  Arthur may be my annoying sister's best friend but he's popular."

  I said, "Yeah okay, you look good." She smiled and said, "Thanks." She then slammed her locker door and I went for my first class. As I went into Calculus, the teacher said, "Late again, Miss Stranger."

  I just raised my eyebrow and took the only seat. The woman said, "Miss Stranger, homework." I said dumbly, "I didn't do it." The woman said, "Whatever, you get detention." I just scoffed and she said, "Class, pop quiz." As I did the pop quiz, I had a nap.

  She then took my quiz and said, "Wake up." I shot up and the whole class laughed.  I blowed off my hair and said, "Sorry." The woman said, "People like you shouldn't even be in this school." As I blewwent to my other class, someone grabbed my hand and said, "Stranger, I don't know what is wrong with you but you need to focus if you want to get into college."

  I said, "I don't need to go to college, I'll just marry a rich man." He released my hand and said, "Whatever." 

  I just laughed and went to my next class. When I got home, my mother said, "You're being disrespectful your teachers, so stop doing it or you're grounded." 

  I said, "Whatever." Then I went into my room and I went to get food. I then went and ate my food. 

  As the days passed, the Royals said, "Oh gosh, don't you think Miss Brown was too harsh on that geography test, you're lucky that you're in advanced placement, Jen, Miss Williams is so nice." I said,  "My parents forced me into advanced placement." 

  They said, "Gosh the results will come in the bullet board." As they hustled into a group, the girls said, "No way, you're on the top." 

  James was there and absolutely livid. The girls were asking, "Are you a nerd who just thinks you're better than everyone?" I answered, "One-time fluke." They nodded and James looked at me weirdly.

  During Calculus, Miss Adams, the Calculus teacher came to my table and said, "You could've done better." I looked at the paper and thought, 'I already got full marks, what else do you want me to do?'

  I then went and slept through class. On Friday night, my mother and father were going out to England to meet August and my paternal grandparents. I then decided to go to the community centre for my lessons .

 On Saturday, August asked, "Ahem, I specifically remembered that you are grounded until further notice." I said, "Since when did you became such an annoying brat?" He said, "Go back to your room." I said, "If you tell mom or dad, I don't care." I then left.

  After the community lessons, I saw James and I asked him, "What're you doing here?" He said, "To take you home." I looked at him and said, "I really don't have time, I need to go home or my mother will kill me, she's already grounding me for causing Harmony to dump August." I said it with resentment that he let go of his hand.

  I them went to flag a taxi and said, "Goodbye."